The First Mage

Chapter 1452: Slap

This action by Marfa Merlin was like a slap in the face of everyone!

Therefore, many people were dealt with for this matter, and even some key personnel were directly executed...

Afterwards, many people suggested that they should go directly to the Merlin Mage’s tower to find Lynch’s troubles. After all, with the power of their Watson family, they don’t need to take care of so much, and they don’t need to do these secret activities. With the strength of the force, this matter can be resolved more simply and simply.

At that time, don't talk about Marfa Merlin, they can even take the Merlin Master Tower and the Merlin Tower Alliance to eradicate!

However, this suggestion was ultimately not adopted.

After all, Lynch’s current identity is really special...

After all, he is a disciple of the Great Sorcerer. If you openly deal with Lynch at this time, then the Royal Academy of Magic will definitely not sit idly by, maybe it will trigger a rivalry between the two forces.

If it were put in the past, the Watson family would definitely not take care of the Royal Magic Academy. After all, the level of the Royal Magic Academy was not at the same level as them.

But now it doesn't work...

Among other things, the current Watson family is indeed unstable...

First, Mel Watson fell, and then the information on the Sen'jin plane was lost, which caused them to uncooperate with the Knicks family. In addition, now even Novy Watson has defected. This series of things is all about letting Wo The insiders of the Sen family are panicking. At this time, if there is a fight with the Royal Academy of Magic, then the other big families will certainly not sit idly by. Maybe the Rock family, the Knicks family and other forces will have to Take the opportunity to devour the interests of their Watson family...

For such uneconomical things, the Watson family would definitely not do it.

However, when they learned that Red Merlin had safely returned to the Merlin Mage Tower, and now the whole person was alive and kicking, some of the senior leaders of the Watson family were really unbearable. Therefore, they once again focused their attention this time. Put it on the body of the three major mage towers, intending to use their power to formulate some plans for the tower of Merlin.

And such acts of borrowing a knife to kill people are undoubtedly the most suitable for the Watson family now. Even if something happens to the tower of Master Merlin by then, or even what happens to Mafa Merlin, it’s with them. It doesn't matter, even if the Royal Academy of Magic is asking questions for it, they can just leave it alone.

Therefore, the Reina Sorcerer will now appear in the tower of the Double-Headed Snake Mage.

"Sorceress Rainer, I was too anxious just now... That's why I said some impolite things, and I hope you don't take it to heart." Josta of the Double-Headed Snake Mage's Tower probably also realized Now is not the time to offend the Sorcerer Rainer, so quickly apologize.

Just kidding, now other people Mafa Merlin have come to the door, relying only on the power of their double-headed snake mage tower, there must be no way to compete with this young archmage, if he wants to protect the double-headed snake mage tall The safety of the tower must rely on the power of the Watson family.

If the Mage Reina turned and left because of anger now, then their double-headed snake mage tower would be completely finished.

"When you talk to me in the future, pay attention to your words. Your double-headed snake mage may still have some status in the royal capital, but in the eyes of our Watson family, it is really nothing. At most it is slightly stronger than a dog. "Magic Rainer looked at Josta very dissatisfied.

A light of resentment flashed in Josta’s eyes. As the boss of one of the four towers of the tall mage on weekdays, he has been accustomed to holding the moon by the stars, but now the **** of the Reiner Sorcerer refers to Screaming at him by the nose is not as good as a dog. If it were changed to normal circumstances, it is estimated that Josta would have broken out.

But now there is no way, he can only hold it back temporarily.

As his gaze fell on Mage Reina, Josta reluctantly pulled out a smile: "Don’t worry, Mage Reina, I will pay attention to this in the future. By the way, now Mafa Merlin is waiting outside. I, do you think, how should I deal with him?"

"How can you deal with it? Do you still want to fight him directly? Are your double-headed snake mage towers opponents of other people's Mafa Merlin?" Mage Rainer also felt a headache about Lynch's arrival: "To tell you the truth, it is this guy who sneaked into our Watson family alone and rescued Red Merlin. Therefore, it can be seen that his strength is unfathomable. If not necessary, your double-headed snake mage is high. It’s better not to have a head-on conflict with him. I’m also doing this for your good."

"Then... I can't help but meet him?" When he heard these words, the expression on Josta's face became even more nervous: "If I don't go to see him as soon as possible, Marfa Merlin will definitely break in. The double-headed snake mage tower, things will become more troublesome at that time."

"Since you can't help it, then you can go over now." Sorcerer Rainer analyzed it a little bit and said: "Moreover, since Malfa Merlin can wait for you outside, it means that he is here this time, not for the sake of Switzerland. Demelin comes with revenge, so it's not dangerous for you to meet him."

"It's not here for revenge?" Josta asked in amazement: "If it wasn't for revenge, then what did he suddenly come to our double-headed snake mage tower?"

"How can I know this?" Mage Rainer said dissatisfiedly: "I am not the roundworm in the belly of Mafa Merlin..."

"Oh okay, I see." Josta took a deep breath: "What about you, Sorcerer Rainer, are you going to come with me?"

"I'll forget..." Mage Rainer shook his head without even thinking about it. The situation of their Watson family is not the same as the tower of the double-headed snake mage...

The hatred between the Watson family and Marfa Merlin was not a day or two.

In these days, they don’t know how many assassinations of Marfa Merlin have been carried out. They have long been like this young archmage, and, including this time, they severely tortured Red Merlin. I believe it made Malfa Merlin hate the Watson family even more.

Therefore, if you say that you appear next to Marfa Merlin at this time, then the other party will definitely not be the slightest polite, and it is estimated that they will directly move towards yourself.

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