The First Mage

Chapter 1702: beat

All the spells used by Lynch were not wasted at all. They all smashed on the giant scorpion. The giant scorpion, which was still extremely tyrannical before, couldn’t resist it at all...

At the beginning, there were only cracks in the outer shell of the body, and then the cracks expanded rapidly in the back, and ice cones penetrated deeply, and then there were various spells such as Pyroblast, Sword of Light...

And it's not over yet...

With the support of the magic furnace, Lynch is still using spells...

After the blessing of the magic furnace, every spell has been reused many times. For a while, countless spells flew in this airtight poisonous mist.

This scene is extremely gorgeous...

Anyway, Palin, who was far away, could not see clearly what was going on, but just felt the violent fluctuations of magical power, and he could feel one or two, only feeling the panic.

I was rejoicing for a while, but fortunately I left in time, otherwise, now, just the aftermath, I could kill myself.

Suddenly, he even felt that this was no longer the magic strength that a magician should have, but to the level of a great magician...

This scene is really terrifying...

Anyway, in the end, when countless spells exploded densely in the poisonous fog, the howling of the poisonous scorpion gradually changed...

The violent roar from the beginning became miserable.

As if begging for mercy.

at last……

Under the bombardment of not knowing how many spells, the roar of the giant scorpion finally brought a sense of despair.

I don't know how long it took...

The poisonous mist slowly dissipated...

What appeared before Palin's eyes was a corpse that had become riddled with holes and could hardly recognize its original shape, and Lynch, standing next to the corpse, seemed to be looking at something in time.

Lynch was actually unscathed, that is, his clothes were a little messy.

"Why are you in a daze there? Come here soon?"

It wasn't until this time that Lynch seemed to notice Palin and beckoned there: "Now that the poisonous mist has cleared, don't worry, come and help me uncover the body of this thing."

"Good... good."

Palin swallowed fiercely, pressing down the shock in his heart, and stepped forward, but it was shocking again.

It is hard to imagine what the giant scorpion experienced before death. The original huge body has been bombed to less than half of it, and on this broken body, there are densely packed wounds.

Almost can find most of the figures of spells below Tier 4 from above.

If it hadn't been for seeing this battle happen with his own eyes, Palin would not be able to connect the broken corpse in front of him with the invincible giant scorpion before.

Following him, he took a deep breath, helped Lynch, and opened the corpse of the giant scorpion. Soon, the two of them found the magic core...

Only at this time, Palin was even more unbelievable.

"This is its magic core, is it fake? How could it be..."

It's not that Palin was shocked, but the magic core in front of him was really outrageous.

In the magic core the size of an adult's fist, the magic power has been lost. This is normal, but what is abnormal is that the level of the magic core is too low...

Actually only the level of Tier 4 monsters.

It can only be regarded as the medium strength of Tier 4 monsters.

This can't be explained by the ravages it encountered during its lifetime. You must know that no matter how much magic core vents its magic power, its body is formed through years of magic accumulation and polishing.

It's like gold no matter how ravaged it looks, but gold is gold, it can't be silver...

How is this going?

Is the powerful explosion of that monster just now fake?

At this time, Lynch also frowned: "There are real ghosts in this place, it's ridiculous..."

Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, after experiencing a full-scale outbreak, he was only able to get this harvest, which is really hard to satisfy.

This wave is simply a blood loss.

Next, I can only hope that this magic core can show some different characteristics in use...

Lynch shook his head and didn't think about it anymore, but according to the customary solution in the alchemy laboratory, first extract a little magic power from this magic core to verify the performance of this magic power.

Generally speaking, high-level magic cores can always show something special. For example, the magic cores in the shadow wolf king can show excellent performance when creating space magic weapons. The poisonous fog of this giant scorpion It is not generally strong, and this should also be manifested in the magic core.


Next, Lynch said softly, and he really found something.

This magic core does have certain toxin properties. In other words, it can be very useful when manufacturing some top toxin potions. But more special is that this toxin seems to have a certain degree of power. Suppress and swallow ability.

To put it simply, when facing other monsters that are strong in poison, having this magic core is equivalent to being invincible.

And by absorbing other toxins, this magic core seems to be able to synthesize alternative toxins by itself...

It's not easy...

For a moment, Lynch thought of the poisonous mist released by the giant scorpion just now. Even with his knowledge, he couldn't recognize what kind of blood-colored poisonous mist was.

Now it seems that maybe it was the poisonous scorpion that mutated and formed by absorbing toxins from other monsters?

This is very interesting...

You know, Lynch has just personally understood the power of the blood-colored poisonous fog, even if it is Lynch, he would never be willing to come into contact with a little blood-colored poisonous fog. From the beginning to the end, he used all his strength to activate the magic furnace and protect himself. Strictly.

Because Lynch can vaguely know that this poisonous fog is probably the most powerful one he has encountered so far, even if the Great Sorcerer is here, I am afraid that he will be hit.

Among the wizards, that is, Lynch, can rely on almost a steady stream of spellcasting ability to perfectly restrain him.

Rao was so, and almost consumed the magic power in the body a few times back and forth.

If he could hold that terrifying poisonous mist in his hand, it would be equivalent to that Lynch could master a powerful range spell.

This is so versatile...

Not to mention anything else, as long as you go back and use this poisonous mist to deal with the monster frenzy that is swarming and forming an encirclement, it will have a miraculous effect.

"This wave is not a loss."

Only then did Lin Qi put it away with satisfaction, and obtained this magic core with great potential, which was considered a profit.

"With this magic core in hand, when you enter the tomb of the Elf King, it will definitely help you get a lot of good things..."

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