The First Mage

Chapter 1566: Can't do it

"Next? Next, of course, we are dealing with constructs. Do you still want to go underground with the two wizards? You want to go, others don't necessarily want you." Lin Qi shook his head. After the wizards merged into the crowd and manipulated the battle, he was still observing the constructed creatures.

It has to be said that compared to humans, constructed creatures do have natural advantages.

They don’t have any IQ, which means they don’t have the slightest judgment and all kinds of negative emotions. As a result, even though constructive creatures are constantly being destroyed, they are still rushing towards the mage’s camp. In the past, even these construction spiders hadn't even changed their way forward, letting countless spells hit them, and they were still running rampant as if they didn't feel anything.

In the midst of the impact of disregarding casualties, I have to say that it still brought a lot of trouble to the wizards. In front of them, there were still many defensive circles. However, at this moment, it was accompanied by the rampage of the construction spider. Entering the magic circle, followed by several bangs, several defensive circles were touched one after another.

"This group of constructed creatures are really looking for death..." However, after the defensive circle was broken, the mages did not panic at all, but felt a little ridiculous. These defensive circles were all during their daytime. Manufactured in the camp, so naturally know the effect of these magic circles.

Although the array was destroyed, but at the same time, it also triggered the counter-effect of the defensive array. Therefore, for a while, the magic runes fluttered from the range of the array, bringing magic effects such as gravity, restraint, and burning. , Descended on the construct spider one after another...

However, the metal bodies of these constructed creatures are extremely resistant to most magic effects. Although the number of magic effects like this is extremely large and the coverage is extremely wide, the disability is only a small part after all. It's just a spider.

As for the remaining construction spiders, they continued to rush up without fear of death, and even some of them were fast, already crossing the circle and rushing into the crowd.


The construction spider rushed over so quickly, it also caused a commotion among the wizards, but fortunately, there is already a wizard in charge now, so there was no panic. Soon, everyone launched an orderly counterattack again. , Kill the structural spiders that came first one by one.

However, just as everyone was watching to kill this batch of constructed spiders, the accident happened again, only to see the soil in the earth squirming again, followed by the black group The construct spider rushed out of the ground again. Suddenly, the wizards who were very close to that area were directly submerged by the construct spider. Amidst a series of screams, dozens of wizards directly Killed by the construct creature.

"How many construct spiders are hiding in the ground? When we chose this area to build a camp, we also checked the ground, but no construct creatures were found."

"Don't worry about so much. Now Mage Rethof and Mage Dewey have gone deep into the ground to investigate the situation. I believe these two magicians will be able to handle everything. We only need to block the climb. These constructed creatures will do."

A mage is fighting on the field, everyone’s mood is very uneasy, like this seems endless, and they don’t know where the constructed spiders will suddenly appear, giving everyone a great heart. pressure.

Fortunately, there are still a large number of magicians on the court after all.

These magicians are releasing a series of third-order spells. Some of these third-order spells attack constructs and cause huge damage to constructs, while others are defensive spells that protect the wizards around them. , Making them unable to be approached by the construct spider, and then use all their power to kill the construct spider in front of them.

However, the entire camp is a battlefield, and the scope is too large. The wizards dare not let go of their hands and feet to release large-scale spells. Therefore, if you want to completely deal with the construction spiders in the camp, it is indeed An extremely difficult thing.

"This battle is really fierce..." Palin stood beside Lynch, but there was no construct creature coming over for a while, so their area was considered the safest, so Palin wouldn't be directly at the beginning. In the hard fight.

"It's fierce, but you can't always watch the excitement here." Lynch took a look on the court. Although the Royal Academy of Magic and the wizards of the Knicks family have already formed a confrontation with the construct spider, but the camp is There are still a lot of small battlefields in China, and those constructed spiders are climbing everywhere and attacking a single mage.

At this moment, Lynch just saw a construction spider, the eight legs lifted into the room, walked flatly through the body of a mage, and then crawled towards them.

"Be careful." Seeing that the construct spider came and attacked them, Lynch reminded Palin next to him immediately. Then Lynch waved his staff, raising his hand as a slow technique and threw it on the construct spider first, followed closely. Then, the originally fast-moving construction spider had already moved forward at almost the same speed as a snail.

And Lynch also seized this opportunity, and then the second spell was shot, and a series of arcane missiles struck the night sky, smashing into the huge abdomen of the construct spider, and only saw seven or eight blazing fires. With the continuous bombardment of white rays, the huge metal belly sparks spattered, gradually changing shape, and finally burst open when it reached the fifth arcane missile.

Along with the parts splashing, the construct creature that lost its power flew upside down from the city wall and fell.

"It seems that this little structural spider poses no threat to us at all." Palin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief while watching. The constructed creatures that can appear on the Senjin plane naturally belong to the world of Anriel. The difference is that although they are also constructed spiders, the strength of the constructed spiders here is comparable to that of the Archmage. Therefore, if Palin faced a constructed spider alone, he would also be under a lot of pressure.

But now it's different. After all, he has the protection of the magician Lynch, so he can't connect the construction spider close to him.

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