The First Mage

Chapter 180: underground river

There may be danger hidden in every jungle. Before, Lynch didn’t have a particularly obvious sense of this sentence, but after hunting in the winter, Lynch has gained too much experience and knows that danger is often hidden in those you are very Easily overlooked.

He knew that Budapest was completely a plane without any development.

Don't talk about yourself, even Hawking, who is at the front, doesn't have any information...

Amidst Lynch's murmur, they soon came to a dark river.

This dark river flows from the gap between two hills. It is strange to say that the water flowing in this dark river is actually dark red. If it weren't for the pungent **** smell, I guess It's no different from blood.

Originally, according to Hawking's intention, everyone was going to cross this dark river and move on.

But before Hawking’s order came down, I saw the river water in the underground river suddenly boiled. The river water was like a volcanic eruption, suddenly bursting out huge waves, and then rushed to both sides of the underground river with amazing power. The huge impact even rushed many mages four or five meters away.


At the same time an angry roar sounded in the dark river.

A huge paw appeared along with the roar. As soon as this paw appeared, it was immediately grabbed towards the shore. At this moment, I don’t know how many mage faces [literature museum] changed dramatically, even for a moment. He didn't know that he should fight back, but fortunately, Hawking reacted extremely quickly, and a magic shield directly stopped in front of the wizard.


The claws collided with the magic shield, and suddenly there was a deafening loud noise.

Everyone stepped back subconsciously, and at the same time, they discovered that another claw protruded from the bottom of the dark river, but this claw was rather weird. There was no flesh and blood on it, the whole thing was bones.

"What the **** is this?" Everyone looked over in horror, and after two claws appeared one after another, the monster was exposed to everyone's sight.

This is actually a monster with a height of several tens of meters, and half of its body has become bones.

The most amazing thing was the monster's eyes. One of his eyes was burning like a ghost fire, while the other eye was a collection of blood, which kept leaking out.

At this time, everyone knew why this dark river was red, it turned out to be affected by this monster...

"This is... Cherish?" Lynch has been observing this monster. At first, he only vaguely felt similar to this monster, but after the monster was completely exposed, Lin Qi finally remembered.

But what makes Lynch strange is that thousands of years ago, this kind of monster called Cheris should have been extinct, how could it appear on the plane of Budapest?

However, there is not much time for Lynch to think about it now. Just when Lynch was thinking about this, Cheris had already crawled out of the dark river.

The most eye-catching thing about Cheris is his pair of eyes. In fact, when all the wizards see Cheris, they will be terrified because of Cheris's huge body, and they want to turn around and pull away with Cheris at the first time. Distance, but they would never have thought that the real threat of Cheris was those eyes.

There are two completely different effects in Cheris' eyes.

His eyes, like ghost fires, sprayed out the abyssal flames that only exist in the abyss. At this point, it is similar to Lynch’s constructed life, except that the flames of constructed life can only be comparable to second-order spells, but Chery's flame is far beyond the second order.

As for Chery's other eye, it was able to condense a line of rays with blood, that is, blood rays.

The blood ray is extremely powerful and can penetrate everything. Even Hawking’s magic shield can barely support a very short time under the impact of the blood ray. If the delay is long, Hawking’s magic shield will still Will be destroyed because of this.

It can be said that as soon as Chery appeared, it immediately brought a lot of pressure to everyone, and almost a lot of great masters showed fear on their faces.

You know, many of these wizards have participated in the development of the plane, but in the process of exploring the plane, although they encountered many powerful creatures, these creatures are not at a level compared to Cheris. of……

"Don't panic, everyone, this is Cheris. Just pay attention to its eyes and you will be fine." Hawking's voice sounded in everyone's ears. Under Hawking's quick introduction, everyone almost understood Cheris. Some special abilities.

Immediately following Hawking's organization, these wizards mobilized the magic in their bodies, forming powerful spells in their fingers, and blasted towards Cheris.

Although the appearance of Cheris was completely an accident, and was even strong enough to crush any mage on the scene except Hawking, don't forget that the mage also has an innate advantage, that is, a quantitative advantage.

Perhaps one or two spells cannot pose the slightest threat to Cheris, but when all the spells are added together, it is a force that even Cheris cannot be underestimated.


Dozens of spells exploded on Cheris' body, immediately set off an astonishing ripple of magic power. Cheris was completely submerged in the magic light. Although part of his body was bones, the other part was a normal body. Judging from his face, the mages' combined attack was obviously effective.

"Damn, what about Cheris, there are so many mages here, one person can drown it with one spit." Palin shouted confidently.

Lynch shook his head secretly.

As a Warcraft that has long been extinct in the world of Anriel, Cheris's strength is far from what is seen on the surface. You must know that when Cheris was at its peak, even the elves had a headache.

Sure enough, at the same time that Lynch's thought appeared, a large amount of blood appeared in Cheris's right eye. The blood teared the magic light like sharp arrows, and then shot at the opposite wizard.

The number is densely packed, at least dozens of Dao.

A ray of blood appeared in front of Lynch, but at this time Lynch’s last character was also chanted. Almost in an instant, one of Lynch’s blasting art had exploded on the ray of blood, impacted by magma. Down, this blood ray was quickly torn in half from the middle.

But at the same time, a scream from behind also came.

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