The First Mage

Chapter 164: Return trip

"Okay." In fact, what Lynch said made sense. Palin searched it over and over again. If there was something, it would have been found long ago, and it wouldn't be like it is now without any gain.

Following them, he walked towards the vine.

Climbing up the vines, Lynch has been complaining that these high elves are really enough. Can you open up a passage? Must use this most primitive and savage way...

Climbing along the vines, Lynch and the others soon returned to the ground.

It’s just that now this place is no longer the entrance where Lin Qi used to be in the Falin Belt, but beside a dark river. The water of the dark river is clear and cold. It flows along the river into the virgin forest next to it, and the sun shines through the mottled The leaves fell, and the pieces of golden color that caught the eye.

Lynch took out the compass, determined the direction to go forward, and then planned to continue on the road with Farin and Palin.

"Malfa Merlin, don't we need to stop and rest?" Palin lay on the ground tiredly, and didn't mean to stand up, just looking straight at Lynch.

Lynch was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what Palin meant.

In the underground world, although they said that they didn’t consume much physical strength, Palin and Farin were already exhausted. Now they finally came to the ground. Palin’s first thought was to rest for a while. Not to mention that the magic power is completely restored, at least the physical strength must be restored.

What Palin said actually made sense.

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed possible to stop and rest now.

But Lynch didn't think so.

They have wasted too much time in the underground world. Now it is not known how many wizards have rushed to the north. At this time, if they continue to delay in place, they still don't know what they will miss.

Therefore, Lin Qicai was unwilling to stop and rest.

"Let's go." Both Alchemy Lin and Palin complained, but Lynch did not compromise with them. Anyway, he walked in the front. If they didn't keep up and lost, then no one would blame themselves...

However, it didn't take long for Lynch to discover that this wasted time was really hard to make up for.

Along the way, their frequency of encountering monsters has suddenly increased countless times. Almost immediately after a batch has been resolved, they will encounter a new batch immediately. Therefore, their next time will be almost uninterrupted. Is in a tense battle.

Although most of these beasts did not cause them trouble, such endless battles are extremely physical!

Who can afford to keep fighting like this?

Sorcerer Archmage can't bear it!

Not to mention the mages of them...

"How come there are so many monsters?" Lynch frowned deeply after finishing another batch of monsters.

Regardless of the race of monsters, they generally have the concept of territory. Once you determine your territory, the concept of territory will develop to the extreme. Maybe you use a magic wand to drive them, and they will not leave their territory.

However, the monsters they encountered so far did not have any concept of territory at all. Not only did they appear crazy to attack them, but at the same time, Lynch also discovered that a large part of these monsters should not even appear at all.

For example, the beast of Corrupted Flower.

If Lynch remembers correctly, it should be entrenched in other areas, in the depths of the Winter Mountains, and generally speaking, it would never appear in front of them.

But now, they have already fought a lot of corrupted flowers...

What is going on here?

Although they have been walking northward, generally speaking, they will not encounter Corrupted Flowers, let alone some other monsters in remote areas.

This matter makes Lynch very confused.

Could it be that it was to block the wizards going to the north, so these monsters would gather together?

Don't say it, it's really possible...

Before, Lynch had learned from Farin that the mage who looked like the Tower of Origin was also blocked on the way to the north.

With just one line, there would not be so many monsters at all. The reason why they are gathered together is obviously for some reason.

"Could it be that it was manipulated?" Lynch thought for a long time before he came to a conclusion that made him look distracted.

It was just this discovery that made Lynch really puzzled. After all, the beasts in the Winter Mountains are endless, and there should be no existence that can manipulate them.

Unless, some terrifying beast appeared in the Beastmaster clan...

"It seems that I still have to go there quickly." After thinking about this, Lynch always felt that he had vaguely caught something, but now everything is still unclear. The only thing that can be done is probably to talk to Oakland earlier. The mages of the academy have joined together, and you can basically know what will happen then.

"Let's hurry up..."

However, the more anxious they got, the more troublesome they got. After half a day, a valley appeared in their sight.

The valley was so large that it was blocked in front of them, and Lynch probably checked it out. If he wanted to bypass the valley, it would take more than half a day, and only by crossing it directly could he save some time.

However, when he came to the top of the valley and looked down, Lynch's face immediately changed.

This is joking with myself...

In the valley, apart from the dense jungle, there are monsters that can be seen everywhere. These monsters are gathered in the valley. It can be said that they have gathered into a sea of ​​monsters. Just the first sight is enough to make anyone scalp. It's numb.

"A lot of people died..." At this time, Farin also came up, but the first thing he saw was not the monsters, but the corpses in the valley that were randomly discarded. These corpses almost contained the four major forces. Master, there are almost forty in total.

And no one's body is intact, all of them have been bitten by monsters.

"Damn it, how does this pass?" Palin's face was slightly gloomy. Since these monsters can attack these wizards, they can still attack them. Once they get down, it is estimated that they will not be much better than these wizards.

This is also certain...

Although most of the valleys are Tier 1 monsters, the number of these Tier 1 monsters is too much. Even if they can each contain several Tier 1 monsters, they are far from enough. Other monsters Will drown them in an instant.

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