The First Mage

Chapter 1700: Mutations

However, under the guidance of Constructed Life, a group of people can finally bypass most of the beasts, and occasionally a few sporadic beasts can also get early warnings in time to avoid them, but Lynch still feels a thrill, Palin and two People may not know that, on several occasions, he almost ran into Warcraft.

It's not that the construction of life is not strong, it is that there are too many monsters, and the more you go in, the more monsters you will encounter.

Afterwards, the three of them were already dancing on the tip of a knife...

A little carelessness, that is the end of a group annihilation.

Fortunately, there are constructed lives that are corrected in time. Otherwise, even if a great wizard is here, I am afraid that such a subtle situation will not be noticed...

After traveling for almost half an hour, Palin and the other two did not know that the three of them had gone through so many difficulties and obstacles, but Palin said with some worry: "It's been so long and I don't know How are they, father."

"No news is the best news."

Lin Qi shook his head. Everyone understands this sentence. If those monsters break the line of defense, the wizards will definitely burst out a strong magic wave, and several defense equipment will also explode. The huge movement, even if it was far away, the three would have noticed it.

But now, since the three of them didn't feel any changes there, it means that they can still hold on.

At least it has not fallen to the worst...

"Don't worry, my brothers have gone through life and death several times, and they are still safe to this day. They should be able to hold on during this period, but if we don't make any progress..."

Having said that, he glanced at Lynch hesitantly.

He didn't say anything, but everyone knew what he meant. If there is nothing to gain with Lynch on this trip, those who are waiting for them in the back will probably be more fortunate...

But at this moment, Palin suddenly exclaimed: "Damn, what."

At this time, only a few wind blades were seen, suddenly coming towards Palin's neck and other vital points.

Fortunately, Palin has gone through so many things, and he has been tempered. At the moment when he noticed something was wrong, he exclaimed, and the whole person flew upside down, and then the few wind blades sneered, sneered, and swung. Arrived on an old tree behind Palin.

After that, only a deep scar appeared directly on the old tree the size of which the three of them hugged. There was only a little skin connection, which was crumbling and fell down with a bang.

"Be careful!"

Lynch grabbed Palin, and then swept around. At this time, he only heard a few fierce breaks in the air, and then only saw a scoff. A wind wolf pounced at Palin.

This time Palin was unable to avoid it. This was just picked up by Lynch. Before he could adjust his figure, he tried his best to avoid, but he still left deep scars on his arms and dripping blood. Palin panicked as he fell on the ground, and his face suddenly became pale.


At this time, Karl also hurriedly reminded him, and at the same time, the giant sword in his hand had already slashed down towards the wind wolf.

However, this wind wolf has a body the size of a small calf, and its fur is as hard as gold and iron. It is no better than those ordinary wind wolves. At that time, I only heard a thump. When this giant sword fell, it actually made a powerful sound with its fur. There was the sound of a collision, this time as if it had been cut on a stone, and sparks flew in all directions.

Moreover, the wind wolf actually resisted this slash, the giant claw stretched out and hooked Palin's collar, followed by a bang, like the wind, dragging Palin towards the distance Escape.

However, at this time, Lynch also reacted immediately. Acceleration, Lightning, Eclosion, and a series of buffs were attached to his body. Lynch’s whole body was almost flying up, just a light touch on the ground, it was easy. Sweeping to the distance, he chased towards the Wind Wolf King, and he could still be heard along the way. Palin screamed in front of him.

"This Wind Wolf, something is wrong..."

When Lynch was catching up, his brows were frowning from beginning to end. You must know that Wind Wolf is generally a low-level monster that can be easily solved. Even some stronger Wind Wolf Kings are also in Karl's sword. Below, at least it must be a broken tendon.

But now it was easily resisted, and it was able to escape at such a fast speed that Palin had no power to fight back...

This is still the wind wolf?

This it mutated?

As he chased all the way, Lynch became more cautious as he marched, because in addition to avoiding the discovery of monsters along the way, he also had to observe the surrounding environment and be vigilant. Lynch could clearly feel that with As I chased farther and farther, the surrounding environment was also changing...

Specifically, the fluctuation of the surrounding elements has become an exaggerated chaos. It is simply to use its magic, and it needs to be difficult. After all, any magic is constructed from magic elements to build a magic model, and those elements are harmonious. In this place, the model construction will naturally be smoother, but in this place where the elements are chaotic and disorderly, the difficulty is comparable to embroidering on a bumpy boat...

Lynch also became more and more suspicious that what kind of natural disaster happened in this place could destroy the magical environment of this place to such a degree.


Suddenly, the rushing beast in front suddenly stopped. Lynch also immediately added a few more state spells to himself, waiting for it. Now, Lynch already knows that this place is absolutely unusual. You can no longer look at it with the previous eyes, I am afraid that if you are not careful, you will overturn the car.

At this time, the Wind Wolf seemed to be annoyed because he couldn't get rid of Lynch for a long time. His eyes were blood-red, and his throat made a low roar, staring at Lynch. As for Palin, it was because of it. Ge was directly thrown aside and dragged all the way to here. Palin's physique had long been unable to support it, and he fainted to the ground.

It's just that Lynch is not so easy to deal with Palin...

At the moment when he completed several buffing spells, Lynch did not hesitate at all. The magic furnace was directly driven to the extreme, and each spell was released like a machine gun, but at this time, the wind wolf seemed to feel the danger coming, directly It jumped up, and there was an endless wind blade hovering around it, and for a while, the killing power reached a terrifying level.

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