The First Mage

Chapter 1704: Way out

After hearing Lynch's answer, Palling took a breath.

Because he thoroughly understood what Lynch was doing...

He was actually using the power of countless alchemy circles to forcibly reconcile the elemental chaos here. The alchemy circles engraved on every mithril circle disk were actually a circle of stable magic elements. .

The role played is to sort these chaotic magic elements one by one and return them to a state of natural harmony.

However, this is easy to say, and when it is really done, the difficulty is terrifying.

Not to mention, just calculating the arrangement of the elements is a massive amount of work.

Not to mention, each of these alchemy circles will eventually be combined into a big alchemy circle. The concepts involved are extremely complicated...

This requires Lynch to have an incomparably clear and proficient concept of the entire concept of magic elements, as well as to always take into account the changes in every space...

This is simply an inhuman existence.

Palin didn't dare to imagine how terrifying Lynch's calculation ability had run in this moment.

The most unbelievable thing is that Lynch’s current formation speed is almost terrifying...

This is no longer what an ordinary great alchemist can do. It is no exaggeration to say that even if a great alchemist is here, I am afraid it will be unsustainable.

Thinking of this, Palin had a bold guess.

Could it be...

Lynch's knowledge in alchemy has surpassed Rudolph quietly?

In fact, Palin didn't know that, in fact, Lynch's work had a plug-in in computing.

Yes, it is to construct life...

Without distractions, it is the structured life of a special alchemy creation in itself to have such a terrifying calculation ability, otherwise Lynch himself would at least extend this time several times.

"Hey, don't be in a daze, go and block those things for me."

But at this moment, Lynch's voice suddenly came, and Palin suddenly woke up from this shock.

After Palin suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from behind, he glanced back abruptly, and his face changed suddenly: "Damn, when did these things come?"

Because at this time, Palin clearly saw that in the valley, there were three or four spiders the size of one head and one person climbing silently from the cliff, but the heads of these spiders were all Has three eyes.

Before coming, everyone had seen it from the data. This is a three-eyed spider. Magic rays can burst out of their eye pupils, enough to easily kill an archmage, and only the magician can be sure to defeat them. .

But after experiencing the previous battle, Palin and Karl didn't dare to care anymore, who knows how much these three-eyed spiders will mutate.

"Carl!" Palin didn't even think about it. He stepped forward instead of Lynch on the way the three-eyed spider had to pass. While quickly casting the gesture, he immediately called Karl.

Carl has also experienced many battles. He immediately knew what he should do now. At the moment when the three-eyed spider appeared, he burst into a strong vindictiveness. He carried a two-handed broadsword and greeted him, blocking these three. The footsteps of the eye spider gave Palin time to cast spells.

Carl had no chance to shoot before, but now he suddenly raged, but he showed his combat power that matches his status. When he rushed out, the huge sword in his hand suddenly swallowed a tyrannical anger, and he just saw it directly. A dazzling light flashed in the air, and abruptly cut off the three-eyed spider in the front, causing it to deviate from the landing direction, and hit the mountain wall with a bang.

At the same time, Palin's fire explosion technique followed in time, and only a bang was heard. A flame smashed down like a meteor, directly exploding where the three-eyed spider was. Then, the mountain shook, countless rocks fell down, and the three-eyed spider cleanly and temporarily buried it.

At the same time, petrification, acceleration, eclosion, holy light shelter, a series of buff spells smashed on Carl without money. For a while, Carl was like a **** of war, facing the other two-headed three-eyed spiders. Dodged from left to right, appeared one after another, cooperated with Palin's spells, and entangled the two three-eyed spiders tightly without falling into the wind.

At this time, Lynch found that the battle was still in a balance of power, so he relaxed, and then concentrated on, ignoring the sound of fighting from the outside world, and focused on depicting the formations in front of him.


At this time, Palin also breathed a sigh of relief. If we continue at this pace, it seems that nothing big will happen...

But soon Palin wanted to slap his mouth.

Let you poison yourself indiscriminately!

Because just as the two of them entangled the two three-eyed spiders, there was another heavy footstep in the canyon. At first glance, they only saw magic rays, bursting fiercely. Come.

When he was caught off guard, he suddenly broke the balance of the battle. Karl, who was at the top, was hit by a magical ray on his shoulder, and he flew out.

Fortunately, because of the blessings of various buffs, there was only a shallow or deep wound on the shoulder, which was not fatal at all.

But this is the case, he also has a sharp drop in combat power.

To make matters worse, at this time in the entrance of the canyon, more three-eyed spiders have crawled out...

At first glance, there are at least four or five shadows, and behind them, it seems that there are more three-eyed spiders coming...

"Damn, I made a mess!"

Palin's blood was cold for a while, and the two of them had already done their best to deal with these few ends. Now there are more?

Thinking of the combat power they had just shown, Palin felt cold in his back. If they embraced them, both of them might not be able to hold on for a moment.

"Continue to stand up"

Palin looked at Lynch habitually. According to his previous experience, Lynch should be able to deal with these monsters now.

However, when Lynch looked back and saw this scene, he just frowned: "Hold on for a while, I can't take it now."


"This is the only way to survive. If you can't solve the problem of elemental fluctuations here, even if you solve these monsters, there will definitely be more in the valley."

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