The First Mage

Chapter 1436: Feng Shui turns

But now Feng Shui turns around. Not long ago, it was the alchemy puppet of his enemy, and now he is about to start working for him...

At this moment, although the appearance of the alchemy puppets has been constructed, to make these alchemy puppets truly obtain combat effectiveness, a series of more detailed operations are required, not to mention, just give it a complete power system energy system. , Which takes a certain amount of time.

Therefore, looking at the alchemy puppets who were still being operated on the workbench, Lynch felt a little bored after watching it for a long time, and immediately retired from the Construct Demon Realm.

Sitting on the bed, Lynch's eyes were full of expectation.

In the next time, he doesn't need to do anything. He just needs to wait for the construction workshop to completely manufacture the alchemy puppets. Then he will be able to have hundreds of alchemy puppets that can fight...

However, relying on these alchemy puppets, there is probably no way to declare war directly on the Watson family, and you will have to wait until Sieg finds more materials, and then he can produce thousands or even tens of thousands of alchemy puppets. That is the time to truly declare war on the Watson family!

Thinking of that kind of scene, Lynch is a little excited. You must know that things like this kind of relying on one's own strength and dare to openly challenge a huge family, it can be said that it has never happened in the previous Anriel world. Things, what I am doing now, can be said to be making history...

However, it is said that the Watson family asked for it themselves. If they hadn't targeted themselves repeatedly, or even the Merlin tower behind them, they wouldn't have done so much.

At that time, even if the Watson family is really destroyed, then Lynch will not feel the slightest guilt.

He really is more satisfied now that he thinks about it.

"By the way...Before the alchemy puppet is made, I have to find a way to become a wizard...Otherwise, it is more or less inconvenient to rely on the power of the current 7th-level archmage. The Mori family sent a large number of wizards to deal with their own words. At that time, it will be difficult for me to protect myself..." Lynch muttered.

He has now solved the problem of the magic furnace, so if his magic power is enough, he can become a wizard at any time.

But even if the problem of the magic furnace has been solved, it is so simple to become a wizard...

Among other things, the magic power alone is not so good.

Judging from the current situation, I want to become a wizard in a short time. If I am in the world of Anriel, I definitely can’t ascend as soon as possible. My only advantage now is to enter the plane of revival. Up...

Only in the plane of revival, relying on that pure and majestic magic power, can one become a wizard...

"It seems that while waiting for the alchemy puppet to be manufactured, I still have to go to the Revival Plane..." Lynch thought for a moment. He has the Book of Time and Space, and it can be said that he can enter the Revival Plane at any time. , And you can return to the world of Anriel at any time, all of which can be done in the blink of an eye, so whether or not to revive the plane is almost a question that does not require thinking.

But then again, the large number of demons encountered in the plane of revival before is indeed something that we have to pay attention to. The number of those demons is really too much, just relying on oneself. Some powers can’t deal with those demons, otherwise, I wouldn’t withdraw from the plane of revival so quickly...

So now, I still have to find a way to avoid those demons.

However, in the plane of revival at this moment, you can encounter a large number of demons at any time. It is almost impossible to avoid it. So, what should I do to get rid of those demons?

This is also a headache for Lynch...

"Otherwise, ask Doria Sorcerer?" Lynch thought. As a veteran Sorcerer, Doria Sorcerer's experience is far from what he can match. Some things he doesn't know. If it's the Sorcerer Doria, it's probably easy to know some clues.

However, he just came out of the Royal Academy of Magic, could it be said that he would return to the Royal Academy of Magic so soon?

This kind of thing is really troublesome... I knew that before I came out, I would ask Doria Sorcerer in advance.

But now, there is no other great way. There is no other way but to return to the Royal Academy of Magic.

Of course, before deciding to return to the Royal Academy of Magic, Lynch did not forget to check House’s current situation, but to his satisfaction, after his last reminder, the current House is really sensible. While working hard in actual combat training, he really paid great attention to rest. For this reason, when he saw him again, Lynch found that House’s physical condition was much better, and his complexion was not so pale. On the contrary, he looked very **** and his body was abnormally healthy.

And besides that, House's progress is quite amazing, and now he has actually been promoted to a real level five fighter...

For House’s horrible promotion speed, even Lynch secretly smacked his tongue. If he had not been in contact with House and had watched House’s entire promotion process, I’m afraid he would not believe it. Someone can directly upgrade from an ordinary fighter to a fifth-level fighter in such a short period of time...

This kind of promotion speed is estimated to be what a fighter can only dream of.

And you know, House is a berserker after all.

The level of the fifth-level warrior also means that when House is going berserk, the power he can inspire will be stronger than before. Not to mention the great warriors of the same level. Below, even the ninth-level fighter is probably not an opponent of House...

"It seems that when we go to the revival plane next time, we can bring House with me..." Lynch muttered secretly. With House's current strength, even if he is placed on the revival plane, it is estimated to be It is possible to fight those demons, plus House is his servant, and he will definitely obey his orders 100%. Therefore, Lynch feels that if he takes House, he will definitely be able to help him.

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