The First Mage

Chapter 1431: Convinced

Sorcerer Doria said these words, but he was not afraid that Lynch was unhappy. After all, he hoped that Lynch would take back such stupid thoughts. Although the young mage in front of him would often create some miracles, he was like It is a miracle that has a ceiling. It does not mean that Lynch can do an impossible thing by relying on a miracle.

It's like destroying the Watson family.

Let alone a miracle, even if there are ten miracles or a hundred miracles, there is no possibility...

This is what Doria Sorcerer believes now.

"Hehe...I know no matter how you say it now, you won't believe it, then we will use time to prove it." After saying so much, Lynch didn't want to continue entangled with Doria Sorcerer. That’s why I was facing Red Merlin, who had been dumbfounded by his side, "Uncle, do you have anything else to do at the Royal Academy of Magic? If nothing happens, we will return to Master Merlin’s tower now?"

"Oh...Yes." Redmelin responded subconsciously, but in fact, judging from his facial expressions, we can know that Redmelin now really looks a little confused...

When Lynch had just communicated with Doria Sorcerer, they really revealed too many messages. These messages, any of them, can shock Redmelin. Therefore, in these heavyweights Under the continuous impact of news, the current Redmeling has already been completely trapped, and the whole person is like a stiff puppet, who can only react passively...

"Sorcerer Doria, we will leave first." Lynch said to Sorcerer Doria.

Sorcerer Doria nodded: "Yes, but after returning to Master Merlin's tower, everything must be careful..."


After speaking, Lynch took Redmelin and left the office of Doria Sorcerer.

Soon, the office was completely quiet.

Sorceress Doria was sitting at the desk alone, still remembering the words that Lynch had left before he left. I have to say that this young archmage really dared to think about everything. Dare to do it, and I don’t know where he is confident. I feel that relying on the power of the alchemy puppet can bring down the Watson family...

He always felt that Lynch’s idea was very dangerous...

Even after Lynch left, he was considering whether to report the matter to the council, or even to the Great Sorcerer Marfa.

Because he knows that such nonsense, he must stop it, otherwise, if Malfa Merlin's brain is hot, and he really ran with a few alchemy puppets to provoke the Watson family, then his fate It will be miserable, maybe even fall into the hands of the Watson family!

And Lynch’s importance to the Royal Academy of Magic is self-evident. If something happens to him, it will be an extremely serious blow to the entire Royal Academy of Magic. Therefore, he can’t just watch Lynch jump into the fire pit. .

However, to be honest, Doria Sorcerer, who has always been good at writing reports, does not know how to write this report...

After all, once they say such nonsense, no one will believe it, and they will only treat themselves as fools.

And since no one believed it, they would naturally not take this matter seriously, and would not stop Mafa Merlin.

Therefore, even if you report it, it is estimated that it will not be of any use. No one will believe that Marfa Merlin really has this idea...

"Damn, I knew that we should have recorded the conversation between us just now..." Sorcerer Doria dropped the pen in his hand a little depressed, and then stomped heavily. It is necessary to write this report, even if it is written out, it is a waste of time.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to stop Marfa Merlin, you can only rely on your own strength...

However, I don't know if I can stop him...

After all, the current Marfa Merlin has no fear of himself...

In front of him, he was just a very ordinary wizard...

Sorcer Doria thought about it, but in the end he was helpless, so he could only put the matter down temporarily. Of course, he also had hope in his heart. The words that Mafa Merlin said to him before, it’s better to just It's just nonsense...

On the other side, Lynch led Red Merlin towards the direction of Master Merlin's tower.

"By the way, Marfa Merlin, what you just said to Sorcerer Doria is true? Are you really planning to deal with the Watson family?" Walking on the road, Red Merlin hesitated for a long time. But I couldn’t help asking. After all, this fact is so shocking. In the capital city, very few people dare to publicly say to deal with the Watson family, let alone Lynch, a seventh-level archmage. Even the big families of the same level as the Knicks family, Rock family, dare not let out such words casually...

Can this be done just by relying on the power of a Marfa Merlin? Although Redmelin knew that his nephew was often able to do things that made him breathtaking, but at the moment, it was too difficult for him to believe it easily.

Lynch smiled and said, "What's the matter, uncle, don't you even believe me?"

"Of course it's not that I don't believe you, I just think that this fact is a little unbelievable..." Redmelin repeatedly waved his hand.

Lin Qi hummed: "If you look at this matter from a normal perspective, it is naturally impossible, but this time, let us put our hope on Sig."

"Sig? You mean the assistant I got?" Redmelin's eyes widened, especially after getting Lynch's affirmative answer, he was even more incredible: "Sig is not even a mage. How can he help you?"

"Haha, you will know soon..." Lynch smiled mysteriously.

After so much time wasted on the plane of revival, I don't know how Sigur's progress is, whether he has already found all the alchemy materials he needs.

If he wants to use alchemy puppets to deal with the Watson family, Sig’s materials can be said to be a crucial link. If Sig can’t find enough materials, then Lynch will have a structured magic realm There is also no way to make those alchemy puppets.

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