The First Mage

Chapter 1478: Frightened

"I rely on..." When Palin was reminded, Lynch almost jumped from the ground. Damn, he was immersed in the plane of revival during this time, and he really forgot about it.

He really asked Sieg to collect the materials for making alchemy puppets, and now it has been more than ten days. On Sieg's side, he does not know what is going on...

Although Lynch is extremely relieved of Sig’s ability to do things, knowing that he will definitely help him find all the materials, but it is really not very good to not pay attention for so long. After all, the materials of the alchemy puppets are really true to him. Is very important, but it is an important material related to destroying the Watson family...

"Then I'll go back first." Thinking of this, Lynch couldn't sit still. Although he was really comfortable in the plane of revival, he didn't even use the demon potions he had found hard, but, The matter of alchemy puppet materials is equally important, and I have to ask how much.

"What about us? Do we stay here to wait for you, or go back with you?" Palin asked.

Without thinking about it, Lynch said directly: "If I go back, do you think you can safely stay in this revival plane by relying on your strength? I am afraid that as soon as my front foot returned, your back foot would be used as food by the devil. Eat it..."

Palin was a shocking spirit, and Lynch's words were not nonsense.

Although they did kill a lot of demonic creatures during this period, the reason they were able to go so smoothly was actually only because of the protection of Mafa Merlin who had become a sorcerer. Without this umbrella, then A demon with a slightly stronger strength may not be something he can deal with...

At the moment, Palin couldn’t help regretting it. He knew that he shouldn’t have reminded Marfa Merlin just now. If he didn’t remind him, he would definitely not leave the plane of revival so quickly, making it impossible for him to continue to stay. .

What a pity!

Oh shit……

But now, since I have already spoken out, there is no way, after all, Marfa Merlin has already made a decision...

"Then I'll go back with you..." Palin scolded himself several times secretly in his heart, and then quickly said: "But you have to promise me that when you return to the plane of revival, you must take me Bring it in... how about it, shouldn't it?"

"No problem." Lynch did not deliberately make things difficult for Palin. He directly agreed to his request. After all, Palin was already an archmage now. He brought him into the plane of revival, and he had some self-protection. The power of this will not completely become his own burden.

Palin's entangled mood has improved a lot.

"Master, can I continue to stay on the plane of revival?" House asked weakly at this time. For him, the demon creatures on the plane of revival are simply his perfect opponents to improve their combat capabilities. It can make him immersed in that kind of hearty battle day and night, so now House is really a bit reluctant to leave the revival plane so soon...

Lynch rolled his eyes: "I know you want to continue fighting with the devil, but you have been fighting for so long, and you really need to rest for a while, otherwise your body should be overwhelmed. If you have any problems, then It affects my next plan."

"Ah? What plan?" House asked subconsciously, but immediately, he saw Lynch's suddenly dissatisfied expression. Suddenly, House was agitated.

By the way, I just seemed to have forgotten my identity...

He is a servant!

A servant, when facing his master’s order, he only needs to obey strictly, how can he actively ask the master’s plan? This is not something that a servant should be interested in...

Following that, House became a little frightened.

"Master, I just talked a lot...I won't be so small next time."

"It's okay." Lynch patted House on the shoulder: "My next plan does require you to work, but this plan, I can't tell you now, because it is related to some very important things, and it must never happen. Any questions, you know?"

"I see..." Seeing that Lynch was not angry, House breathed a long sigh of relief. To be honest, he was really worried that he would anger Lynch. After all, they had signed a master-servant contract, which meant that he Lynch’s life was firmly held in his hands. Under such circumstances, if Lynch wanted to punish him, it was just a matter of thought...

"Okay, let's go." Lynch looked back at the Revival Plane. After all, this seat was considered his private Plane. Except that he could bring people in, no one could come to Revival Plane. The plane, after all, in the world of Anriel, there is no plane coordinate to revive the plane. Therefore, when it comes to exploring the plane, Lynch is not in a hurry. Anyway, when he wants to come over, he only needs one. Just two minutes...

Thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help admiring his luck for a while. After all, if he hadn't obtained the Book of Time and Space, he wouldn't have enjoyed such a superior treatment.

Soon, Lynch used the Book of Time and Space to bring Palin and others back to the Royal Academy of Magic.

The Book of Time and Space is indeed very easy to use, but sometimes it has problems. For example, now, because Lynch has set the space coordinates in the Royal Academy of Magic, there is no way to go directly to Master Merlin’s tower. This time, you have to ride a carriage. past.

"After tossing on the plane of revival for so long, don't you take a break after you come back?" Palin asked after coming out of Lynch's room.

Lynch shook his head and said helplessly: "A busy person like me, do you think I will have time to rest?"

"That's what I said." Palin shrugged: "Then I'll go back first. I don't want to go to Master Merlin's tower with you."

"I think your rest is fake. Actually, you are planning to show off with Sophis and others. You become an archmage?" Lynch really knows Palin's character too well. What he wants to do, he You can know without guessing at all.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you..." Palin coughed a few times and left a little embarrassed.

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