The First Mage

Chapter 1485: Retreat

"If the Watson family is involved, then you will not be able to go. Compared with the Watson family, the three big mage towers are not as good as an ant at all. You must not easily fall into the Watson family's trap. "Reid Merlin said.

Lynch shook his head: "No, even if the Watson family is involved in this matter, I have to go there."

"Ah? Why?" Red Merlin was puzzled.

Lynch explained with a smile: "The reason why the bosses of the three big mage towers dare to ask me now, and are not afraid of being caught directly by me, I guess, it should be that the Watson family has made a comprehensive plan, so let them firmly believe, The Watson family must be able to catch me, and it can also make the three of them retreat. So, I plan to gamble with them, whether I can catch them, or is it the Watson family that caught me .Uncle, don’t you think such a bet is very interesting? If I win, the bosses of the three mage towers will all fall into my hands. At that time, we can take over the three mage towers overnight No need to wait for three days."

"But doing this is too dangerous...I am very worried about your safety." After listening to Lynch's analysis, Redmelin felt that Lynch's courage was too great, like this kind of madness. He actually dared to do it...

"Don't worry, in the ten days since I left, my strength is no longer comparable. No matter what method the Watson family uses to deal with me, I will not be in any danger." Lin Qidao: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be so confident."

"Okay..." Red Merlin stared at Lynch for a long time. From Lynch’s expression, he could see that his nephew was not joking. He had made up his mind. In that case, Narui Demelin felt that he had nothing to say. After all, his nephew was more witty than himself. If he thought this plan was feasible, it was definitely feasible.

"Then do you want to bring some helpers over? For example, House? I feel that House has grown very quickly recently and is very powerful...should be able to help you." Redmelin proposed.

Lynch hesitated, but nodded: "Well, then I will listen to you. Take House. However, there is no need to bring anyone other than House. When there are too many people, it will be It will become a cumbersome and cause some trouble to me."

"Okay..." Red Meilin said with a worried look: "You go back, but you must pay attention to safety, know? You are the hope of our Merlin family now, and also the hope of Master Merlin's tower...More It’s my Red Melin’s hope."

"Got it……"

The corners of Lynch's mouth twitched, and then he nodded seriously.

Soon, Lynch left the Merlin Mage Tower with House.

"Master, where are we going?" Just after leaving the tower of Master Merlin, House asked curiously.

Lynch explained: "We are going to die, how about it, dare to follow me?"

"Really?" House's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but he quickly returned to normal, giving the appearance of being unaffected.

"Really, when did I lie to you?"

"Okay..." House took a deep breath: "Since I decided to be your servant, this life of mine belongs to your master, let alone die with you, even if you ask me to go now I won’t have any hesitation when I die, and even if I really die, I will protect the master and not let you suffer any harm.”

"Hehe... just kidding." Lynch couldn't help but laugh out: "This time the three big mage towers asked me to meet in the past. It seems to be troublesome for me. I will take you over to see if I can help. I'm busy, of course, if I can solve it by myself then you don't need to do anything."

"Okay, got it!"

Lynch and House chatted quickly while rushing to the place agreed upon by him and the three major mage towers.

On the invitation letter, the three great master towers clearly marked the reason and destination of their invitation to Lynch, saying that they would negotiate with Lynch on the 73rd block, so as to ease the situation. The relationship between the two parties.

In fact, Lynch knew that this so-called easing of the relationship was completely nonsense, but it was just a reason that the other party came up with to call him over. In fact, they really didn’t need to do such a stale thing, even if they did not. For any reason, there is only a blank invitation letter, and I will still be happy to attend the appointment.

Today's Lynch is not only a wizard, but also a continuous production of alchemy puppets in the construction workshop. He now has hundreds of alchemy puppets to manipulate. The book and the book of all laws made Lynch need not worry about those conspiracies.

After all, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are of no use.

Soon, Lynch came to the 73rd block.

In the capital city, there are many abandoned blocks, and the 73rd block is one of the many abandoned blocks. Although it looks like an extremely wide street, it is actually full of damaged buildings. There are overgrown weeds, and even some wild beasts can be seen here from time to time.

Along the way, Lynch was perceiving the surrounding environment.

But what made him strange was that after sensing for so long, he did not find the magical power fluctuation of the wizard.

In Lynch’s view, since the people from the three major mage towers arranged the meeting place here, they must have arranged a lot of back-ups here, as they are now, no mage can be found, no doubt it is It's strange.

In the world of Anriel, only the magician can escape the perception of a magician. Therefore, Lynch is very suspicious. This time the three major mage towers sent to plot against him, they should all be the magician. That's right...

However, the three major mage towers definitely don't have such a background. If your opponent is really a wizard, then it must be sent by the Watson family.

"Even if it's a Sorcerer, what about it?" Lynch mumbled, leading House to move on, and soon he came to the tallest clock tower in the 73rd block, and here , The bosses of the three mage towers, namely Alderjosta and Pepo, have been waiting for themselves here.

In addition, there is a magician standing beside them.

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