The First Mage

Chapter 1552: go together

"Of course I went with you..." Lynch replied without thinking.

Now the entire camp is in operation, and almost everyone is involved in the construction of the camp. At this time, he naturally can't be idle, although he is now a wizard, he no longer needs to participate in these most important things. In the basic work, but Lynch has always been like this, and he doesn't care much about his identity.

On the contrary, if it is said that the world of Anriel was really destroyed by the elves at that time, then don't talk about the magicians, even the great magicians are imaginary...

"Okay..." Seeing that even Lynch is going to the construction camp now, Palin really didn't dare to complain at all, and immediately followed Lynch out.

In the camp at this moment, there are busy figures almost everywhere. Because of the fear of those constructing creatures outside, they are really as diligent as they are now, not to mention on the ground, including the guard tower. Above, there are also several figures squeezed on top.

"What are we doing now?" Everyone has their own work to do. This is also arranged at the beginning. As for Palin and the others, they are just like headless flies and don’t know where to go. Drill.

"As long as you want to work, will you still be afraid that there is nothing to do?" Lynch glanced at Palin, then came to a watch tower, planning to climb the watch tower and debug the alchemy ballista on the watch tower.

It looks like this kind of alchemy ballista, but it is a good thing. This is the alchemy technology specially brought into the Senjin plane by the Knicks family. Compared with ordinary alchemy ballistas, a special alchemy method is applied to these alchemy ballistas. Array, under the action of this kind of alchemy array, the power of the crossbow arrows shot out will be greatly enhanced. At that time, one arrow will penetrate the bodies of those constructed creatures, but there is no problem at all.

"Well, I'll take a look too." Palin also followed.

But when the two of them were about to walk up to the sentry tower, suddenly there was a voice.

"There is an alchemy ballista of our Knicks family on the watch tower. You'd better not touch it easily, or if it is damaged, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Who is speaking so arrogant?" Not to mention Palin, even Lynch frowned. Since he became a wizard, honestly it has been a long time since he was so unkind to him, even Yu is still a bit uncomfortable.

Soon, Lynch turned around and looked over, and they followed, and they saw a group of three approaching. The leader was a young man in his twenties, tall and dazzling, with dazzling blond hair, speaking righteously, but looking towards In Lynch's expression, there was a kind of disdain and jealousy.

"That is from the Knicks family? Palin, do you know him?" Lynch took a look at the young man. He naturally knew that the threat was made by the young man, so he subconsciously cast his gaze on Pei. Lin Shang.

Palin shook his head, he was not too familiar with the Knicks family.

"Malfa Merlin Sorcerer, that is the Hilyr of the Knicks family, the Hilyr Sorcerer, if you hadn't become the Sorcerer, he would be the youngest Sorcerer in our king. "At this moment, Sophis, sweating profusely, didn't know where he came out, and came to Lynch to explain.

"Oh... it turns out to be a genius wizard." Lynch looked up and down at Helaer in a bit of surprise. He had to say that Helaer was indeed a genius-level figure, judging from his age, He should be a few years older than himself, and being able to become a wizard at this age really has enough qualifications to be impressive.

It's a pity that he still can't compare with himself after all...

Therefore, facing the threat of Hailar, Lynch ignored him, turned around and took Sophis and Palin onto the outpost, and then began to debug the alchemy circle of the ballista.

Said it is debugging, in fact, it is also to check whether there are any problems with this alchemy ballista. This is also a preparatory work before the start of the war.

Moreover, it is also very important work.

After all, what the two major forces will face next is hundreds of thousands of constructed creatures. If there are problems with such details, many people will probably die on the battlefield.

However, when Lynch's ignorant attitude fell in the eyes of Hailar, he immediately stopped doing it. Damn, your attitude is very problematic! Lao Tzu is also a young magician, even stronger than you, but now, this Mafa Merlin actually ignores himself? This is too pretentious, right?

Of course, Hailar has naturally heard of Lynch’s fame...

However, after knowing Lynch's fame and related deeds, Hailar did not have the same admiration and admiration as other people, but was deeply jealous and resentful.

You know, before the rise of Lynch, Hailar has always been the most famous wizard in the capital...

His strength may not be the strongest among the wizards, but his age is definitely the smallest one. Even in the history of the royal capital, there has never been a young wizard like him. Taxi.

It is also because of this that he has a strong reputation in the entire circle of magicians in the capital. At the same time, relying on this reputation also makes him a very high position in the Knicks family, even those in power. , He is usually polite to him, and Hailar has always had a share of any benefits.

However, the life like this kind of good is now gone...

Because someone more talented than him appeared.

Things like geniuses have always been afraid of comparison. Once there is a contrast, then the so-called genius is no longer qualified to be called a genius, and now Hailar, due to Lynch’s suppression, Now I am facing such an awkward situation.

That's why he has a deep resentment towards Lynch...

After coming to the Sen'jin plane, he wanted to contact Lynch many times, but under the noses of the wizards, he really didn't have that opportunity, and now, he was checking the camp here. However, Lin Qi was suddenly discovered, and Hailar, who was bright in front of him, knew that his chance was here.

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