The First Mage

Chapter 1514: Camp

Things like building a camp are actually extremely complicated. Generally speaking, it takes at least two to three days to create the outline of the camp, but now, because the wizards here are really There are so many, it's even close to 10,000 wizards!

Therefore, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the efficiency of building the camp is very fast...

In just half a day, the outline of the camp has begun to take shape.

Since this place is the legendary plane of Sen'jin after all, the two powers are extremely valued for things like the camp, and the materials used are the best, whether it is the Knicks family or The Royal Academy of Magic, in the construction of this camp, did not have the slightest reservation. The surrounding railings were all made of Crewe metal, which is an extremely expensive metal in the world of Anriel. In terms of strength, even if a ninth-level warrior slashes at the metal, it is estimated that it will take more than ten minutes to slash the metal to crack the metal.

At the same time, a bunch of tube buildings appeared in the camp one after another. Except for some dormitories for the mages to rest, the rest were some office spaces and some functional buildings.

Of course, in addition to the opening of the tube tower, there are also facilities such as the gun tower and arrow tower. With the cooperation of those alchemists, these tall buildings are being improved one after another.

"It's all money..." Looking at this high-level camp that is changing all the time, Lynch sighed with emotion. When Mage Merlin was reconstructing the tower before, he had heard Red Merlin settle an account. It was a war fort of that level, and it cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

As for the camp at the moment, if converted into gold coins, it is estimated that there are not two million gold coins, and it is absolutely impossible to get it...

Of course, this is also the crystallization of the cooperation between the two major forces.

If you just use a force to come, you must be absolutely reluctant to spend so many gold coins on a camp.

The construction of the entire camp lasted almost two days. It was not until two days later that the camp began to operate normally, which basically met some of the basic requirements of the wizards.

Originally, after the construction of the camp was completed, it was reasonable to go out to explore the Sen'jin plane, but the wizards of the two major forces did not seem to be in a hurry. Except for sending some mages to investigate nearby every day, they did not change it. Far away.

As for the rest of the time, let the wizards stay in the camp to rest. As for the wizards, they stay in the tube building and hold meetings every day, which seems to be very busy. It's just that no one knows what they are up to...

"Malfa Merlin, how about we two sneak out first?" Palin quickly came to Lynch's side.

In this temporary camp built on the Senjin plane, although there is also such a thing as a mage’s dormitory, due to the consideration of space saving, it is not as comfortable as in the academy, allowing the mage to live alone In a room.

Generally speaking, every room has at least eight mages living in it, which is very crowded.

As for Lynch, with his current status and status, naturally, he does not need to huddle with these common mages. If he wants to, he can live in a separate room like the wizards. .

However, when Lynch chose the room, Palin once again played a shameless style. He had to huddle with Lynch when he said anything. For this reason, although Lynch was helpless, he still had to follow Palin lived in a room.

This incident also made Palin very proud...

After all, like an archmage of his level, under normal circumstances, he can live in an eight-person room. As it is now, it is basically impossible for two people to occupy a room.

But who made Marfa Merlin his comrade-in-arms?

Because of this, he enjoys some privileges...

This also made the disciples of Sophis, the Dorian Sorcerer, feel envious.

"What are you thinking?" And at this moment, after hearing Palin's words, Lynch couldn't help but roll his eyes: "A plane like the Sen'jin plane, if you are alone If you go out, you don’t know how to die. I advise you to follow the big army and follow the arrangements of the wizards..."

"I know this naturally." Palin vomited: "However, you are already a wizard after all. When you were a wizard before, you dared to take me out to explore alone. Now, you are more It was stronger before..."

"Although I am indeed stronger than before, you also score points..." Lynch's face was full of black lines: "Can those planes compare to Sen'jin planes?"

To be honest, what Lynch said was really not perfunctory Palin.

What Palin didn’t know was that Lynch was actually very willing to go out and explore alone. After all, his purpose in coming to the Sen’jin Plane was very clear. He was to investigate ways to prevent the destruction of Anriel’s world. The matter must not be asked under the noses of those wizards, especially the Great Sorcerer of Marfa, if they know about it, I really don't know how to explain it.

Could it be that……

Did you come across? In the future, already know that the world of Anriel will be destroyed directly in the future?

What a joke...

Once this kind of moth comes out, it is estimated that I will have to be treated as a neuropathy, and then driven out of the Sen'jin plane...

But now, although Lynch really wants to go out, he also knows that for him, this Sen'jin plane is too dangerous. Without seeing the magicians, they dare not easily lead everyone out. Explore?

Under such circumstances, what he should do the most is to keep a low profile, and don't take the initiative to go out and die, only in this way can he complete the tasks he should complete safely.

"Okay..." Seeing that Lynch did not mean to leave the camp to explore, Palin was helpless, but he could only nod his head: "Ah, I really don't want to waste time here, after entering the Sen'jin plane this time , I feel very strong. If I work harder, I can definitely become a wizard here..."

"Your feeling has appeared before..." Lynch said helplessly: "When you go to other planes, you also have a strong feeling of becoming stronger..."

"But, I really got stronger," Palin said.

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