The First Mage

Chapter 187: Mess up

"If they dare to mess around, then we must drive them out of Budapest..."

Hawking shook his head: "It's really easy to get rid of this group of people, but if you think about it carefully, even if you get them out, they can still send the next batch of people. Are you done? And according to me The news that Roy will come over this time..."

"Roy?" Les was taken aback when he heard the name.

Speaking of which, this is also Hawking's old acquaintance.

In fact, when he was young, Hawking also had a history with the Archmage Roy. At the beginning, the two of them were practicing outside at the same time, becoming a mage and becoming an archmage at the same time. It can be said that as long as one of them reaches one domain, the other People will catch up quickly, and will not give the other party any chance to wait.

Not to mention achievements in magical attainments, even in alchemy.

It stands to reason that if two people have known each other for so long, how can they become friends, but what is more embarrassing is that due to various reasons, the two have had countless conflicts when they were young, and this is why, until now, the two people They all dislike each other...

A few years ago, the Crimson Devil Realm constantly wanted to win over Les, and wanted Les to follow him into the Crimson Devil Realm. Although Les had always refused, he also knew that the fact that he entered the Crimson Devil Realm was actually In the Crimson Devil, there are not a few people who continue to express protests.

This group of people was led by Roy.

But Les has always been very disdainful of this, don't say you don't want to work with me, I don't want to work with you...

However, even though Les has no interest in Roy at all, Les has to admit that Roy is indeed extremely difficult to deal with. The reason for the difficulty is not only in strength, but also in Roy's domineering power. His character, if he comes to Budapest this time and wants to drive him out, it is really not an easy task.

"This is a bit difficult..." Les had a headache. Roy had always been an elitist. When he came to Budapest in person, all he brought was an elite mage from the Scarlet Devil Realm. No, it was said to be among the elite. The elites are not exaggerated.

Once they enter Budapest, they are bound to have a huge impact on the development of Auckland College.

"It's really difficult." Hawking also felt the same.

"I know the character of that **** Roy. Once he comes to Budapest, he will go crazy and **** things from us. This seat was originally ours, and now he has to share the results with others. This is really..." Irritable.

"That's no way." Hawking shook his head: "Unless we can temporarily close the Plane Path, but you also know that once the Plane Path is opened, it cannot be closed, so there is really no way."

"Then I can only watch them come in." Les was a little upset. Although he knew that leaving it alone would affect the interests of Oakland College, as Hawking said, they had no way to solve the matter.

The two people talked in detail on this matter for a long time. Now that they know that the people from the Crimson Devil will come to Budapest, they can only discuss the details first, and then try their best to ensure their own interests without letting them Crimson Devil Realm takes too much advantage.

The news quickly spread among the camp.

When they knew that the Crimson Devil would also enter the plane of Budapest, everyone's first thought was, how the **** is this possible?

You know, Budapest, as the first plane discovered by the Auckland Academy, can even be said to be the private plane of the Auckland Academy. At this time, the crimson demon realm crosses its feet. It is simply a naked robbery. Any mage present can not stand it. This kind of thing happens.

It was dangerous enough to open up the plane, but now, there is another crimson devil...

Compared with the exploration plane, dealing with the Crimson Demon is the most complicated, because two forces are stationed on the Budapest plane at the same time, and there will be a direct relationship of interests between them, just like the original mine discovered today. Fortunately, it was found before the Crimson Devil came in.

If it is discovered at the same time as the Crimson Devil Realm, wouldn't it be necessary to divide the raw ore into half?

Just thinking about this kind of thing is enough to make people feel sick.

"After the Crimson Devil Realm comes, will it cause us any trouble?" Palin sitting in the tent was also thinking about it.

"Come if you want to, this is a question that the archmages need to consider, what does it have to do with you?" Lynch glanced at Palin like an idiot.

In fact, Lynch feels that in this matter, ordinary mages like them really don’t need to think too much...

Now that disputes over interests arise, it is the Oakland College and the Scarlet Devil Realm. As to whether they will take away their interests and how to ensure their own interests, these are all things that the senior leaders need to consider. What they do is simple, that is, continue to complete themselves. The task in hand, open up the plane.

At the same time, continue to look for more resources as much as possible.

As for the others, it really has nothing to do with them.

So no matter what others think of this matter, Lynch is not at all anxious. Compared to thinking about the Crimson Devil, Lynch is more concerned about the next exploration.

Although I have found a raw mine, this is only the first step in the long march. The pace of Auckland Academy will not be stopped because of a raw mine, but now that people from the Crimson Devil state come in, it may delay some progress. At least, you Need to figure out the mind of the Crimson Devil, right?

So Lynch analyzed that he should rest in the camp in the next few days...

On the second day, the alchemy airship of the Crimson Devil Realm appeared in the Budapest plane.

Compared with the cautiousness of the Oakland Academy, the alchemy airship in the Crimson Devilland drove directly into the Kalal Desert and then to Budapest.

But no wonder...

After their transformation, the alchemy airship in the Crimson Devil Realm has long become different from ordinary alchemy airships. It can be said that this alchemy airship is a solid iron barrel with a perfect defense system. It is said that even the magician's full strength Not afraid of attacks, let alone the yellow sand in the Kalal Desert.

After entering, the alchemy airship also stopped in this canyon.

This is a bit of a suspicion...

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