The First Mage

Chapter 1429: Inappropriate

Red Merlin interrupted at this time: "Malfa Merlin, since you are back, then I will return to Master Merlin's tower now?"

Redmelin has been at the Royal Academy of Magic for many days. Although he has never left, he found someone to contact Sig, so Sig will come to the Royal Academy of Magic to report to him on the tower of Merlin every day.

And as Lynch said, after he was rescued, whether it was the Watson family or the three towers of wizards, there really was no trouble looking for Master Merlin's tower. Now the operation of Master Merlin's tower is extremely normal. Sig did some trivial matters, so Red Merlin didn't have much to worry about.

However, as the owner of Master Merlin's Tower, after all, he has to return to Master Merlin's Tower sooner or later. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay at the Royal Academy of Magic forever?

This kind of thing, if you think about it, doesn’t seem to be appropriate...

"Go back to Mage Merlin's tower now?" Listening to Red Merlin's words, Lynch nodded without even thinking: "If you want to return to Mage Merlin's tower now, that's natural."

"Really?" Redmelin was surprised and delighted when he heard this. He has been staying at the Royal Academy of Magic these days. To be honest, he has been suffocated long ago, even when he was sleeping. They were all obsessed with Master Merlin's tower, and now that he knew he could finally go back, Red Merlin was naturally happy to forget about it.


Lynch smiled and nodded.

However, the Doria Sorcerer over there frowned and said: "Malfa Merlin, I have heard him talk in detail about your uncle and the Watson family. Now you will let Red Merlin return to the Merlin Masters. Tower, aren't you afraid that the Watson family will continue to come over and make trouble for him?"

"This matter really needs to be considered carefully." The smile on Red Merlin's face froze. Although he really wanted to return to the Merlin Tower as soon as possible, the Watson family had to Consider, after all, the feeling of being a prisoner is too bad, he doesn't want to try a second time.

Moreover, Lin Qi has just rescued him from the Watson family. If he falls into their hands again, it is estimated that his fate will be even worse, and even, he may be killed directly without saying anything... …

"Uncle, you don't need to be so nervous, since I dare to let you go back, it naturally has my own consideration..." Lynch didn't see the slightest tension on his face, but he said very casually: " I [the apex novel] is now a disciple of the Great Magus of Marfa, no matter how crazy the Watson family is, they dare not go to the Merlin Tower to make trouble. The influence of the guide."

"That said, as long as I stay in the tower of Master Merlin, nothing will happen?" Red Merlin asked curiously.

Lynch nodded: "Almost that, but in order to prevent the Watson family from assassinating you, so I will deploy many curing spells on the Merlin Mage tower, so that those assassins and the like can't help it. It is easy to sneak into the tower of Master Merlin. Of course, you can also do this yourself. After all, the tower of Master Merlin is not short of money...Such things like curing spells can generally be solved by money. "

In the royal capital, there is never a shortage of mages.

Among these wizards, there are also a large number of wizards who are proficient in curing spells. These wizards may not have strong combat capabilities, but in the field where curing spells are deployed, they have extremely strong abilities, so just give With enough gold coins, they can deploy many powerful and incomparable curing spells in the tower of Master Merlin.

"I know." After all, Red Merlin is not a stupid person. This reminder of Lynch directly opened his mind: "I wanted to spend a lot of gold coins to put the entire Merlin Tower They were transformed into a fort, using various alchemy and curing spells, so that it can completely become a monster of war. When I went back this time, I directly put this matter on the agenda, and then asked Merlin's tower Make a thorough transformation."

"Yes." Lynch nodded: "Of course, during this period of time, I will stay in the tower of Mage Merlin to protect you, haha, I am no longer an assistant teacher of Doria Sorcerer, therefore, There is no need to stay at the Royal Academy of Magic forever, even if you stay in Master Merlin's tower for a year or a half, there is no problem."

"That would be better." Red Merlin smiled completely. It seemed that when he returned to the tower of Master Merlin this time, he really didn't have to worry about danger or not.

Sorcerer Doria's mouth twitched. Although he didn't say it clearly, he could tell from his expression that he was deeply sorry for losing such an excellent assistant as Lynch.

He pondered for a moment, and then immediately said: "Then the cooperation between our Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family, will you not interfere?"

"What else can you intervene..."

Lin Qi smiled and said: "Now that the cooperation between the two parties has been signed, a cooperation agreement has been signed, and it has been put on the agenda. As for the next step, a series of cooperation on the Senjin plane can be directly carried out. It's a matter of course. I don't need to do anything at all."

Sorcerer Doria nodded. After all, what Lynch said was very reasonable, but there was still a problem before them, and that was when to announce it publicly.

Their current cooperation is all carried out in private, hiding almost all the forces in the capital.

However, these secret cooperation is undoubtedly extremely troublesome. Since many things cannot be put on the surface for cooperation, they will be restrained in some specific matters and dare not try their best. Many resources cannot be used.

And this kind of thing undoubtedly greatly affects the progress of exploring the Senjin plane.

"Sorcerer Doria, I know what you are worried about... But you believe me, those are things that will be resolved soon." Lynch looked at the Sorcerer Doria with a faint smile.

"Oh? Don’t you have to worry about the Watson family?" Sorcer Doria looked at Lynch in surprise: "You know, if the Watson family knows the whole thing, then this family will definitely Going crazy, a crazy family can really do everything. This includes openly declaring war on our Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family..."

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