The First Mage

Chapter 1564: twitch

Lynch was consuming the hatred value [] and began to build a research and development workshop, while looking forward to the future.

But soon, Lynch was embarrassed. He found that the hatred value required by this research and development workshop was really terrifying and outrageous...

Many millions of hatred points, if it were put on the original repair shop, at least most of the facilities could be built, or even put into use directly, but now, these millions are invested, and there is almost no spray. Turns it up, the progress of the entire construction is almost not even one percent...

But when he realized this, the corners of Lynch's mouth twitched.

Even millions of hate points are not enough to look at. How much hate points do we need to complete the R&D workshop? Damn, think about it carefully, there is no hatred value of several hundred million, it seems that it can't come down...

"Several hundreds of millions of hatred..." Lin Qi just thought about this number, there was an urge to vomit blood, but there was no way, since he had to choose to build a research and development workshop, he could only continue to earn hatred...

Although the construction of the Demon Realm is indeed very easy to use, the setting of the hatred value is sometimes really deceptive. It seems that the magician leek of Hailar alone is not very effective at all. You have to figure out a way to cultivate more magician leeks, and if necessary, you will even have to cultivate a great magician leeks...

"Forget it..." Thinking of the title of the Great Sorcerer, Lynch couldn't help but smile. He was still a bit whimsical, what was the existence of the Great Sorcerer? Like the Great Sorcerer Glo, like the Great Sorcerer of Marfa, who did he provoke? If you make them angry, it's no joke, you can kill yourself in minutes...

"Malfa Merlin, what's the matter with you?" Palin could not help but ask very curiously when he saw Lynch hadn't spoken for a long time, and had been standing there looking distracted.

"Oh, nothing." Lynch was called by Palin, which was considered as getting rid of the Construct Demon Realm: "By the way, what are you standing here for? Now that Hailar is gone, no one will be affected. We are here, you can continue to taste these foods."

"Okay..." Palin could not help but sat down by the campfire, and then he was about to hand Lynch a piece of bread.

Lynch didn't refuse either, thinking about his own affairs while eating in small bites.

Half an hour passed quickly, and when he finished eating, he began to meditate on the spot.

Although Lynch has not consumed much magic power, and his physical strength is very abundant, there is no consumption, but after all, he is only a first-level magician. In order to become a ninth-level magician soon, Lynch is also somewhat Some people who work hard, often seize all kinds of leisure time to enhance their magic.

However, after all, he is also a person who has been in the plane of revival. Surrounded by that amazing magic power, he is somewhat indifferent to the magic power of this Sen'jin plane...

But there is no way, let's get used to it...

As for Palin, after Lynch meditated, he didn't bother Lynch. While helping Lynch to look after the surroundings, he rested beside him.

However, when I stayed late at night, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot, and the cold wind blew in, causing the fire in the campfire to waver and gradually extinguish. As for the other guard towers, the situation is the same. At this moment, many mages have been checking everywhere. After all, this cold wind is a bit strange, and they all want to know if there is any problem.

As for Palin, he doesn’t care much about this. Anyway, Marfa Merlin is by his side. Even if there is any danger, I believe this guy who is in meditation will get up for the first time to protect himself. .

It was with this kind of thought that Palin did not check his surroundings at all.


But at this moment, Palin suddenly moved his ears, as if he heard a faint chirping sound. As the sound became denser, Palin reacted violently, before he could think about it, raising his hand was a bright light. Shu Shu, slammed directly into the air around him.

In an instant, a burst of violent light exploded in mid-air.

Under the shining light, everything in the distance was exposed from the night, and after Palin saw it clearly, a face instantly turned pale.

It was a strange and terrifying spider, the size of an adult, with eight legs bent and propped on the ground, like eight big swords more than one meter long, and its head the size of an adult had six black bean eyes.

Moreover, the surface of the spider's body shines with a metallic luster, and it is also covered with a dense layer of magic runes. Eventually the runes gather in the abdomen, emitting a powerful wave of magical power.

Construct a spider!

Looking in Palin’s direction, there are as many as 20 spiders like this. They suddenly emerged from the ground, and then the eight long knife-like legs stepped forward and stepped over. At a distance of three or four meters, the previous intensive chirping sound was exactly the movement they made when they crawled.

"Damn, how come there is a construct spider running out?" When Palin saw these things clearly, he was immediately taken aback, and he yelled.

In fact, it's not just that the construction spiders appeared in the area of ​​Palin and Marfa Merlin, including other places in the camp, but also a large number of construction spiders appeared one after another. These construction spiders are obviously now prepared and prepared. The one who came, immediately rushed towards the nearby mages after it appeared.

The originally quiet camp was also in disorder at this moment.

A large number of wizards yelled and released their spells in a panic. They were all frightened by these sudden construction spiders. They lost their usual sanity for a while, and hurriedly and confusedly countered these uninvited guests.

"Malfa Merlin, wake up soon." Palin shouted to Lynch beside him while releasing spells to resist the construct spider that crawled over nearby.

Although Lynch has been meditating all the time, he did not meditate deeply. At this moment, Palin called out, and immediately Lynch woke up from the meditation. When he opened his eyes and saw the construction spiders around him, Lynch's face also changed.

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