The First Mage

Chapter 1438: Get into trouble

Seeing the look of Novi Watson, he came to the Merlin Mage Tower, it seems that he was only to buy some potions, and not to find the trouble of Merlin Mage Tower. For this reason, Lynch felt that there was no need to help Wo The Sen family uncovered Novi Watson.

Besides, when Novi Watson has fallen into such a situation, it has something to do with him, and Lynch naturally disdains such things as falling into the ground. Therefore, he quickly made a decision and planned to stop. Take care of Novi Watson.

However, just when Lynch wanted to leave, Palin's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Marfa Merlin, something is wrong, my dragon blood wand seems to be a problem...I accidentally broke the dragon blood wand when I was practicing spells."

It was Palin who made this sound naturally...

Long before leaving the plane of revival with Lynch and returning to the Royal Academy of Magic, Palin went back to his room alone to rest, but while meditating, Palin suddenly gained a new understanding of spells. So he couldn't bear it, so he took out the dragon blood wand to practice his spell.

It’s just that I never expected that the magic power injected into the dragon blood wand during the process of casting the spell suddenly clashed with the dragon blood wand, and immediately caused the dragon blood wand to explode...

Although it is said that this kind of thing, the probability of occurrence is infinitely close to zero, but unfortunately, Palin just encountered...

I have to say that Palin is really unlucky to a certain extent!

After the dragon blood wand is damaged, Palin really has to be as anxious as he is. Generally speaking, at this time, he should go to the alchemist to repair the dragon blood wand as soon as possible. Only in this way can he have time The dragon blood wand was saved, but Palin remembered Lynch's previous instructions so that he could not expose the existence of the dragon blood wand at will.

So Palin had no choice but to find Lynch.

You know, this is the most valuable wand that Palin has obtained so far. If nothing else, in the next many years, he will not be able to obtain a wand that can surpass the wand of dragon blood, so , He absolutely does not allow the wand of dragon blood to be destroyed like this.

However, after looking around at the Royal Academy of Magic, there was no sign of Marfa Merlin.

This guy is so good at running, how long has it just been back? Actually disappeared again...

Palin was in a hurry and wanted to find Lynch. Since he couldn't find it in the Royal Academy of Magic, he decisively found Master Merlin's tower after a few curses.

What he expected was that at the place of Master Merlin's tower, he finally found Lynch, so in a burst of excitement, he directly shouted out the Dragon Blood Wand.

But Palin didn't realize that it was this sentence that caused Lynch to face huge trouble now...

To be honest, if you change the occasion and the time, even if Palin cries out these words inexplicably, there will be no problems. After all, he has not really taken out the dragon blood wand. However, at this time, there is no problem. That's right...

You know, now the owner of the Dragon Blood Wand, Novi Watson, is in the crowd of Master Merlin's tower...

And the most terrible thing is that he and Lynch are still very close.

Therefore, after Palin ran over, not only Lynch heard the words, including Novi Watson, he must have also heard...

Even Lynch could feel that Novi Watson's expression was completely stiff at the moment, and then with a bloodshot eyes, he stared at Palin, who was gradually approaching him.

"This **** Palin... what else would you do besides making me trouble?" At this moment, Lynch cursed directly in his heart, and at the same time looked at Palin very angry.

It's just that Palin at this moment has no time to guess Lynch's mood. His whole mind is placed on the dragon blood wand.

When he came to Lynch, he couldn't wait to shout: "Malfa Merlin, you really have to help me this time. If you don't help me, my dragon blood wand will be ruined. You must help me. Repair it."

"Fix it!" Lynch couldn't help cursing.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Palin was taken aback, looking at Lynch blankly.

It's just that Lynch now has no thoughts to take care of Palin. He can feel that a murderous intent is slowly rising behind him. At this moment, Lynch knew it was bad...

Things like magic wands are generally unique in the world of Anriel, which means that it is impossible to have two identical magic wands, including their names, and there will be no overlap. Therefore, in Novi After Watson heard the name Dragon Blood Wand, he must have known that this Dragon Blood Wand was his...

And Novi Watson's dragon blood wand has always been placed in his magic box.

This magic box is the [笔趣阁] which contains the information of Senjin plane...

This also means that Palin, who now owns the Dragon Blood Wand, is the culprit who snatched his magic box. Even if Palin is not the culprit, he and that culprit are definitely close. contact.

"Hurry up." When he thought of this, Lynch took Palin directly out of the Merlin Mage Tower without saying a word. Now that Watson hated them, he knew that his box was sealed by the two of them. After being snatched away, he will definitely be furious, even directly at the tower of Master Merlin!

And if you start at Master Meilin's tower, it is obviously not a good thing.

There are too many people here. As the saying goes, there are so many people with mixed eyes. Once they have a conflict here, then this matter will surely reach the Watson family's ears at a very fast speed. Then, they will steal Senjin by themselves. There is no way to hide the plane data.

At that time, it was definitely not only his own good Palin that was affected, but at the same time, it might also affect the cooperation between the Knicks family and the Royal Academy of Magic.

And the consequences of this incident are not something Lynch can bear...

"Palin, you bastard, see what you have done. If you have any problems this time, I believe that not only me, but the entire Royal Academy of Magic will not let you go." Lynch brought Palin ran wildly while growling angrily.

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