The First Mage

Chapter 1433: Excited

Anyway, there is nothing important right now, it just happened to be to see what happened to House...

Thinking of this, Lynch was planning to go to the back garden of Master Merlin's tower.

However, at this moment, a familiar figure hurriedly walked over from the gate. Because the business of Master Meilin’s tower was too hot and the hall was crowded with people, that figure was also very difficult. Squeezed out of the crowd.

After that, when he saw Lynch, his face was full of surprise, but this surprise did not last long, and he soon came to Lynch with surprise on his face.

"Malfa Merlin, why are you here? Didn't you go back to the Royal Academy of Magic?" At this moment, it was Sig who stood in front of Lynch. Since Lynch borrowed his communication equipment last time, After leaving Mage Merlin's tower, Sieg hadn't seen Lynch for several days. Now seeing him again, Sieg looked very excited.

"Let’s not talk about that, did you find all the materials?" Lynch has been observing Sieg for a long time. After seeing the confidence flashing in Sieg’s eyes, Lynch vaguely looked forward to it. Because he knows that this is the confidence that can only appear after completing the task.

"Yes, I found all the materials you need, and I have found a stable supply channel for these materials. It can be said that as long as I can take out enough gold coins, I can own the entire king. Get all the materials!" Sieg said with confidence.

Lynch sucked in a cold breath. Although he had known what Sig was very capable of from Redmelin's mouth, he never expected that Sig was able to do this level.

How long is this? He was able to find all the alchemy materials needed to make alchemy golems, and he also found a stable supply channel.

What is this concept?

Although Lynch seldom praises a person, he really wants to come up with all the adjectives about praise at this moment, and even wants to bring Palin to Seag’s side, and then let him That **** knows what efficiency is...

"Sig, how many sets of materials can you get me now?" Lynch asked.

Sieg hesitated and said: "Because the materials you listed are too rare, I dare not buy too many at once. There are almost a hundred sets of alchemy materials in my hand. These 100 sets have already cost tens of thousands of gold coins..."

"Money is not a problem." Lynch said directly without even thinking about it.

"I know..." Sieg explained, "Although the income of Master Merlin’s tower is several thousand gold coins every day, it’s like such a big spend. After all, it’s not something I can do independently by an assistant. I have to ask the boss..."

Lin Qi couldn't help being surprised when he heard this: "Mage Merlin Tower, has you already made money like this now?"

"Yeah... don't you know?"

"I... of course I know." Lin Qi was ashamed. To be honest, he really didn't know much about the current business situation of Master Meilin's tower. Therefore, it was impossible to know the specific income of Master Meilin's tower. Up.

However, from the current explanation of Sieg, Master Merlin's tower has really become a vault...

It’s no wonder that Red Merlin wants to abandon the Merlin Mage Tower Alliance. After all, earning thousands of gold coins every day, this has been able to make any mage tower boss very satisfied. You know, this is a sum no matter what. Splurge, it is very difficult for you to squander the wealth!

But right now, since Master Merlin's tower is so rich, then Lynch bought the materials for the alchemy puppet, so he didn't need to think much.

"Well, Sig, you first give me the alchemical materials you have purchased, and at the same time, you continue to buy these materials." After a pause, Lynch continued to say to Sig.

Sieg nodded, and then handed a magic box to Lynch: "By the way, Archmage Marfa Merlin, how many sets of alchemy materials do you need?"

"As much as you want..." Lynch finished speaking, and added: "Or you can buy 10,000 sets of materials first."

"Ten thousand sets?" Sieg's eyes widened suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Why do you need so much? Oh my god, one hundred sets is tens of thousands of gold coins, and 10,000 sets are millions of gold coins. More than half of the tower of Master Merlin..."

"It's not enough to evacuate. At most, Master Merlin's tower has to tighten his belt..." Lynch said calmly, "Have you ever done a million-dollar business? Congratulations, there is this now. Chance..."

"No, although it is your personal order, but this matter, you must ask for the consent of Redmelin's boss, otherwise, I dare not do this... If something goes wrong, I can't bear the consequences." Sieg was so scared that his face turned pale. After all, it was a business of millions of gold coins, and it was really not a decision made by his little assistant.

"Okay...I'll go to Uncle with you now." Lynch shook his head helplessly when he saw Sieg's timid look, but he didn't embarrass Sieg too much, so he soon So followed him to Redmelin's office.

When they entered the office, Red Merlin was looking at the recent backlog of documents at his desk.

Seeing Lynch coming in, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Malfa Merlin, is there anything else for you? By the way, Sig, why are you sweating? What happened?"

As he spoke, Red Merlin also became nervous.

Since Sieg came to Master Merlin's tower, he has never been in such a hurry, and because of this, Red Merlin is a little nervous. He can't help but guess whether someone from the Watson family has come back to ask for trouble.

Sig swallowed: "This matter, let the Great Master Mafa Merlin tell you personally..."

"Oh? Marfa Merlin, what's the matter?" Red Merlin looked at Lynch again.

Lynch shrugged: "It's nothing big. Am I going to make alchemy puppets? So recently, I may have to buy some alchemy puppet materials in large quantities, but Seag said that he can't sit on this matter and must ask for your consent. That’s why I accompanied him to find you together."

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