The First Mage

Chapter 1676: future

Lin Qi checked for a long time, and finally realized that he was not mistaken, this was indeed the flame of the abyss, and after that, Lin Qi showed a surprise smile on his face.

"It seems that the Constructed Life is really extraordinary..." Lyn Qi became more aware of the words of the Doria Sorcerer at the time. If he cultivated this Constructed Life properly, there would indeed be many benefits, such as now , How long did it take to obtain the Constructed Creature by itself, but it has evolved the ability to breathe the flames of the abyss.

With the power of Abyss Flame, there will undoubtedly be more places where this little guy can help himself in the future...

And now it's just the first evolution, and the Abyss Flame has already appeared. In the future, doesn't it mean that there will be more different abilities? In other words, the constructed life will grow stronger and stronger, and its future will be extremely bright...

Lynch really thinks about it, the more satisfied, but while satisfied, Lynch is a bit helpless, after all, constructing life is too individual, it is really not easy to command it...

At least now it will never listen to its own words.

Just like it was just now, but just let it breathe a little bit of abyssal flames. Under the anger, this little guy actually launched a sudden attack on himself...

"It seems that I was looking for it only at critical moments..." Lin Chinunnu said, although most of the time, he could not command the constructed life, but at the critical moment, Lynch believed that he could still wake it up. It really doesn't work, threatening Gali temptation, Lynch doesn't believe that this little guy can stay unmoved...

Regardless of the process, as long as the result is reached, it will be enough to satisfy Lynch.

After knowing that Constructed Life has mastered the Abyssal Flame, Lynch is undoubtedly in a very good mood now, he soon sits at his desk, planning to get busy.

But before it started, Lynch patted his head, shit, almost forgot about the lab...

Now Lynch has written a title for the academic paper on hybrid technology. As for the next step, he will continue to experiment and demonstrate, and it will be reflected in words, so according to the procedure, he still has to go to the alchemy laboratory.

It's just that how long has passed now, did Mage Knight run out of the laboratory?

Just now, Lynch was eager to check the abyssal flame that composes life, so he hurried back to the office. Now that he is free, he hesitated for a while, and didn't know if he should go and take a look.

At this moment of hesitation, Palin over there suddenly hesitated and asked: "Mafa Merlin, have you heard about Thousand Sails City recently?"


Lin Qi looked at Palin strangely for a while. Thousand Sails City is Palin's hometown. How did you mention this?

"Do you remember, I mentioned before that the ruins of a high elf was found in Thousand Sails City. At that time, several major chambers of commerce including our Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce dug together with the Flash Gold Chamber of Commerce, but some accidental excavation occurred later. Interrupted, but some time ago, Qianfan City started digging again. I heard from my father that it seemed to be the tomb of an Elf King..."

"The Elf King!" Lynch almost choked himself with a mouthful of saliva.

For a while, Lynch really wanted to ask Palin, can you speak more tactfully?

The tomb of the Elf King was so directly spoken by you?

During the Dark Dynasty, in addition to the supreme Elf Emperor, the entire dynasty also entrusted the Seven Elf Kings. Each of them represented the terrifying existence of the Dark Dynasty conquering the various planes, each holding an extreme Everyone of the plane of the rich has left his own honor in history.

The seven planes they hold in their hands are historically known as the foundation of the empire of the Dark Dynasty, the last reserve of life.

Only after the dark dynasty fell, the coordinates of these seven planes were submerged in history. According to rumors, these seven planes were regarded as the last secret of the dark dynasty, and the seven elven kings disappeared forever... …

Lynch knew that this legend was true...

Because in the historical data of the game, in the near future, these seven planes will be leaked, and then all the planes will be caught in a great battle involving more than a dozen major forces and spanning decades. I don’t know how many top forces have been affected by Zhan. Even the destruction of Anriel’s world was partly due to the spread of this melee...

However, it is not mentioned in the game that the coordinates of a tomb of the Elf King are in Qianfan City...

and also……

"Your father asked you to tell me the news?" You must know that whether it is true or not, this represents a big benefit. Of course, the fewer people who know, the better. It is not Palin's own control.

"Qianfan City does have some dissenting voices. They are not fools. They all know that with their own chambers of commerce, they can't afford such great benefits, so they all went to seek foreign aid..." Palin scratched his head and said: "So our family is looking for Foreign aid, I must be looking for you..."


Lynch did not expect Palin to be so optimistic about himself.

Obviously, Palin hadn't leaked a word before, and only now did he tell himself that this was carefully considered...

"That's the remains of the Elf King, who knows how many problems there will be. To be honest, there are many wizards who are better than you, but I have never seen anyone stronger than you..." Palin honestly speak.

"But how are you sure that it is the tomb of the Elf King"

Lynch always feels that these businessmen's eyesight is a little unreliable. To be honest, it's not that they look down on them. Then the existence of the grave is so easy to judge?

"Because... the tomb we found is in the sunset plain, where we found the remains of the tree of life..."

Sunset over the plains!

Lynch let out a long sigh. It is said that the sunset plain was the place where the elven dynasty was finally destroyed. The tree of life and other holy objects of the elven dynasty have always been the core of the elven dynasty, and at least there must be an elven king. guard.

It seems that there is really something to do with the Elf King...

"Well, who are there to participate this time?"

Thinking of this, Lynch also made a decision. If there is a clue to the Elf King, what kind of laboratory to return to. You must know that if a clue to one of the seven top planes can be unearthed, it will be enough for any mage to do Crazy...

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