The First Mage

Chapter 171: Mutation

"Linch, Palin, you two are safe." But just as Lynch came over, there was a familiar voice in his ear.

Lynch was stunned for a moment, then looked over and found that it was Archmage Hawking.

As the lead archmage of Oakland College, Hawking is now in the crowd, and at the same time, beside him, the archmage Rice is also standing there.

Like Lynch and the others, Archmage Hawking was actually worried about the safety of Lynch and Palin after he came to the wasteland. After all, the river of blood was too dangerous at the time. Although he woke up, he didn’t encounter it. What's the trouble, and successfully arrived at the destination, but the ghost knows whether the two wizards will be in trouble, but fortunately, they seem to be alive and well...

Now that the two of Lynch and Palin have joined the large forces, they naturally exchanged greetings with Hawking and described some of the previous experiences in the original, but Lynch is covering up some of the things he has obtained, not to say He was worried that Hawking would go and see, but mainly wanted to save himself some trouble...

"By the way, Archmage Hawking, what do we all gather in this place? Also, it's not just the mages of Oakland College. Why are the people in the Tower of Origin of the Crimson Devil Realm here..." After a long chat, Lin Qicai finally asked his doubts.

Hawking did not speak, but pointed to the end of the wasteland and said: "Now all the monsters gathered there are..."

"It's all Warcraft?" Lynch's face changed drastically: "What's going on? Why are so many Warcraft suddenly gathered together?"

"I don't know..." Hawking shook his head: "Not long after we came out, a few wizards were sent to help with the follow-up. This is what they detected, and we are only acting on orders to rush out of these monsters. Before the Winter Mountains, get rid of them, otherwise, when these monsters rush out, they will cause a big mess..."

"At that time, I am afraid there will be a beast wave." When Lynch thought of this, his face couldn't help but change. After all, what the beast wave means, he is clear, it means the beginning of disaster. Once there is a beast wave, I am afraid there will be Countless wizards lost their lives, not only the wizards of Auckland College, but also the wizards of other forces.

It was at this time that Lin Qicai finally understood why it was so rare for the four master forces to conduct joint operations.

To put it bluntly, this is simply not something that a single force can solve...

Immediately afterwards, it didn't take long for everyone to walk toward the depths of the wasteland under the leadership of Hawking and Rice.

After reaching the depths of the wasteland, even with Lynch's calmness, he couldn't help but take a breath.

In the depths of the wasteland, countless alchemy formations have been constructed. These alchemy formations are arranged by the four major powers of the wizard. Behind the alchemy formations, there are also alchemy rune cannons and alchemy ballistas. .

Numerous alchemy technologies have blocked the end of the plain. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a net of heaven and earth. In this case, even a fly over it will cause a near-destructive blow.

There is also Warcraft.

The endless expanse of beasts is black, and there is no end in sight. The beasts are fierce and bloodthirsty, and they almost dye the world into blood red. They madly impact the alchemy array. This is also the first level, almost every time. The collision will cause the alchemy circle to bloom with extremely dazzling light.

Lynch only felt a tingling scalp...

Although the current situation seems to be relatively safe for the time being, these monsters have not rushed in, but it should be soon before the monsters rushed in completely. At that time, the only ones who are really capable of stopping the monsters will be their masters.

In other words, they will use their bodies to block the impact of Monsters...

"It's crazy." Although the weather was very hot, Palin next to Lynch felt a chill. Hearing that and seeing it with his own eyes are two different things. Although he is mentally prepared, he should let Palin really see it. There is a feeling of fear.

Palin swallowed: "Wait later we are going to fight these monsters?"

"Otherwise?" Lynch also smiled helplessly. This is the real winter hunt. The monsters they encountered before, regardless of their strength, seemed to be petty troubles, but now they really see the truth. time.

Once the monsters rushed in, there would be no safe zone in the strict sense at that time. I am afraid that you can touch a monster with just one hand. Everyone was thinking about hunting more monsters, even cubs and mother animals. Now it seems that this wish can be realized...

Among the tens of thousands of monsters, what kind of monsters can't be seen? Don't talk about mother beast cubs and mother beasts, even Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters have appeared.

At the beginning of the clock plane, Lynch also encountered this kind of battle, but the battle at the time was nothing compared to now, although now [烟雨红尘小说] is a mage , The magic power was far from comparable at the time, but if he really wanted to let the Warcraft rush in, Lynch didn't have the least bit of heart.

The surrounding wizards are probably also aware of their own dangers, so these wizards also use their magic power to keep the magic power at the highest level. Even many wizards have already held the magic scroll and potion in their hands, just waiting for the upcoming The battle started.

To be honest, these mages can still...

As a member of the four great mage forces, he still has his own quality, at least for now, only a small part of the panic, most of them can still remain calm.

This is true of Oakland College, and the same is true of other wizard forces.

"Here." Just as Lynch was thinking about this, Palin rang in Lynch's ear with a trembling voice. Lynch raised his head and looked over, accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds, blocking the first line of defense in the wasteland. The alchemy circle has been completely broken by Warcraft.

At this time, the alchemical rune cannon and the alchemical ballista played a role.

The shells fired by the alchemy rune cannons are specially made. Once the extremely hard shells hit the monsters, not only will they blast a large area of ​​monsters into powder instantly, but at the same time the amazing explosive power will spread around, as long as it fluctuates. Wherever it touches, those beasts will be blown up, which looks very powerful.

At the same time, dense arrows shot from the alchemy ballista.

These alchemy ballistas were all provided by the Crimson Demon Realm. The alchemists of the Crimson Devil Realm added flame elements to the alchemy ballistas, and a series of arrows were inserted into the body of the beasts, instantly forming a prairie fire.

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