The First Mage

Chapter 1687: Sign a contract

"Do you know my last name?" The Shadow Wolf King was a little surprised. Not everyone knows the last names of these monsters.

However, Lynch was not interested in answering his question, and just continued to ask: "Go on, how did you get caught by that mercenary group?"

As a result, Lynch just asked. Fortunately, with this question, there was a sense of fear in Alex's eyes...

"That shadow mercenary group..." Alex suddenly knelt down to Lynch, and said with tears: "The shadow mercenary group was too cruel. They found us while I was out hunting. The small race, in the habitat on the sunset plain, used a high-level magic scroll to directly destroy the race for us. After I went back, I lost my mind and let me fall into the trap they had prepared long ago. , As long as you help me avenge the Shadow Mercenary Group, I can promise you anything."

"Well, I believe it..." Lynch rolled his eyes. If this Shadow Wolf King is really as persuaded as he is now, it would be great. The Shadow Wolf family is worthy of ancestral cunning, and it can be seen from this acting skill .

After that, he directly raised his hand, and pressed the head of the Shadow Wolf King to his feet: "Now sign the contract?"


Alex was puzzled, and then he only saw Lynch took out a piece of parchment, dipped it with a quill pen in a bottle of ink with a weird **** smell, and finished it into a book. The parchment fell in front of him...

"In this position, press a handprint, oh paw print."

Seeing Lynch pointing himself under the parchment, Alex stepped back subconsciously, and forced a smile while saying: "That, noble mage, I don’t know this is something. Huh? You know, our World of Warcraft is indeed lacking in knowledge on magic..."

"What nonsense, don't you just want to say, let me not bully you, haven't you read a book?"

Lynch stared, "Don’t forget, I saved your life. If it weren’t for me, you would have been in the hands of that Noel and you’d been sliced ​​and studied. You said that if I didn’t get anything in return, would it? Very inappropriate?"

"...Not suitable..."

"I think your whole body is worth this body, but if you offer an arm or thigh in return, isn't it appropriate?"

"That's even more inappropriate!"

The Shadow Wolf King said quickly.

"So..." Lynch looked at the whole body of the Shadow Wolf King, and nodded with his finger on the parchment that was just written: "This is a magic contract. You will serve me for a hundred years. My reward."

"Ah? This, how does this work..." When Alexston, Mao stood up. This is the rhythm to let him be a slave.

It was about to object immediately, but seeing Lynch’s face, thinking of the power of subduing himself just now easily, did not dare to speak loudly, but looked at Lynch carefully, rubbed his paws and said: "You know, too. This one of us is a family member of the goddess of the night. If I sign this contract, it doesn't matter if I provoke the goddess to anger, but if it involves you..."

"Then it's not signed?"

Lynch also just smiled, then took it out of his pocket, took out a bottle of potion, and put it in front of Alex and said, "You don't have to sign it. Drink this."

"This, what is this?"

Alexton was creepy.

"Things that can get me back the cost." Lynch smiled.

"Recover the cost?"

Alex became more disturbed as he listened. You know, Lynch used several bottles of high-level life potions just now. The value is extraordinary. To put it a little bit exaggerated, I am afraid that it can replace the life of a Tier 2 monster...

He wants to recover these costs, so what exactly is he trying to do to himself?

"That one……"

Alex became more and more afraid as he thought about it, and finally couldn't help but said, "Could you please discuss it with me..."

"What are you? Is there anything else you can give me back?"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes and glanced at the other party. These few eyes immediately gave Alex a feeling of being seen through, as if he was in the eyes of the other party, and every piece of meat was marked with a price.

This feeling is really terrifying...

"Well, do you want to drink it or sign this contract?!"


For a moment, looking at Lynch's face, Alex felt like crying.


By the middle of the moon, Alex was lost in the carriage, sitting there, as if he was lost, and beside him, there was a contract with him printed in bright red. Paw prints...

Obviously, he had already made a choice just now...

Under Lynch's intimidation, he really had no choice but to sign this unequal contract.

But in fact, Alex really doesn’t want to do this kind of thing. There’s no way. He’s really scared. He’s afraid that Lynch will really let him repay with his body just like he said. A series of things that happened seemed that this human mage was really cruel and cruel.

He is really a person who is not profitable and can not afford to be early. If he really does not get the benefits that make him satisfied, then he will really let himself die.

Seeing Lynch and Palin in the car, who were in meditation beside them, they did not have the slightest defense against them. It is no wonder that the contract signed by both parties just now, but Rudolph used it at the beginning Yes, even if it is used to restrain fourth-order magic creatures, it is very effective, let alone a shadow wolf king who is not a third-order creature...

and many more……

At this moment, the Shadow Wolf King suddenly moved in his heart, as if he still didn't know the extent of the restraint of this magic contract, that is to say, what is the bottom line of the scope of his free movement when the owner temporarily does not restrain him.

Don't underestimate this bottom line, as long as the temptation is clear and the bottom line is big enough, at a certain critical time, it may be your chance to get out.

This is the advantage of being born in an ancient bloodline. This knowledge is not known to all monsters, but the memory hidden deep in the bloodline...

At the beginning, Alex looked inadvertently, looked around for a while, and secretly observed for a long time, and found that Palin and Lynch were both deeply meditating, seeming to have nothing to do with the outside world. The appearance of consciousness, let alone these small movements of oneself.

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