The First Mage

Chapter 1706: Let me come

But they don't know how long this kind of hard top can last...

The only thing they can count on now is the alchemy circle that they spent their lives procrastinating and let Lynch complete...

at last……


Just when the consciousness of both of them was a little fuzzy, a voice suddenly came out of the encirclement.

After that, I only heard Lynch’s voice: "Back!"

When the voice fell, a strange and powerful magic wave suddenly took shape!

"Finally done……"

Up to now, the two of Palin and Carl had already fought until they were numb. The moment they heard this sound, they didn't even react.

After a while, I was about to cry.

How the **** has been this long.

Finally done!

No matter how bad they are, they are going to be ruined here...

But the question is, what kind of effect can this alchemy circle play after paying a heavy price.

After restoring the abnormal environment here, can these monsters be really driven out?

Just when the two finally breathed a sigh of relief here, Lynch had already installed numerous alchemy arrays on the cliffs of this gorge. At this time, as Lynch input a magic power, these countless alchemy arrays The pan slammed into motion and started to spin.

It looked like countless extremely precise refining instruments, all moving in concert at the same time, and there was a strange resonance sound in the space.

It's like countless musical instruments, under one conductor, simultaneously playing a strange movement...

And at the moment when these many alchemy arrays were in motion, the originally chaotic elemental fluctuations immediately began to become violent. It looked like a giant hand reaching in and violently agitated. Various elements At this moment, there was a frenzied riot, flowing at an extremely fast speed.

This sudden change in the magical environment is remarkable...

Anyway, Palin felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling of dizziness for the first time. The spells that he had been familiar with for a long time could not be released at this time. Even the simplest lighting technique could not be used. element.

Not to mention those monsters, the sudden riots in the magical environment, to them, are like animals on land, all of a sudden being thrown into the ocean.

The feeling of being at a loss was extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, let alone fighting, releasing spells, this sudden environmental change simply made them unstable...

However, it was not Lynch's goal to just disrupt the elemental magic environment here.

What he really needs to do is to break and then stand, restoring the magical environment of this place to its previous normal state.

Otherwise, don’t look at the elemental chaos that seems to have resolved the crisis, but in fact, this situation is only temporary. Then, only by taking advantage of this breaking opportunity to re-arrange the elements and stabilize the situation here, can it be considered as a real play The effect of the alchemy circle.

at last.

With countless alchemy arrays running in unison, the magical environment here began to slow down from that sudden riot, and magic elements that were invisible to the naked eye quickly returned to their positions.

The environment here is gradually becoming more relaxed...

And with the complete development of the alchemy circle, the return of the elements in this place is getting faster and faster, and because this place is the source of elemental chaos, the improvement of the magic environment here can affect more places.

It is as if Lynch dropped a stone in the center of the lake, ripples towards the periphery, slowly, rippling round after round, making the changes in the magical environment pass to the outside one by one...

For a while, the beasts here seem to have begun to become confused. In their eyes, there is a confused color. The lack of magic knowledge makes them unable to understand these too advanced theories of magic elements. In their understanding, it seems that some ubiquitous power is slowly fading...

The thoughts that had been chaotic and violent before seemed to gradually become clearer...

This feeling...very strange...

And just when they were confused about this, Lynch completely liberated himself. For these monsters who had besieged himself and others before, almost led to the destruction of the group, but no matter what they are in the elemental chaos, What was the impact on his mind, at this time he would not be polite at all.

As soon as Lynch took out the magic wand, he chanted a series of mysterious spells in his mouth quickly, and at the same time, a powerful wave of magic erupted around the magic wand.

Following that, Lynch spit out the last syllable suddenly, and the wand in his hand suddenly pointed forward.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the sky!

A huge flame meteor fell from the sky during the day, dragging a long tail flame, and then smashed into the group of monsters.

Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake on the ground and flames everywhere.


Following Lynch’s sip, these daytime meteors are not over yet, there are one, two, three in the sky...

One by one daytime meteors slammed down, and the entire gorge seemed to be bathed in a sea of ​​flames. Under the shaking of the sky, the gorge seemed to have become fragile, under the tremendous destructive power. Was ravaged and ravaged.

Wait until everything is gone...

There was only a black corpse left on the spot, the rocks cracked, the vegetation turned to ashes, only Lynch was deeply embedded in the mountain wall, and the many mithril array disks were still intact, still exuding lightness. The magical fluctuations play the role of stabilizer.

And the numerous beasts that originally surrounded the crowd and were airtight, at this time, after leaving behind a large number of corpses of their companions, they disappeared...

After the war, it was quiet.

If it weren't for the devastation and devastation here, I am afraid it would be unexpected. The situation just now is critical...

"Come and clean up the magic core."

"When is this."

When Palin heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "If you like the magic core so much, I will go back and give you a box, OK, now I just want to rest."

"Your magic cores are comparable to these magic cores that have been changed by the chaotic environment of the elements?"


"This thing is used for alchemy experiments, but it can be of great use, so you may have made a breakthrough in alchemy."

"Damn, let me come!"

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