The First Mage

Chapter 1449: Tough

Although the demons are extremely powerful, they are a race living in the dark. Therefore, under the limitation of their unique environment, their eyes are actually useless. This also leads to these. The demons, when observing objects, they rely not on the eyes but their noses.

They find out the exact location of the target by distinguishing the smell of the object, and they also judge the same kind and dissimilar ones by the smell.

Therefore, witty human wizards, after various attempts, have also developed a potion. As long as these potions are poured on their bodies, they can imitate the smell of demons. In this way, those demons are seeing After arriving at them, they will subconsciously treat them as companions and will not attack them actively.

This kind of potion is undoubtedly extremely deadly to the demons, and the later extinction of the demons is largely due to the existence of this kind of potion.

It's just that, after all, it was tens of thousands of years ago. Therefore, even if this bottle of medicine made a sensation in the entire Anriel world at that time, and it also has a very high usage rate, as time goes by, the information about the medicine, It also disappeared completely in the world of Anriel, so that now, including the wizards, there is no knowledge of the existence of this medicine.

Therefore, as long as they can find this kind of potion, and then enter the plane of revival again at that time, there is no need to worry that the demons will keep coming out to attack them.

"You mean, these news were all told to you by the librarian?" After listening to Lynch, his face was full of incredulous expressions. After all, this matter was incredible.

Lynch is also very familiar with the librarian of the Royal Academy of Magic. He is an old wizard who is too old to be gray-haired.

Because he was too old, even though he had the level of a wizard, with his physical strength, he couldn't release even the most basic spell.

This is also the most special wizard in the entire Royal Academy of Magic.

In fact, the librarian of the Royal Academy of Magic was not the sorcerer's at first, but because the gang of sorcerers in the council were to take care of the sorcerer, they transferred from the original sorcerer. Thus arranged for him such an easy job.

Apart from tidying up the books every day, I just sit in the lounge and rest. Apart from that, there are no other chores.

When Lin Qi went to the library, he had met him several times, and each time he greeted him very politely, but he never thought about it. This old administrator actually knew about the devil...

I have to say that Palin is also a fool.

"Yes, it was the old administrator who told me." Palin replied triumphantly after hearing the words, "I have already decided, and if there is nothing to do in the future, I have to talk to the administrator, maybe There are other useful news, you don’t know, he is just like an encyclopedia, as if he knows a little about everything..."

"Nonsense, don't look at how old others are..." Lynch rolled his eyes: "It is no exaggeration to say that he is the oldest wizard at the Royal Academy of Magic. The old one can't walk anymore..."

But at this point, Lynch stopped the conversation in time. After all, what he is most important now is not to talk about the old administrator, but about the devil.

"You just said that there is a potion that allows the devil to treat us as its kind, so that it will not attack us, so what is the name of this potion?"

"This bottle of potion is called the devil potion." Palin looked at Lynch disdainfully: "Haha, I didn't expect there are potions you don't know."

"Well, Devil Potion." Lynch's face was full of black lines: "The maker of this potion is really lazy, I don't know if I want a higher name."

"That was originally a potion used to deal with the devil, so it's okay to call it a devil potion..." Palin said, "Besides, your potion is still called Merlin potion? Yes, that is the hottest selling in the capital. Even I can’t afford to buy some of the medicines. You really have to give me a few bottles later.

"Yes, I will give you a hundred bottles." Lynch said generously.

"Ah? Really?" Palin was surprised.

"Of course it's true." Lynch explained: "However, after you take these potions, not only do you have to tell me where to find the devil potions, but at the same time you have to give up the plan to revive the plane, how about ?"

"That's fine." The smile on Palin's face instantly solidified: "Damn, I know your potions are not so easy to take. If you take a little potion, you have to give up the plan to revive the plane. , Then I might as well not want your Merlin Potion! I just got a dozen gold coins from Novy Watson’s magic box. I can buy one or two bottles of Merlin Potion by myself... Why ask? you want?"

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, where can I find the devil potion?" Lynch interrupted him.

Palin glared at Lynch dissatisfiedly: “In fact, it’s easy to find demon potions. I’ve inquired about it before. In the royal capital, only one mage tower will sell devil potions, and that mage tower’s There are not many stocks, probably only 20 bottles, but each bottle can last a whole day, basically enough for the two of us."

"Does the lasting effect of a bottle of potion last all day..." Lin Qi nodded. If that is the case, then twenty or so bottles are indeed enough: "Then which mage tower are these potions? I will go with you to buy now."

"In the tower of the double-headed snake mage."

"Two-headed snake mage tower?" Lynch was stunned when he heard the name. If he remembers well, this should be one of the four great mage towers in the royal capital...

Although Red Merlin has been rescued by him from the Watson family, Lynch has not forgotten how Red Merlin was caught by the Watson family...

According to Redmelin, he was framed by the bosses of the four mage towers because of attending the meeting held by the four great mage towers and fell into the hands of the Watson family.

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