The First Mage

Chapter 1697: Wind Wolf

"Yes, but now these people are still alive, they are already very good, and many people have been buried here... Be careful!"

As Palin was introducing these, his complexion suddenly changed, because at this moment, I only saw, not far away, a dark shadow suddenly flew by, bursting out in the air. There was a harsh scream...

And just before Palin reminded him, Lynch had already reacted. At this time, beside Lynch and Palin, countless magical runes suddenly appeared. They danced like crazy, and suddenly attacked the outside world. There was a harsh collision of forces.

Before Palin came back to his senses, Lynch was already raising his hand and a wind blade struck out. He only heard a sneer, as if it had cut something, and then only saw a black shadow. Fell to the ground.

"Wind wolf?"

Lynch can also clearly see at this time that the dark shadow is a big cyan wolf, with a shocking hole cut in the middle of the forehead by a wind blade, and brain flowers are flowing out of it. This is exactly the setting sun. The wind wolf family is quite common on the plains.

"This wind wolf is crazy, isn't it? Madness... dare to provoke it without seeing who it is."

At this time, Palin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was a wind wolf that had attacked him, but he scolded with a frown.

You must know that Wind Wolf is only a Tier 3 monster, even if it is the stronger one, it is only more than Tier 4. This kind of monster dared to attack the two people in the caravan, and it simply lost the face of the wind wolf family.

No hunting consciousness at all...

However, Lynch shook his head: "This wind wolf is a bit strange."

"Strange? What do you mean?"

Afterwards, Palin was a little curious to see that Lynch had actually squatted down and used a sharp alchemy knife to skillfully sever the wind wolf. Then, only the head of the wind wolf was seen. Among them, a fist-sized magic core was revealed.

The magic core is shining with a faint cyan light, and bursts of magic power rippling in it...

At this time, Palin was also taken aback: "Such a big magic core? You mean this?"

Palin now understood what Lynch meant. This wind wolf is indeed a bit strange. According to its displayed combat power and level, the magic core should only be half of what it is now, the concentration of magic power. It will be much worse.

But now, this magic core is revealed...

How does it grow?

This is impossible...

"Let's go, go in and have a look."

Lynch also shook his head, and after a few thoughts, he put away the magic core, and then he was about to call Palin to leave, but at this time, the team in front suddenly became noisy...

At this moment, there was an anxious shout from the carriage on Balperin's side: "It's a wind wolf riot. Everyone follows the order and enter the camp immediately!"

When the voice fell, the ground really vibrated in bursts, and on the plain not far away, the tall grass was disturbed, and the wind wolf with blue fur and blood-red eyes disappeared in it. Galloping, was approaching everyone in Lynch.

"Damn, luck won't be so bad, let's go quickly!"

Palin also suddenly roared with an ugly face, lifted the wand and rushed towards the camp.

Although Lynch was also following, but there was a look of doubt on his face, but now there was no time to think about it, but he immediately moved towards the camp.

At the same time, many wizards did not even hesitate, and they all rushed towards the camp together.

No way, a wind wolf is not terrible, but once this kind of beast is in a group, they can easily shred this unprepared loose team by relying on their quick speed.

Although in the end, the human side will definitely win, it is inevitable that there will be damage in the middle...

This is not what everyone wants to see.

Therefore, only by entering a camp with defensive facilities can you calmly deal with it.

At this moment, I only saw dozens of hundreds of wind wolves rushing over the ground on the horizon, causing a thick cloud of smoke and dust to rise on the ground. Each wind wolf was the size of a calf, naturally The wind magic given to them makes them act like flying. At first glance, these wind wolves are like a wave pushing over, with an unstoppable momentum, slapped in the direction of the camp...

"Damn, this scene is too exaggerated."

Even though he hid in the camp in time, Palin still swallowed a spit when seeing such crazy scenes in the camp, and his heart was a little shocked.

There are too many wind wolves. I am afraid it is the largest group within a thousand miles. But now the large forces have not all come, and they are not very ready now. If these wind wolves rush over, it would be really troublesome. ...

"and also……"

However, while Palin was doing psychological construction there, Lynch’s voice came, frowning and looking into the distance, followed by Palin for a moment, and then he looked at it, and suddenly The complexion changed drastically.

I saw a loud noise on the other side of the camp, and then only saw the sound of thunder explosions, dozens of huge lions unexpectedly attacked from behind, carefully One can tell that their roar is like thunder...

"Damn, how come Lei Shi is here too..."

Balperin's expression was also ugly at this time.

At this time, everyone had seen this scene, and suddenly there was a panic in the camp.

You know, the wind wolves are tricky enough, but this thunder lion is also one of the most difficult races on the plain. They are naturally able to control thunder and lightning, and the individual strength of a single wheel is stronger than the wind wolves, let alone Say that there will be a thunder lion king comparable to the top magician in a lion group...

"Listen to my orders!"

At this time, there was a violent shout in the camp. It was a burly man over two meters tall with bulging muscles and a few scars on his face. The team temporarily stabilized.

This is the leader of the construction of the camp, Carl, the leader of the Thunderfire Mercenary Group in Qianfan City. Over the years, his Thunderfire Mercenary Group has grown rapidly in Qianfan City. He is already the number one collaborator trusted by the major chambers of commerce. Any task will be the first to think of him.

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