The First Mage

Chapter 1467: pride

"Great, I have finally become a first-level archmage!" The magic power flowing in the body is surging and powerful. It is many times stronger than before. Palin is excited to forget about it at this moment. It was his obsession, now finally achieved, he did not faint because of this, it is already quite difficult...

Palin, who had just become an archmage, waved his hands very excitedly.

For him, the current level is unfamiliar and full of attraction. Many things that could not be done before can be done easily now. In addition, in the future, others will not call him directly, after his name. , More or less it is necessary to add an archmage, for example, the archmage Palin...

The change in name was already enough to make Palin proud. Although, during this period of time, I had consumed all the energy and tired like a dog, but now, after all, he has become a real archmage.

Therefore, all the effort is worth it.

And after waking up, Palin's first thought was to scream, but, screaming, you can't scream with yourself, you have to find a suitable screaming object.

As for who the object is, let alone think about it...

It must be Marfa Merlin!

If he knew that he had become an archmage so soon, he would definitely have admiration for him.

It’s just that when Palin wanted to find Lynch, he found out by accident. After he meditated, the fellow Marfa Merlin seemed to have started meditating like himself. Now he is sitting Not far from me, I closed my eyes and didn't move at all.

And around him, a lot of magic power gathered, that kind of momentum, compared to when he was meditating, I don't know how many times stronger...

"This guy, it seems that he is really going to attack the Sorcerer..." Palin's mouth twitched, although Lynch had stressed more than once that he came to revive the plane this time to attack the Sorcerer, but said To be honest, Palin always treats him as a joke. After all, how simple is it to become a wizard...

Can it really be done just by relying on the magic here?

Palin really didn't believe it...

But looking at Lynch's current posture, he didn't seem to be joking.

Of course, is Lynch attacking the Sorcerer? This has nothing to do with Palin. What he really cares about now is that he has become an archmage, and now he has to find someone to scream, or to be with others. Share your joy!

Now that Lynch is meditating, Palin must not dare to disturb him, so now there is only one goal left, and that person seems to be particularly idle. At this moment, he is playing boringly with a rock he didn’t know where he got. ...

"Hi, House, look at me, I'm already an archmage." Palin quickly walked towards House.

House raised his head and glanced at Palin faintly, then said impatiently: "Palin, I warn you not to disturb me. Although you are my master's friend, you are not my house's friend."

"Huh?" Palin didn't expect House to be so shameful to himself, and suddenly became a little angry. He is now an archmage, this House, actually dare to offend him...

It seems that after becoming an archmage, the first thing is to teach him a lesson, so that he can know that if you dare to offend an archmage, it will definitely pay a price.

However, as soon as he raised his right hand, Palin felt House's progressively unkind look.

In an instant, Palin directly remembered that this guy, House, seemed to be not only a great warrior, but also a berserker?

Although he was already an archmage now, let alone a first-level archmage, even a ninth-level archmage would not dare to pat his chest and say that he would be able to defeat House.

Not to mention, it takes less than ten minutes to become an archmage...

For a while, Palin was a little bit scared again...

"Palin, let me tell you, now my master is meditating, you'd better not disturb, otherwise, I'm sure to be rude to you." House threatened.

Palin almost wanted to start the spray directly, but he was just a servant of Mafa Merlin, how could he be so arrogant?


Think about it carefully, others really have arrogant capital...

After all, that is a berserker!

"Forget it, I will bear it." If Palin conflicts with others, Marfa Merlin will definitely stand on his side no matter what, he is not afraid that he does not care about himself. However, this House is no matter how much he says. Mafa Merlin’s servant, if two people really get involved, Mafa Merlin may not really be on his side...

When Palin thought of this, he couldn't help but feel depressed at the moment. Originally, he planned to find House a few times, so that this kid could envy himself who has become a great mage. However, he did not expect House to be so bad. Communication, when facing oneself, it is not like facing Mafa Merlin, one mouthful for the owner on the left and the owner on the right, gentle like a kitten...

Now he is simply a hedgehog covered with prickles!

"Malfa Merlin, this bastard, everything is good, but the servants are not very good..." Palin's mood at the moment is as depressed as it is, and after a few words, he turned around and planned Stay away from House, after all, judging from the current situation, there is almost no possibility of communication between himself and him...

This kind of thing also made Palin depressed. The joy that had originally appeared because of being promoted to the archmage, now it also disappears in an instant...

"No...How could this magic power be so much?" But when Palin was about to leave, suddenly, he realized that there was something wrong with the situation now...

Before, when he just woke up, although the magic power here was extremely strong, the richness at that time was still in the normal category, far from being as exaggerated as it is now.

Let's see how much magic power there is now...

The magic here has almost become a vast ocean, almost drowning Palin and House together.

"What's going on?" The sudden appearance of so much magic power in this place immediately made Palin feel a bit surprised and immediately began to look for the source of the magic increase. For this reason, his eyes soon fell on Lin. Qi's body.

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