The First Mage

Chapter 1421: destroy

"However, it is not so simple to gather all the parts of the Elf King's Staff..." Palin said, "As you said, this seems like an impossible task. "

"Things like the Staff of the Elf King, if you have the opportunity to get it, it will be a lifetime and it's worth it." Lynch carefully put away the Star Soul Gem: "And, if you are lucky , Maybe one day in the future, you can really get the real Elf King Staff..."

"Haha, it seems that you have made up your mind, and you will start collecting parts of the Elf King's Staff..." Palin laughed.

Lin Qi nodded, but although he didn't say anything, he knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to have enough time to collect the parts of the Elf King's Staff, then he must go there before then. Senjin plane.

Otherwise, before I have collected all the parts, it is estimated that this world will be destroyed...

Only by preventing the destruction of this world first can I have the opportunity to gather all the parts...

"Okay, apart from this star soul gem, this city seems to have nothing special. Let's go straight now." Lynch just got the star soul gem, honestly he was still in a very good mood. : "Aren't you going to continue meditating? Then find a safe place now and give you time for you to meditate..."

"Ah? Great." When Palin saw that he was finally ready to meditate, he almost jumped up from the ground in excitement, followed, and hurriedly followed Lynch away from what the elf left behind. city.

Soon, after they left the city left by the elves, Lynch really found a safe place, and immediately asked Palin to continue meditating.

However, Lynch himself did not meditate with Palin. He sat not far from Palin and immediately took out the Star Soul Gem from his body.

When he discovered the Star Soul Gem with Palin before, because Palin was there, Lynch could not check this gem. Now that Palin has begun to meditate, Lynch no longer has to worry about being caught. Palin interrupted, he immediately began to examine this star soul gem in detail.

Although the Star Soul Gem is part of the Elf King's Staff, in fact, the Star Soul Gem itself also possesses certain special abilities.

Although Lynch hadn’t seen any records about the Star Soul Gem from the books before, after a few hours of careful study, Lynch still figured out the ability of the Star Soul Gem...

"This star soul gem actually has the ability to be immune to physical damage, although it only takes three seconds, but at some point, it can play a decisive role..." Looking at the star soul gem in his hand, Lin Qi is now The mood is undoubtedly very good.

This star soul gem can be said to be specifically aimed at soldiers.

When you hold the Star Soul Gem in your hand, you can activate it with magic power at any time, and after activation, the power emerging from the Star Soul Gem can protect Lynch from all physics within three seconds. hurt……

Don’t look at the duration of only three seconds, the duration is quite short, but in fact, let alone three seconds, even one second is precious, after all, the power of this star soul gem is really too great. It's against the sky.

What is immunity to all physical damage?

Just like House...

At that time, after House used the power of madness, he released his grudge. At this time, his grudge will produce extremely powerful destructive power. If it accurately bombards Lynch’s body, then Lynch will also instantly Being seriously injured by grudge, it might be difficult to stand up!

But if you use the power of the Star Soul Gem at this time, you will directly ignore this attack, because the power of the Star Soul Gem can directly offset the power of the fighting spirit. Therefore, even if House's fighting spirit hits Lynch, Lin Qi will not suffer any harm.

This is the so-called immunity to physical damage...

And the most important thing is that this star soul gem is not immune to ordinary physical damage. It can be immune to all physical damage within three seconds, which means that if its opponent is For a soldier, then in these three seconds, Lynch is basically invincible, even if he allows the soldier to launch various offensives on him, he will not have any problems.

It is conceivable that when a warrior encounters a mage with such abilities, he will definitely be **** to death...

Moreover, the physical attacks that the Star Soul Gem is immune to are not only limited to ordinary fighters, even strong existences such as Sword Saints can still be immune to their offensives.

This is the real power of the Star Soul Gem.

Therefore, even though the Star Soul Gem can last for only three seconds, Lynch can really do too many things in these three seconds, and can even change the outcome of a battle.

Moreover, the special abilities given by this star soul gem are exactly what Lynch needs right now...

Although Lynch is now a seventh-level archmage, his strength is only for the mage. If his opponent is a fighter of the same level, then under the warrior’s powerful offensive, Perhaps Lynch will not lose easily, and may also defeat his opponent, but it is worthy of affirmation that in this battle, Lynch will definitely be extremely difficult...

Therefore, Lynch has been thinking about strategies to deal with fighters all this time.

Otherwise, every time you face soldiers, you will get into a hard fight, which is not a good thing... If one day you are surrounded by a group of fighters, at that time, you will not only fight hard, but even yourself It may be defeated by them...

But now, Lynch knew that he didn’t need to think hard about any tactics. After possessing the Star Soul Gem, he would have a huge natural advantage when facing warriors in the future, and he had to do his best before. The defeated opponent now only needs to seize the right time to use the Star Soul Gem to be able to directly defeat the opponent by surprise.

That kind of picture, just thinking about it can make Lynch very satisfied. I have to say that after obtaining the Star Soul Gem, his combat power has indeed been greatly improved...

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