The First Mage

Chapter 1454: Reminiscence

When the tower was built from the double-headed snake mage, the devil potions were kept in the double-headed snake mage tower.

Although the world of Anriel has been developed to the present, the demons have long since disappeared, and it is even difficult to find a living demon in the entire world, but relying on the powerful ability of the demon potion, leave it in the double-headed snake mage The tower is always a guarantee, so under normal circumstances, Josta will never give the demon potion to others.

Moreover, this is not what he meant, but his father, the first boss of the double-headed snake mage.

"Oh? Can't you give it to me? That's a pity." Lynch smiled and shook his head: "This time, I was going to negotiate friendly and then take away the devil potions. Since it is said that Joe of the Double-headed Snake Mage Tower Boss Star is unwilling to give us the potion, so I have no choice but to talk to you."

"Resume the old, what is the old?" Josta's face changed slightly.

Lynch smiled as always, and said casually: "Don't you know the content of the old days?"

"..." The corners of Josta's mouth twitched. Although Lynch's words were very vague, he could still understand the meaning behind these words. The other party's attitude was already very clear. He came today. Going to the double-headed snake mage's tower is for the devil potions, and if the devil potions are not available, he will probably turn to solve their kidnapping of Redmelin.

Naturally, the devil potion cannot be given to Lynch, but if you don’t take it out, your double-headed snake mage tower will face big trouble today...

This also made Josta couldn't help but fall into entanglement.

"Boss Josta, it seems you know exactly what I'm talking about." Lynch shrugged, and then took out the Book of the Dead, summoning the Undead Assassin, Undead Archer and Undead Knight.

When the three undead creatures appeared in the clearing, the extremely strong undead aura spread throughout the entire double-headed snake mage tower. As long as the wizards who felt this undead aura were all smelling. Change, then stepped back subconsciously, away from the three undead creatures.

Under the refraction of the sunlight, the undead aura shrouded in the undead creatures looked evil and weird, making many people feel numb for their scalp and fearful.

Lynch glanced at the three undead creatures: "Some things, I think, may be solved directly now, it would be better, boss Josta, what do you think?"

When Lynch took out the three undead creatures, it was not a discussion with Josta, but a naked threat.

And I have to say that Lynch’s threat is indeed very useful...

After all, before seeing Lynch, Josta was already speculating that Lynch’s visit to the Double-Headed Snake Mage Tower this time was definitely for revenge on Redmeling.

It's just that the development of things later was obviously different from what Josta thought. After all, he did not expect that Lynch would actually stare at the devil potions of their double-headed snake mage tower.

Although the process is somewhat different, the result is exactly the same. Now with the emergence of undead creatures, Josta can directly perceive the strong fighting spirit that envelopes Lynch. It can be seen that if he does not If the devil potion is taken out, this guy will directly control the three undead creatures and kill the double-headed snake mage tower...

What is that character?

That is a well-known figure in the capital, and the remarkable achievements recorded in his resume are almost unknown to everyone. In addition, he is a disciple of the Great Sorcerer of Marfa, you can say, In the entire royal capital, apart from the four major families including the Watson family and Rock family who dared to ignore him, the other forces, even the Eard College, did not dare to underestimate Mafa Merlin.

Even Ould Academy is like this, let alone the boss of a small mage tower.

Although they said that the double-headed snake mage tower is also one of the four great mage towers in the capital...

So now, Josta is really caught in a huge entanglement.

He naturally didn’t want Lynch to come to the Double-Headed Snake Mage’s tower to make trouble. After all, the two of them were not of the same level at all. However, it was indeed difficult for him to hand over the Demon Potion. After all, it was Anriel. There are only a few bottles of demon potions left in the world. Once they are handed over to Lynch, then they will never have a new devil potion in the future.

And just as Josta was thinking about this, Palin, who had not spoken there, suddenly said: "Malfa Merlin, you have trouble finding the tower of the double-headed snake mage, then do it quickly, don't I continue to talk with this Josta, anyway, he won't take out the devil potion..."

"Well, it seems that my companion is already in a hurry." Lynch looked at Josta with a smile, and then said: "Then I have to follow his arrangements, oh yes, boss Josta, you want I know, this is definitely not what I meant by myself, including my uncle, I also hope that I will greet you well."

Although all the words Lynch said so far do not directly indicate that the three major mage towers framed Redmelin, they all reveal this meaning. Others may not understand it, but Joe How could Star not understand?

Moreover, at the same time, Josta also knew that Lynch was definitely not scaring him or joking. After all, Redmelin’s business was there. Once he had to do it, it was really possible to do it. Will not take into account the power of the double-headed snake mage tower.

Moreover, it is indeed a good choice to do it directly.

After he hit the double-headed snake mage's tower, he could still **** those demon potions, and with the power of their double-headed snake mage's tower, there was no way to stop Mafa Merlin.

Let’s look at the reactions of the thugs and alchemists around you...

After the appearance of the few undead creatures, Josta could clearly see that everyone's eyes were now extremely scared, and they had been scared by the undead creatures before they even started.

Following this trend, when the fight really starts, it is estimated that it will only take a few seconds before they will lie on the ground one after another, losing all their combat effectiveness.

Josta's eyes kept changing, he was thinking about what to do now.

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