The First Mage

Chapter 1417: crown

After all, in Budapest, when they were on their way, they did not dare to use any spells to speed up their speed. After all, once the magic wave spread, it would soon attract Chery Dian, but now it is different. , This plane of revival is very safe, they can use spells at any time if they want to use spells.

It's like now, both of them have blessed their legs with agility, so they are on the road very fast.

After two hours of advancing again, soon, in Lynch’s line of sight, a huge city finally appeared. That city is not a ruin, it is a fairly intact city that has been preserved, and inside The styles of the various buildings are extremely old, and only by pushing the timeline forward tens of thousands of years can we see such buildings.

And in the middle of the city, there is a huge statue tens of meters high. It is a statue of an elf, but it is a very old elf with a long beard that almost falls to the ground. It is also full of wrinkles and looks lifelike.

But the most striking thing about Lynch was the golden crown that the elf wore.

Among the elves, their class thoughts are extremely serious. Among the entire race, there is only one person who is qualified to wear the crown, and that person is the king of the elves, that is, the elves. king.

In the world of Anriel, because humans hate elves, and for this reason, almost all the records about elves are completely destroyed, and only those high elves are left behind. So, in Anri In the world, it’s almost impossible to see the city of the elves and their statues.

The statue of the Elf King that appeared in front of Lynch at this moment undoubtedly made Lynch extremely interested.

"That's the Elf King..." Palin looked at the statue of the Elf King and felt curious: "I have read some records about the Elf King. It is said that the Elf King is the most powerful among the elves. It is powerful. By the way, even those titled wizards are not his opponents. As for the existence of the great wizard at this level, even one of its spells cannot be resisted."

"The Elf King is indeed very powerful. It is at the same level as the Lich King." Lynch also nodded subconsciously: "But as powerful as the Elf King, isn't it also defeated by humans? Humans are An Rui. The true master of Erworld, even the Elf King, could only escape from Anriel's world in embarrassment."

"Yes..." Palin nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look." Lynch quickly said to Palin. After all, this city is a city left by elves, so to be honest, Lynch is still curious about the environment in the city. Yes, go in and take a look now, maybe you can meet some good things.

"Okay..." Palin nodded, and then followed Lynch into the city.

But I have to say that this city is too old, and since the elves disappeared, no one should have been to this city anymore, so after entering, I did not feel the slightest popularity, but it was desolate and decadent. The breath of love hung over Lynch and Palin.

And the whole city was extremely quiet, there was no sound at all, only the footsteps of Lynch and Palin could be heard.

"This place is a bit weird..." I don't know if it was my own illusion. Since entering, Palin felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot in an instant, making Palin feel cold and subconsciously wrapped. The mage's robe wrapped around him.

"It's nothing weird. Just be careful, and even if we encounter any trouble, we will be aware of it for the first time." Lynch's face was indifferent.

Seeing that Lynch was so confident, Palin did not continue to say anything, but then again, Lynch has quite a wealth of experience in exploring the plane, and sometimes even Palin has to admit it. Lynch is like an encyclopedia, basically there is nothing he doesn't know, and there are rarely things he can't handle. As long as he is by his side, he can always feel an unprecedented sense of security.

But they followed Lynch in a circle. In this city, they didn’t see anything special, including the interior of those buildings. Lynch and Palin also went in and took a look. Although the structures inside these buildings are all It is very different, but without exception, it is covered with thick dust and spider webs. They checked it carefully and they have never seen any valuable resources, such as some alchemy techniques, such as some magic weapons. Anyway, nothing was gained.

The number of buildings here is extremely large, and after they have thoroughly inspected it, one day has passed, but unfortunately, after a busy day, even the root hairs were not found.

At this time, Palin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Damn, this is still the city where the elves are left behind, but how come these elves are so poor? They haven't even left anything of value!"

Lynch rolled his eyes and said, "This is just the plane of revival used by the elves to retreat. They built these buildings here, but they may not have lived here. Since there is no residence, it is naturally impossible to leave anything valuable. Something."

In the world of Anriel, the whereabouts of the elves have always been the biggest mystery.

Since the elves withdrew from the world of Anriel, and then fled to other planes, the wizards of the world of Anriel only know that the elves have found a lot of planes of revival for this purpose, but as for which plane of revival the elves went to , This is not something that can be easily investigated.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the number of revival planes like this is extremely large.

As for the revival plane that Lynch and the others are coming to, there may have been elves living here, but it is also possible that no elves have lived here. If it is the former, it is naturally a good thing, after all, once the elves are here Living, then they will inevitably leave behind some precious resources, but if the elves have never lived here, then it will be difficult to find those belonging to the elves in this seat.

But these are all uncertain things now, so Lynch is not in a hurry, anyway, they still have a lot of time now, they can stay in this place and investigate slowly.

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