The First Mage

Chapter 1512: busy

At this moment, let alone these ordinary wizards, including the wizards, they all have big eyes and small eyes, and don't know how to explain everything they see in front of them. After all, this is really incredible.

"There is so little information in hand. If you knew that the environment of Sen'jin plane was so bad, you should do some other preparations." Sorcer Doria looked at the environment below, his face slightly ugly. , After all, judging from the current environment, they couldn't get out of the alchemy airship at all, otherwise everyone would be in trouble.

The other wizards didn't know what to say now, they were all whispering, discussing ways to deal with all this in a low voice.

As for the Great Sorcerer Marfa and the Great Sorcerer Glo, they didn't say anything now, they just frowned and looked at the outside environment.

"No... the surrounding environment seems to be changing."

However, as the alchemy airship moved forward, everyone soon discovered that the surrounding environment was slowly changing. The harsh and terrible environment is now gradually disappearing, replaced by mild magic, blue sky, and various The land where life coexists is not like before. The whole world is devastated, and it looks like it will be destroyed at any time.

"What the **** is going on?" Many wizards were dumbfounded. The sudden change in the environment before them made it difficult for them to react.

"Look behind!"

At this time, someone reminded.

Suddenly, many people looked at the back of the alchemy airship, and then found through the window that the harsh environment before, still exists in the area not far away, in sharp contrast with the environment here.

Seeing this scene, many people suddenly understood that it was not because the environment of Sen'jin plane had changed, but because they had passed through that area and now came to another area...

The environment of these two areas is obviously very different.

"Could it be that there are still many different environments in the Senjin plane?" Many people secretly guessed.

But no matter what the situation is, now this vast and beautiful world undoubtedly brings hope to everyone. Before, they thought the environment of Sen'jin plane was very bad and they didn’t know what to do, but now it’s good. Now, the area they are in is not bad compared to the world of Anriel, and it happens to be the first stop to explore the Sen'jin plane.

"Okay, let's get ready to go down." After inquiring the opinion of the Great Sorcerer, Sorcerer Lessef and others, quickly decided to let the alchemy airship find a safe place to dock.

The wizards around were very excited when they were notified. This is the Senjin plane, like this legendary plane. Everyone wants to set foot, and now, their footsteps will finally be imprinted. It's on the ground of Sen'jin plane!

"Marfa Merlin, what's the matter with you? Why don't you look a little bit happy, but rather worried, did you have any trouble?" Palin was also excited, but when he turned around, suddenly Seeing Lynch’s frowning brows, he immediately asked very curiously: "Is there anything you can tell, I'll see if I can help you solve it. I am already a great mage after all. Look at my strength..."

"This is not something that an archmage can solve." Lynch glared at Palin very annoyed. There was a problem with his book of time and space, which naturally couldn't be told to Palin.

To be honest, now Lynch is really anxious.

After all, if there is a problem with the Book of Time, then his next loss is really too great. Therefore, even if he has come to the Sen'jin plane now, Lynch is not at all excited at all. I don’t care about the Senjin plane...

"Well..." Palin closed his mouth when he saw Lynch's reluctance to say more.

Soon, under the control of the wizards, the alchemy airship was docked on the ground of the Sen'jin plane. This is a vast open space with forests and mountains in the distance, but after the wizards discussed it , But intends to camp in the same place, after all, they have already sensed that there is no beast near here...

Therefore, there is no need to waste time looking for other safer places.

Of course, if only some magicians guard this place, they will definitely be as cautious as they are. The selection of the camp site will also go through a long and long discussion, but now, the place is here, after all They are two great wizards.

Out of trust in the strength of the Great Sorcerer, they didn't waste that time. The matter of choosing the camp was much simpler.

"Palin, you follow them to build the camp. I'll go there first. There is something..." Lynch had also stepped off the alchemy airship at this time. After seeing many mages after a short rest, he immediately started to get busy. He also spoke directly to Palin now.

Palin's eyes widened: "Are you going out to explore by yourself again? Malfa Merlin, you better not run blindly. This is the Sen'jin plane. We have never been to this place. Now if we go out alone, we will encounter The probability of danger is extremely high. If there is any accident to you then, what can you do..."

Lynch interrupted Palin impatiently: "Okay, don't be fussy, I'm leaving now."

What's wrong now is Lynch's Book of Time and Space, after all, so he has no leisure time to spend time with Palin. After leaving a sentence impatiently, he turned around and left.

"This guy..." Palin stomped his feet, and honestly he wanted to leave with Lynch. After all, he knew that every time this guy went out alone, he must have something good to do. If he followed the past, he said There may be some benefits, but Palin also knows that now is not the time to go out casually...

Now to them, the entire Sen'jin plane is unknown. Under such circumstances, let alone them, I am afraid that the magicians would not dare to go out alone easily. In this case, they are an archmage, and How dare to run around?

Moreover, just as he hesitated and struggled, Lynch had gradually walked away. For a moment, Palin could only stomped his feet in an extremely dull manner, and turned around to go busy with the wizards.

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