The First Mage

Chapter 1550: powerful

Lynch’s scolding just now obviously worked to a certain extent. Although there were still a lot of cowardly mages in the crowd, the number of these mages was still drastically reduced compared to before. .

Lynch was also secretly satisfied with this, and immediately left with Palin and others.

"Malfa Merlin, look at your current status in the Royal Academy of Magic. I am afraid that even some wizards can't match it..." Palin looked at Lynch with envy, and then said: " You perverted fellow, obviously we are all about the same age..."

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, you go back now, I have to see the wizards." Lynch interrupted Palin's words. At this moment, a large number of constructs are approaching the camp, and they may attack the camp at any time. , He believed that those magicians should be anxious to be like ants on a hot pot now, at this time, he naturally can't be like a okay person.

"Okay." Palin also knew that Lynch had important things to do, so he didn't continue to pester Lynch and left soon.

After Palin left, Lynch soon came to the tube building where the wizards held a meeting.

As soon as he entered, Lynch heard intense discussions in the conference room of the University of Nova Scotia.

"Damn it, these constructed creatures were definitely sent by the elves, and only the elves have the means to manipulate the constructed creatures. Otherwise, these constructed creatures should have already plunged into the camp by now. No need to crawl outside the camp now."

"It seems that we are indeed being targeted by elves, but the whereabouts of these elves are too mysterious, right? It stands to reason that since they have already planned to deal with us, they should appear in front of us now, right? But we Until now, I haven't seen any elf."

"Didn't Marfa Merlin bring back an elf body last time?"

"What value can a corpse have, and there is no way for us to speculate about the Elf's plan."

The Knicks family and the wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic all blushed and their necks were thick. At this moment, where are they still a bit of a wizard? It's like a group of people in the market.

Lynch looked at this scene, and immediately couldn't help showing a dumbfounded look. It seems that the arrival of the constructed creatures really made these wizards extremely nervous. After all, if they can't think of a proper solution, At that time, whether it is the Knicks family or the Royal Academy of Magic, will usher in extremely painful losses. This is also something that the wizards of the two major forces cannot accept.

"Malfa Merlin, you just came here. Have you got any clues about this group of constructs?" When Lynch came in, he was quickly noticed by Doria Sorceress, the Sorcerer Knowing that Lynch has always had a lot of spooky ideas, he immediately asked.

When the name of Mafa Merlin rang, the noisy meeting room was now faintly quiet, and the eyes of the wizards all fell on Lynch.

Including the Great Sorcerer Glo and the Great Sorcerer of Marfa, they also looked at him quietly.

Seeing everyone paying attention to him, Lynch couldn't help scratching his forehead, and said in embarrassment, "I just came back from outside, and I don't know what's going on right now..."

"What else? Now that there are so many construct creatures parked outside the camp, didn't you see it when you came back?" said the Dewey Sorcerer of the Knicks family.

Lynch said, "I know this. I was actually answering the words of Doria Sorcerer just now. Didn't he ask me if I have any clues to these constructed creatures? I don't have any clues..."

"Oh, yes." Sorcer Doria heard this, somewhat disappointed.

Lynch nodded, but did not continue.

In fact, this wizard might not have thought that Lynch was lying just now...

How could he not know the origin of these constructed creatures?

However, Lynch was a little reluctant to tell this story.

After all, once it is said, it will inevitably involve the elves of Hartdy, and to let this group of wizards know that they have been in contact with elves, then I guess I don’t think about any birthdays, I guess everyone will be entangled. Keep yourself, let yourself clarify all the details...

If there is any important information, then Lynch will naturally not care about wasting some time, so that the whole thing will be told to this group of magicians.

However, it is indeed unnecessary to say now...

If he had to say, I am afraid there are only two things. The first thing is that the elves must not be able to successfully implement their plan, so that the Sen'jin plane merges with the world of Anriel, thereby destroying the world of Anriel, as for the second The pieces are about light elves and dark elves, as well as some of Hartdy’s experiences.

However, these two things are not the right time to tell, especially the first one. If it is said, it will cause panic in the camp, and it will also attract countless people’s doubts. After all, like this Things that even the Great Sorcerer didn't know, why did a little Sorcerer know?

It is because of these many reasons that Lynch feels that what he should do most now is to close his mouth tightly...

Seeing that Lynch had nothing to say, the wizards couldn't help losing their interest in paying attention to Lynch, but at this time, the Sorcerer Dewey who had spoken before looked at Lynch thoughtfully: "Now Those constructed creatures appear outside our camp, there is bound to be a battle between us and them, and the number of them is dozens of times more than ours, so it must be extremely lacking in combat power by then, so I suggest you royal magic The academy has to recruit the alchemy puppet of Marfa Merlin this time."

Hearing that, many wizards turned their eyes on Lynch again.

They naturally heard of Lynch's alchemy puppet.

After all, his alchemy puppet legion is too powerful.

In the history of the royal capital, there has never been a precedent in which someone took an alchemy puppet and single-handedly smashed into an ancient family, but now, this magician named Malfa Merlin has broken this precedent.

At the same time, it also shows from the side that his alchemy puppet is powerful...

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