The First Mage

Chapter 1483: trouble

"Didn't I just say that? The Watson family refused to help us..." Josta said in frustration, "My signal has been sent for so long, but until now, no one from the Watson family has contacted me. , Including that Sorceress Rainer, just as dead, they can't be contacted at all."

"This is troublesome..."

For a while, several people in the room fell into silence one after another, thinking about what kind of method they could use to deal with Mafa Merlin.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the door of the room was knocked.

Several people were awakened from the silence. Alder said impatiently: "Josta, how did you educate your subordinates? The three of us are discussing matters here, why would anyone dare to disturb us?"

Peper also looked at Josta dissatisfied.

Although Josta was also a little angry, for the sake of face, he explained: "I have strictly ordered Wushen to not allow anyone to disturb. They are disturbing now. Maybe there is something important. Could it be that it is from Master Merlin's tower. , What new news is coming back?"

"Really? Then you go take a look." Peibo and Ao [Biquge] Erd looked at each other and said quickly.

Josta nodded and quickly got up to open the door of the room.

But when it was opened, Josta was taken aback, followed by excitement: "Magic Rainer, you finally appeared."

The one who came was not from the two-headed snake magic tower, but the Reina Sorceress whom Josta was familiar with, and this Sorcerer was also a member of the Watson family who has been closely associated with the three major magic towers. .

"Isn't it time for me to come?" Sorcerer Rainer glanced at the room and found that Peppa and Alder were also here, and asked mockingly: "Isn't it me that you want to see most now? ?"

"Yes, I wish I could see you soon. Fortunately, you finally came." The situation is already very critical, so the current Josta, who is not concerned about the problem of face, directly said excitedly.

Sorcerer Rainer shook his head: "At any rate, he is also the owner of the three major mage towers, so he can't hold his breath... Then the Merlin mage tower just made an announcement. Does it scare you?"

After welcoming Mage Reina into the room, Josta closed the door heavily, and said quickly: "After all, our three great mage towers can’t be compared with your Watson family. We can’t deal with Mafa Merlin. , So now, we really have nothing to do..."

"Magic Rainer, do you need me to explain the situation to you?" Peper said.

Sorcerer Rainer shook his head: "Before I came, I had already figured out everything that happened. You don't have to say anything more. Moreover, my purpose is very simple. It is to help you solve your problems."

"It's okay to solve the problem, but don't let us kidnap Red Merlin again. If we are doing the same thing, I am afraid that Marfa Merlin will hit the door directly tonight." Alder said.

Sorcerer Rainer glanced at Alder dissatisfiedly: "Boss Alder, please pay attention to your attitude."

"Okay." After all, Sorcerer Rainer is a Sorcerer and represents the Watson family. Although Alder is not low in status, he still can't compare with Sorcerer Rainer. Therefore, Although there were still many complaints, he had to shut his mouth forcibly.

Seeing that Alder didn’t say anything, Sorcerer Rainer continued with satisfaction: "Don’t worry, the same method, our Watson family, will not let you use it a second time, let’s talk about it now. The tower of Master Merlin was transformed like a fortress of war. It is not that simple to capture Red Merlin."

"The Watson family, what do we plan to do with this matter?" Josta asked impatiently.

"It's very simple... We plan to let you make an appointment with Marfa Merlin..." Mage Renner said: "After knowing about the declaration of war by Merlin's tower against you, our Watson family also held a meeting here. An emergency meeting, we feel that this is a good opportunity to completely kill Mafa Merlin."

"Ah? Let's make an appointment with Mafa Merlin?" The bosses of the three major mage towers all showed strange expressions when they heard the words of the Sorcerer Rainer. After all, they all knew that now Mafa Merlin wanted to catch the most. It was the three of them who lived. At this time, they didn't have time to hide, and they even took the initiative to expose to Marfa Merlin? Wouldn't it mean that the sheep enter the tiger's mouth, there is no return?

After all, once the three of them are caught, the three major mage towers will naturally break down.

I believe Mafa Merlin would not be unwilling to do this cost-effective business.

"In this way, we will all fall into the hands of Malfa Merlin, do you know what this means? Sorcerer Rainer?" Alder couldn't help but complain.

Sorcerer Rainer smiled slightly: "Since this is the result of our Watson family's discussion, then we naturally know the pros and cons of this matter, and also know that there are certain risks, but have you ever thought about it if If you ask that Marfa Merlin, he will come out?"

"But, what's the use of letting Marfa Merlin come out and fall into his hands? Can it be a little good for us?" Josta asked.

"..." Sorcerer Rainer shook his head: "It can't be said that, as long as you can make an appointment with Marfa Merlin, then at that time, our Watson family will also have the opportunity to contact Marfa Merlin. , Then, you can directly capture Marfa Merlin just like the kidnapping of Red Merlin last time..."

"Although it seems to be the same approach, this time we are going to target Marfa Merlin, so that once we catch him, there will be no omissions."

"It's up to you Watson family to catch Marfa Merlin?" Josta Alder and others couldn't help but look at each other at this moment. It has to be said that the Watson family's proposal is indeed quite good. With a strong feasibility, if the Watson family can really catch Marfa Merlin, they can also breathe a sigh of relief. After all, after losing Marfa Merlin, relying solely on the power of Master Merlin’s tower, It will not be able to destroy them.

Moreover, having lost the asylum of Mafa Merlin, they were even able to carry out counter-killing and instead deal with the tower of Merlin Master.

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