The First Mage

Chapter 1558: Slaughtered

"Hailaer, don't say it." Vicki and Lundin hurriedly pulled Hailar. They could see that now the Dewey Sorcerer was really angry. Obviously, Dewey had trouble with Hailar's trouble with Mafamelin. The Sorcerer was very dissatisfied, but now Hailar is in hatred of Lynch, so he can't see this, and as Hailar's friends, they must now come to help...

"I! You guys let me go." Hailar shouted, and under his anger, even if he was next to Sorcerer Dewey, he couldn't help but yell.

The face of Dewey Sorcerer is getting darker and darker, including Lynch’s face now full of black lines. How did this Sorcerer named Hailar grow to the level of Sorcerer, and at the same time, he was the youngest in the capital. Sorcerer?

It stands to reason that a genius like this should have a high IQ, but looking at his current appearance, he has already taken action to protect him, but he is still continuing to die...

Could it be that the Dewey Sorcerer really had to kill him?

As Lynch’s current best quality leek, Lynch naturally couldn’t watch Hailar fall into a situation where he was in an unrecoverable situation, so he immediately raised his hand, and in an instant, a Tier 3 spell Soul Sleep had accurately hit Hailar.

The spell of Soul Sleep itself is a kind of hypnotic spell. When Hailar was completely unprepared, he felt as if he had been hit by something almost instantly, but his eyes were dark and he immediately dizzy. Past.

"Well, you two will take him away now." Lynch said helplessly to Wiki and Lundin.

Seeing Hailar who had fallen asleep in his arms by the sleep of the soul, the two ninth-level mages looked at each other, and both swallowed.

The strength of this guy is as terrifying as in the legend...

They didn’t even sense his spells just now, and they immediately saw Hailar fall asleep. This terrifying speed of spellcasting was too amazing. If they had just started fighting with Marfa Merlin, they would probably be all right now. Difficult to keep intact...

At the moment, the two of them turned around and left in a hurry, daring not to delay for a moment, for fear that Lynch was releasing some strange spell.

After they left, Magister Dewey, who had been standing there, let out a long sigh, and then turned to Lynch with shocked eyes.

"You just cast a third-order spell?" The Dewey Sorcerer asked Lynch in disbelief. As a Sorcerer, especially a Nineth-level Sorcerer, he can cast spells to the limit. The ability is naturally very clear. You must know that even if he is extremely compressed, he can barely release a third-order spell within three seconds.

However, the current Marfa Merlin is only a first-level wizard, but he turns out to be an instant third-order spell?

This kind of thing is a bit too incredible...

"Yeah..." Now that he has been discovered by the Dewey Sorcerer, Lynch no longer hides it. Besides, it's just the casting speed. This kind of talent is not afraid that the Dewey Sorcerer will have some thoughts that he shouldn't have. .

Sure enough, after listening to Lynch's words, Sorcerer Dewey looked at him with surprise: "I didn't expect your spellcasting ability to be so strong, I really don't know how you master it."

Lynch smiled, and did not speak.

And Dewey Sorcerer did not continue to question.

Although he was curious and curious, but he didn't break the casserole to ask the end. After all, every magician has his own secrets, and these secrets have never been known to others.

As a veteran Sorcerer, Sorcerer Dewey is naturally very aware of this, so he will not find embarrassment for himself for no reason.

In fact, let alone the Dewey Sorcerer who would make such a choice, including other Sorcerers, if he saw Lynch casting a third-order spell instantly, he would probably not ask casually.

This can be seen from Lynch's alchemy puppet alone.

Although everyone knows that Lynch controls an army of alchemy puppets, and he also has a special method that can repair the alchemy puppets in the blink of an eye, for so long, no magician has asked about it. The mystery of, including the Great Magus Nageluo and the Great Magus Marfa, did not say a word on this matter.

After all, this is a well-known unspoken rule.

Feel free to ask, and you won’t get any benefits other than arousing disgust and disgust from others.

After that, Sorcerer Dewey exchanged a few more words with Lynch, then turned away with full of emotion and dissatisfaction with Hailar.

As for the onlookers, the things that have been seen here are now over, and now they have dispersed and reinvested in the construction of the camp.

"That Hailar, I don't know if he will be expelled from the Sen'jin plane..." Lying under the guard tower, looking at the direction where Hailar had left before, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. What Hailar did this time is undoubtedly too stupid. I just don’t know if Magister Dewey is willing to deal with him. If he really wants to deal with it, then it is estimated that Hailar will not be able to stay on the Sen'jin plane. bingo.

However, Lynch has done everything he should do. As for whether he can keep the leek, Hailar, honestly it is really resigned.

Now I can only hope that my luck will be better...

At this time, Palin on the sentry tower saw that both the Sorcerer Hylar and the Sorcerer Dewey had left one after another. He just jumped off the sentry tower, but before coming down, he did not forget to ask Sophis to let He warmed up the flamethrower next to the alchemy crossbow.

But if Sophis listened to it, it wasn't Palin's concern.

After he got down, he looked at Lynch in front of him, and he suddenly said a little strange: "I heard it wrong, Marfa Merlin, you guy actually pleaded with Hailar just now, haha, this doesn’t fit your style. Those who offend you, you have never given the slightest chance to survive."

"You heard that right, I really pleaded with Hailar just now." Lynch rolled his eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" Palin became increasingly strange.

"What I want to do, if it can be guessed by you, you are not an archmage now, but a magician." Lynch dropped this sentence and then glanced at the hatred value again with satisfaction. Just walked up to the sentry tower: "Come on, now there is no trouble, hurry up and work, and contribute a little of your poor strength to the camp."

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