The First Mage

Chapter 1569: footprint

"Mage Hailar, since you are going into the underground, you must be careful. I remember that the injuries you were injured by the construct creatures have not been completely healed?" Lynch looked at Hailar up and down, although Hailar was on his body. The wound has been cleaned up, and the mage's robe has been replaced with a new one, but if you look closely, you can find that Hailar's face is still very pale. It is obvious that his injury has not fully recovered.

"What does it matter to you?" Hailar said unceremoniously.

Palin interrupted and said: "The injury is not good, it is dangerous to go underground, do you want to die down? And you have to know that Marfa Merlin and I won't help you at all. A guy like you, also There is no qualification for us to consume magic!"

Hearing this, the corners of Hailar's mouth twitched, his expression completely cold, and his threatening eyes fell on Palin.

"Archmage, do you know who you are talking to?"

In the world of Anriel, strength represents class. If mages of the same level are joking with each other, or tit-for-tat, it doesn’t matter. However, an archmage now dares to threaten one. Sorcerer, this seems very abnormal. Generally speaking, if this happens, then the Sorcerer, I am afraid that he will not hesitate to give the Archmage a little bit of color.

"Hehe, of course I know, you are not a wizard, but what is so great about a wizard? Marfa Merlin is still a wizard, and you are not his opponent yet." Palin sneered. Now that Lynch is protecting him by his side, he naturally won't give Hailar any face.

Hailar was furious. No wonder Palin dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that his confidence was Mafa Merlin. Damn, did he really think Mafa Merlin was invincible? If you want to kill him, it really is as simple as pinching an ant.

"Mage Hailar, angry with an archmage, that's an impolite thing." Seeing Hailar's anger on his face, Lynch couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but it was not he who angered Hailar. Otherwise, it must be now. Hundreds of thousands of hate values ​​can be accounted for.

"Forget it, I'll remember this account for you. Sooner or later, you will pay the price." Hailar wanted to teach Palin a lesson, but considering that he was about to enter the underground investigation now, he had to Temporarily suppress the anger, and, to be honest, Lynch's strength is really amazing. If he fights like this, he really can't guarantee that he can beat Lynch, so he still needs to wait for a suitable time.

"Let me pay the price?" Lynch smiled and said, "There are many people who want me to pay the price, but these people have not succeeded until now..."

Hailar, who was walking towards the crack, couldn't help but stagger. He took a few deep breaths before reluctantly restraining it, and then jumped into the crack without hesitation.

"I think we should bury him directly in the ground now, right?" Palin said evilly.

Lynch rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking about? There is only one way to find the two wizards. If you block this crack, how can we find the wizard? Let's talk about it. , If it is known by the wizards of the Knicks family, do you think they will give up?"

"Okay..." Palin tweeted, "Actually, I was just making a joke... but it's not funny."

While talking, Lynch and Palin also went underground.

After they all entered the ground, they felt more and more powerful about the abilities of Mage Rethof and Mage Dewey. Although they hadn't left for a long time, the crack was really deep, and the soil on both sides was smooth as well. Jade, at first glance, was carefully planned, making this crack extremely solid.

Being able to create such a crack in such a short period of time, I have to say that these two wizards are indeed qualified to be the first wizards of their respective forces.

The height of the entire crack was about fifty meters, and it didn't take long for Lynch and the others to descend, and soon fell to the ground.

Only after reaching the ground, the two of them didn't care about Hailar, who had fallen a long time ago, their eyes fell on the dense footprints on the ground.

"These should be the footprints left by the construct spider..." Palin looked at the footprints and swallowed.

Lynch also nodded. The footprints on the ground are countless and dense. It is hard to imagine how many construct spiders have passed by here, and judging from the traces of the soil, it is obvious that those construct spiders came from here not long ago. After passing, the interval is not long.

But this is not surprising. After all, there are so many constructed spiders in the camp that suddenly climbed up from the ground. Obviously, they all passed through the ground, but I don't know where they originally started.

"These footprints lead to different directions. Where should we go to find the Sorcerer?" Palin looked around. After reaching the ground, they found that there are four directions, which are exactly the same. The passage, including where they are now, is actually only in one passage.

These passages seem to be too crowded and dazzling, and there is no way to easily distinguish the right direction.

"Probably, Sorcerer Dewey and Sorcerer Raintherf, because of the complicated terrain here, disappeared for so long." Lynch thought for a while.

"When we checked the underground, there shouldn’t be any creatures underneath. If there were so many passages, we would have discovered it a long time ago. I didn’t expect these constructed creatures to be so powerful. That camp is no longer available." Hailar frowned.

Lynch looked at him amusedly and said, "Magic Hailar, I didn't expect your analysis to be very fast."

"Don't think everyone is as stupid as you." Hailar said dissatisfied.

Lynch waved his hand, not paying attention to Hailar. The top priority now is not to gossip with Hailar, but to find the two wizards, but there are so many channels at the moment, and it is indeed not easy to find the wizards. Lynch thought about the location, then looked at the footprints of the constructed spiders under his feet.

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