The First Mage

Chapter 1670: exaggeration

Is this too exaggerated?

"This should be the monster bred by this piece of magma..." Looking at the monster living in the magma, Lynch swallowed, then analyzed it.

"What do we do now, leave this ghost place?" Hailar was also taken aback by this monster at this moment. With their current strength, they definitely can't compete with this monster. If nothing else, just talk about the magma present. , This monster seems to be fully capable of manipulating these magma.

But although monsters are not afraid of magma, they can be afraid...

Once these magma fly over, and if you want to leave at that time, it will be too late, including him, no one can leave this place easily, and everyone will have to die in the hands of this monster.

"It's too late to go now..." When he said this, Lynch's expression gradually became serious.

Because just when the monster appeared, Lynch had already noticed that the monster’s attention had been completely on them. Lynch knew what it meant, which meant that the monster was already staring. Fuck them, and it was they who awakened this monster.

Now this monster will not let them go anyway.

Almost at the same time that Lynch’s thoughts fell, he saw a large group of magma flying towards them. Before he could say anything, Lynch passed directly towards other areas, and Hailar, Palin and others. The reaction was not slow, and they all looked like frightened rabbits, and just like Lynch, they chose to separate.

After dispersing, Lynch propped up the elemental shield almost immediately.

Immediately afterwards, after the magma hit the wall behind him, there was a violent impact, and then a large amount of magma turned into flames, mixed with some gravel, flying everywhere.

These rubble hit Lynch’s body, and Lynch’s body suddenly shook, but it didn’t tear the elemental shield on Lynch’s body. The only thing that caused Lynch to trouble was the fiery heat from the gravel. It felt that the skin in that area of ​​Lynch felt a strong tingling sensation as if it had been burned.

Looking at Palin and others, the state is not much better than Lynch. Hylar and Quito are better. After all, they are both wizards, but Palin is more unlucky. Now he is hit by a rock in the magma. , The whole person almost flew up, and now he fell to the ground screaming.

After falling to the ground, Palin vomited blood.

"So strong..." Seeing that Hailar and Quito could only protect themselves, and Palin was directly seriously injured, Lynch also took a breath. Among these people, he is the best in shape, but this is only Only temporarily, once this monster launches a second attack, then it will be difficult for him to cope.

Now it seems that we can't wait for this monster to continue to attack. They still have to take the initiative to attack. Fighting is the best defense. This sentence is definitely not a casual comment.

Thinking of this, Lynch took a deep breath while looking at the monster bathed in magma. Before he could launch a second attack, he directly used the water element. Under Lynch’s magical power, it was very much. The water element formed a series of water arrows directly in front of Lynch, and then shot towards the monster.

The water arrow hit the monster afterwards.

Its size is so huge, it is basically impossible for it to avoid Lynch's spells for such a size, so it can only withstand Lynch's water archery skills abruptly.

Among all the spells that Lynch has mastered, he is undoubtedly the best at fire spells, but the problem is that the monster in front of him is made of flames. Monsters like this are born with flame spells. Immunity to magic can even be said to directly restrain such spells.

If Lynch casts flame spells at this time, he would basically not be able to cause the slightest harm to the monster. Not only that, but the flame element may also be absorbed by the monster and become its power...

So now the only thing Lynch can choose is the water element.

When the water archery hit the monster, the water archery exploded suddenly, and a lot of water immediately flooded this part of the monster’s body. However, although water can indeed overcome fire, it is also Relatively speaking, under the action of water archery, this monster did indeed emit bursts of white smoke.

However, it's just some white smoke...

A roar from the monster's mouth, followed by the water arrow inserted in its body, was directly and completely submerged by the flames roaring from the body, and immediately followed by the water arrow disappeared into Lin Qi's sight.

Looking at the monster whose body seemed undamaged, Lynch frowned slightly, but before he could cast a second spell, this monster had already strode towards Lynch.

Lynch had known before that this monster had been locked on them since it appeared, so now that the monster rushed, Lynch had nothing to be shocked.

The only thing that made Lynch's creeps was when the monster came over, it directly caused the entire magma area to boil. The countless magma rolled and rolled in front of Lynch like a heavy wave. The monster has not really approached. , But Lynch has already felt an unbearable rush of heat.

Then Lynch felt his skin tingle, as if it was about to melt.

In the face of such a monster, Lynch can't resist the temperature just emitted from it. Under such circumstances, Lynch really can't afford to deal with this monster...

However, now if Lynch doesn’t make a move, the monster will step over directly, and then it’s likely to kill them all directly, so Lynch still gains confidence, as the fingers keep shaking, a lot of water The elements condensed in front of Lynch, and then formed a huge water curtain, blocking him and the monster.

At the same time, Lynch also quickly shouted to Palin and others: "Run."

Lynch knew that the water curtain he had created could not stop the monster's pace at all. The reason why it was arranged was only to buy them some time, and at the same time, it could confuse the monster's sight and then fight for them. Opportunity to leave.

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