The First Mage

Chapter 1419: gem

"If it is so easy to see the staff of the Elf King, then it is too simple." Lynch did not follow Palin's advice, and contacted the staff of the Elf King for the first time. He stood there, very Seriously looked at the staff of the Elf King.

"It's not easy to be simple... Maybe it's the Elf King who has been to this revival plane, and then left the Elf King's rod?" Palin hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter if it's a real elven or not. The rod of the king, we are always right in the past. It is a good thing to get it, but if we don't get it, there is no loss to us.

"Okay." Lynch thought for a while, Palin's suggestion is indeed worth considering, after all, what he said is quite reasonable. At the moment, after confirming it, Lynch slowly walked towards the statue of the Elf King.

As he got closer to the rod of the elf king, Lynch could feel more and more how dazzling the light radiating from the rod of the elf king, especially when he came to a place less than one meter from the statue. , And even the eyes pierced by the light couldn't open.

After a long time, Lin Qi slightly used this dazzling sensation, and then slowly opened his eyes again.

The rod of the Elf King that appeared in his eyes at this moment was still blooming with golden light. The magic patterns on the top seemed to be alive, as if they were wriggling on the rod of the Elf King, and those on the rod of the Elf King were countless The crown formed by gems is now also blooming with colorful light.

All of this makes this Elf King's staff look mysterious and extraordinary...

"It would be great if I could get the Elf King's rod directly..." Lynch looked at it for a long time and couldn't help but mutter, like this legendary wand, which Lynch has always dreamed of, but now it is close Contacting the Staff of the Elf King naturally made Lynch look forward to it.

At this moment, he could no longer think about whether this statue would hide any danger, he directly used flying skills to fly, and immediately approached the wizard king's staff.

However, when Lynch’s right hand was grabbing towards the Elf King’s staff, it was obvious that it was empty. Suddenly, Lynch’s face changed, and immediately afterwards, he continued to wave his right hand, non-stop Grabbing the Elf King's staff, however, the Elf King's staff in front of him was like an illusory object. No matter how hard Lynch tried, he couldn't grasp the Elf King's staff.

Since there is no way to catch it, then naturally there is no way to get this Elf King Staff.

"What the **** is going on?" Lynch was completely at a loss at the moment.

And just as he tried his best to grasp the rod of the Elf King, the setting sun in the distance gradually disappeared, and the sky gradually darkened. Obviously, this revival plane finally ushered in the night.

Moreover, something strange happened again. The staff of the Elf King that appeared with the setting sun now slowly became transparent as the setting sun fell, and then under Lin Qi’s shocking gaze, Soon it turned into nothingness and disappeared completely.

"It turns out that what just appeared was the illusion of the Elf King's staff..." By this time, Lynch finally understood, and he realized why he could not grasp the Elf King's staff just now. In fact, it wasn't the staff of the Elf King at all, what appeared was just the illusion of the staff of the Elf King.

After realizing this, Lynch couldn't help being disappointed.

But on the other hand, he is also a little dumbfounded, like an illusion. He has experienced countless times in his previous adventures, but every time, he can deal with it extremely calmly, and finally see through. Those hallucinations.

But this time, he looked very stupid, and even flew over, planning to take away this Elf King Staff...

At that time, he didn't realize that it was just an illusion...

But to be honest, Lynch can’t be blamed for this. After all, it’s the Wand of the Elf King. Anyone who knows this wand will fall into absolute fanaticism after seeing it. Apart from this magic wand, it is impossible to have other ideas.

And Lynch, no matter how rich the experience of planes is, he is just an ordinary person after all. When facing other magic weapons before, the reason why he was not tempted was because those magic weapons were not strong enough to make Lynch forgets about it, but the Elf King’s Wand definitely has this ability. After all, this is one of the most powerful wands in the world of Anriel, capable of instantaneous curse...

"Malfa Merlin, how did the Wand of the Elf King disappear? Didn't you get the wand?" Palin immediately leaned forward and asked when Lynch fell to the ground with disappointment.

Lin Qi said helplessly: "We were all deceived just now. It is not the real Elf King's rod, but the illusion created by this statue with the help of the power of the setting sun."

"Oh... it turned out to be just an illusion..." Like Lynch, Palin was a little disappointed after learning about the news, but soon Palin cheered up again: "Haha, it's actually okay, that's a wizard How could the staff of the king be so easily obtained by us? We can continue to search in the plane of revival. If we are lucky, we might be able to come into contact with the true staff of the elf king..."

"Well, there is indeed such a possibility." Lynch nodded: "Alright, let's go, it will be completely dark in a while."

After knowing the staff of the Elf King that he saw just now, it was just an illusion, Lynch didn't want to stay in the city anymore, and immediately wanted to take Palin to leave.

However, Palin suddenly pointed to the statue of the Elf King and said, "Malfa Merlin, there seems to be something on the right hand of the statue of the Elf King..."

"Huh? Right hand?" Lynch was stunned. The right hand of the Elf King, isn't that the hand where the Elf King's staff appeared before? Although he was floating on the opposite side of his right hand just now, his attention was focused on the staff of the Elf King, so he did not take a good look at the right hand of the Elf King statue.

At this moment, Lynch followed Palin's gaze and saw that between the fingers of the right hand of the Elf King sculpture, there was indeed a crystal clear purple gem inlaid.

Lin Qi watched, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he flew to the right hand of the Elf King sculpture and stretched out his hand to tear off the gem.

After it landed, Lynch checked the gem carefully.

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