The First Mage

Chapter 1480: confidence

"They were all borrowed from members of the alliance?" Lynch was not surprised at this, after all, he was the first to propose this idea to Red Merlin.

"Yes." Sieg explained, "Mage Merlin took out half of the tower by himself, and the other half was borrowed by members of the alliance."

"Oh... well, I see, I will thank the uncle when I look back." Lynch smiled, and then began to check the magic box.

As Seag said, in these magic boxes, almost all of the materials that are visible to the naked eye are used to make alchemy puppets. It was the first time that Lynch saw such a large amount of materials, so it was slightly shocked. a bit.

"These materials for making alchemy puppets are enough for you to make tens of thousands of alchemy puppets." Sieg said, "but I'm more curious, you really can make so many alchemy puppets..."

"Yes." Lynch was very confident when he spoke. Although it is said that in the world of Anriel, there is basically no alchemist who can create tens of thousands of alchemy puppets in a short period of time. However, others cannot, but it does not mean that He can’t, after all, he has a Constructed Demon Realm...

At this moment, after he got these materials, he wanted to put them in the construction workshop. When the construction workshop was fully operating, Lynch felt that it only took less than three days, and he should be able to do it. All the alchemy puppets have been made.

At that time, these alchemy puppets can directly participate in the war with the Watson family...

"Okay, then I'll wait and see..." Sieg said with an unprecedented expectation in his eyes. Sieg is also very curious about whether Lynch can create so many alchemy puppets. If the latter is true Finished, it is really a spectacle, when the time comes, I can follow a long experience...

"Then I'll go busy first." Now that Lynch has all the materials for making alchemy puppets, he is naturally a little impatient and plans to return to the room and start getting busy.

"Okay." After Siger gave Lynch all the materials, he was considered to have completed the task, so it seemed very relaxed now.

As for House, Lynch also let him rest directly before entering the room.

Of course, this is an absolutely irrefutable order...

If it weren’t for the order, with House’s character, there’s definitely no way to be free. At that time, while Lynch is busy with alchemy of the puppets, House, this guy, might be going to exercise again...

Soon, Lynch entered the room, closed the doors and windows, and he directly entered the Construct Demon Realm.

In the construction workshop of Constructing Demon Realm, Lynch quickly put all the alchemy puppet materials into the workshop one after another. Soon, the whole construction workshop heard the rumbling of the machine operation. With loud noises, at this moment, the entire workshop began to operate at full capacity. A large amount of alchemy puppet materials were constantly swimming and advancing on the various machines in the workshop. The transformation of them through various sophisticated instruments made these The alchemy puppet slowly formed.

Lynch only watched for a while before leaving the Construct Demon Realm with great relief.

Because of the powerful manufacturing capabilities of the construction workshop, Lynch does not need to worry about any problems in the process of manufacturing alchemy golems, and at the same time, Lynch can put the manufactured alchemy golems in the construction demon realm. in.

Anyway, the space in that place is incredible. There is absolutely no problem with placing tens of thousands of alchemy puppets.

After these tens of thousands of alchemy puppets are manufactured, Lynch can mobilize from the construction demon realm at any time, and then let this alchemy puppet legion truly appear in the world of Anriel, in the royal capital.

Thinking of that kind of picture, Lynch felt a surge of emotions.

All this is just like dreaming...

How long is this time? I not only found the design drawing of the alchemy golem, but also found all the materials by relying on the power of the tower of Merlin Mage. At the same time, I also became the revival plane. Sorcerer, it can be said that this moment is really the peak moment in his life.

Even by relying on one's own strength to compete with the ancient family of the Watson family, they have full confidence.

Of course, after the alchemy puppets are made, Lynch will not trouble the Watson family for the first time. Although his original plan was to use the alchemy puppets to destroy the entire Watson family, in fact, Before dealing with the Watson family, Lynch had to deal with the other three mage towers. You must know that because the three mage towers were in trouble with the Watson family, they almost killed Red Merlin. Taking it away, Lynch still did not forget this.

Last time I went to the Double-Headed Snake Mage Tower, the reason why I didn’t bother about it was because I only wanted to get the devil potion, but now that the devil potion is already in hand, it’s time to settle a general ledger with these three mage towers...

"Malfa Merlin, I heard that you are back?" At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Red Merlin's voice was also heard.

Lynch hurried over and opened the door, followed by Redmelin as expected to walk in.

"Where have you been during this period of time? How about it? See if I am remodeling Master Merlin's tower, right?" Red Merlin laughed, "But now the transformation is not complete. According to the original plan, Within a month, the renovation will be almost complete."


"What a good thing, if it weren't for you to ask for so many gold coins at one time, it would definitely not take so long for the transformation of Master Merlin's tower..." Red Merlin vomited: "Now I can mobilize gold coins. It’s so pitiful. The reason it takes another month is just because I’m waiting for money...If you don’t have money, who will help you transform?"

"..." Lynch looked a little embarrassed at once, but soon, Lynch said: "Don't worry, uncle, you will soon be out of money..."

"Ah? Why?" Red Merlin looked at Lynch in surprise: "Could it be that you are about to start developing new medicines again?"

When talking about this, Redmelin couldn't help getting excited.

As we all know, the reason why Merlin's tower has grown to such an astonishing level is nothing more than Lynch's potion.

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