The First Mage

Chapter 1531: Unscientific

After running for more than ten meters, Lynch used the holy light to wash again. This time, all those phantoms were purified.

Looking at the empty environment ahead and the deep pit not far away, Lynch couldn't help but sink into contemplation.

"Malfa Merlin, what was going on just now, why did your spells suddenly have no effect?" Palin looked at him curiously.

Lynch shook his head and analyzed: "I guess that in that deep pit, there may be a force that can not only create these phantoms, but at the same time near that power, the power of phantoms is also It will be strengthened accordingly, making it impossible for me to purify them, and at the same time, if I can draw those phantoms out of the deep pit, I can destroy them."

"So complicated?" Palin rolled his eyes at hearing, "Then what shall we do now? Are you trying to attract those phantoms and purify them?"

Lynch thought for a while. According to normal circumstances, if they want to move forward, they will definitely have to purify all the phantoms in the pit, but the problem now is that the number of phantoms is too much. Too much, almost to an infinite level, attracting more than a dozen at a time and destroying them together, how much time would it take? After all, a dozen phantoms, relative to their total number, are nothing at all.

If Lynch has a lot of time wasted now, he naturally doesn’t mind spending more here, but now there are hundreds of archmages waiting for him on the tower. If he disappears for too long, then Those mages may cause a riot...

After realizing this, Lynch couldn't help but secretly have a headache.

Before, when he first came into contact with the phantoms, he had realized that these phantoms could not affect the Sorcerer, and he would not even choose to approach the Sorcerer. However, after approaching the pit, Lynch was It can be said with certainty that this phenomenon has completely disappeared...

Because just now, those phantoms were not only for Palin, but also for him. It is conceivable that once he is approached by these phantoms, then the phantoms will flood into his body without hesitation and try to possess him.

Although I’m still not sure if I can’t fight against that power, I have to be more or less cautious about things like this. Once I am possessed, I will be Here is a massacre. With their own power, unless the magicians on the other side of the camp come to this place themselves, it is estimated that no one can stop themselves...

So now, Lynch has no choice but to leave Palin and go to the shelter alone.

Taking a deep breath, Lynch soon figured it out. Although he really wanted to enter the shelter, from the current situation, it is difficult to clean up all the ghosts with his own strength. , The only way, perhaps is to find more mages to come and help, relying on the strength of everyone, work together to solve these phantoms.

And Lynch is not short of manpower now.

After all, there are hundreds of great masters in the tower.

But if this is the case, then this magic crystal raw mine will be completely exposed by then, even if the shelter is really found and some supplies are found from it, then these supplies will have to be handed over to the Royal Academy of Magic.

That was not what Lynch wanted to see.

After all, the only one who knows this magic crystal mine now is...

Only oneself can find this place with the help of the architectural drawings left by McGinn.

Therefore, Lynch did not want to expose the secrets under the tower so quickly, everything here should belong to him...

In this case, instead of letting it be exposed and forced to go to the shelter, it is better to temporarily put this place down and continue to hide it in this underground. When there is a way to deal with these phantoms in the future, just come and look for the shelter. .

Anyway, as long as he doesn’t take the initiative to bring people in, this place will never be exposed. As for Palin, the boy’s tone is still very tight. Under his shock, even if he lends him dozens of courage, he will not Dare to leak the situation here...

Thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help shrugging helplessly: "Okay, we don't have so much time to deal with these phantoms now. There are still many people waiting for us."

"Oh? Then you mean, don't go to the shelter yet?" Palin's eyes lit up. This is exactly what he hopes to see. After all, it looks like a ghost place for a few minutes. He is crazy, and in his opinion, he still hopes to leave as soon as possible.

"Yes. Do what you want. Are you happy now?" Lynch rolled his eyes: "By the way, I can warn you that after you go out, you must be tight-lipped. You can't tell anyone about everything here. Speak up, otherwise, you should know the consequences..."

"Don't worry, I must know..." Palin quickly assured Lynch.

Lynch nodded, this was the way to return with Palin, and soon he left the original magic crystal mine, followed closely, and returned to the tower.

And when they came back, those archmages’ exploration of the tower was almost over, but at this moment, because they had lost Lynch’s trace, they were a little uneasy and began to look for Lynch everywhere. .

"Look, it's Sorcerer Marfa Merlin, he's back." But at this time, the figures of Lynch and Palin appeared in the eyes of everyone. Suddenly, the archmages who were still frowning, It suddenly became cloudy, and laughter appeared.

"I just disappeared for a while. What are you doing so nervously..." The corner of Lynch's mouth twitched, and then he asked the hundreds of archmages: "You should have been to the top level by now? Believe that it is there. , You should have seen the elves' corpses too?"

"Yes... I saw it." One of them stood up and said hesitantly; "And...and..."

"And it hasn't been long since the elf died, right?" Lynch looked at him.

The archmage nodded heavily: "This is unscientific..."

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