The First Mage

Chapter 1403: Strengthen

In fact, what Palin said is somewhat reasonable. After all, Lynch is indeed tempted to revive the plane...

Although he now puts all his thoughts on the Sen'jin Plane, it's just that the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family have just started cooperating. It should take a long time for them to translate and decipher the information on the Sen'jin Plane. Time, and during this time, I can't stay in the Royal Academy of Magic, do nothing, right? This is obviously impossible...

If possible, Lynch would naturally want to go to other planes.

Entering these planes not only promoted his experience, but also gained a lot of resources, making him richer than he is now.

Of course, there is also one of the most important things, and that is the improvement in strength...

Lynch came to the world of Anriel, not many years, but in such a short period of time, he has walked a path that others may not be able to complete for decades, and successfully started from a magic apprentice Crossed to the seventh-level archmage.

This is more than just hard work.

What's more, it is because of the continuous improvement of strength in the process of exploring the plane, and thus the achievement of today can be achieved.

Therefore, Lynch is more interested in exploring the plane than Palin.

Including the plane of revival, the same is true.

"Since you haven’t been to see it for a long time, now I’m right by your side, can’t you just go to the entrance of the plane of revival? If you can enter the plane of revival, you can just go directly this time. Explore the plane of revival..." Palin continued.

When Lynch heard this, he suddenly recalled: "You fellow, do you want me to take you to explore Budapest?"

"I didn't mean that..." Palin's eyelids twitched and hurriedly defended.

Lynch sneered: "What do you mean, you know yourself. You are a little younger if you want to fool me..."

"Well...I really want to go out with you." Palin knew that he couldn't deceive Lynch, so he could only bite the bullet and admit: "However, idle is idle anyway, and you do. You can go to the entrance of the plane of revival, don't you really want to go and see?"

I have to say that Palin's words really got the point.

Under Palin’s side-knock, Lynch really remembered the entrance to the Revival Plane. To be honest, after a long time not seeing it, the current Lynch is really curious about the entrance, and he also wants to know. , Is there any change at the entrance now...

"How about it, are you tempted?" Palin couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Lynch falling into silence: "Then let's go and see now?"

"Palin..." At this time, Redmelin couldn't help but interrupted Palin's words: "Malfa Merlin just said that it is very dangerous here. It seems that there is a monster called Cheridian who will attack you at any time. , What do you have to take Mafa Merlin out at this time? Just stay here and wait to return to the world of Anriel."

Palin rolled his eyes and wanted to say, what do you know? However, thinking of the identity of Red Merlin, he closed his mouth again. After all, Red Merlin is the owner of Master Merlin’s tower, and he did not offend him. Moreover, even if he ignores his identity, he is also Marfa. Uncle Merlin...

If you provoke him, how can you have good fruit?

He doesn't teach himself, Mafa Merlin will do it for him...

Therefore, Palin rarely said anything, and fell silent again.

"Uncle, don't tell me, I think what Palin said this time is quite reasonable..." But soon, what Lynch said made Palin excited again: "I have indeed been a long time. I haven’t been there to see it. Now that I’m in Budapest, I just happen to go and have a look..."

"Huh? Do you think that what Palin said makes sense?" Redmelin frowned. "But didn't you say it? Just wait a few hours, the Book of Time and Space can be used again, and then you can leave Budapest. , Back to the world of Anriel... and now, should the time be almost?"

Lin Qi nodded. From using the Book of Time and Space to the present, it has indeed been more than two hours. He checked the Book of Time and Space and found that it could indeed be used again.

"The uncle, I will send you back to the Royal Academy of Magic right now." Lynch took out the Book of Time and Space and said to Red Merlin. Among these people, he was most worried about Red Merlin. After all, Redmelin's strength is too weak. In Budapest, there will be accidents at any time, so sending him away is the best choice.

Redmelin was surprised: "Aren't you going back with me?"

"Isn't Palin going to have a look at the entrance of the plane of revival? Then I'll accompany him on a walk..." Lynch said.

"Huh?" Palin over there, seeing Lynch sending Redmelin away, for a while, he was also plunged into extremely depressed. He felt that his previous words should have been for nothing. , After all, he even sent away Red Merlin, how could he stay behind? It seems that I have no chance to stay in Budapest this time...

However, after hearing Lynch’s words clearly, Palin fell into a moment of horror: "Mafa Merlin, I heard you right, didn’t you plan to send me away?"

Lynch couldn't laugh or cry: "It's rare for me to obey you once, do you have any opinions? Well, then you can go back with my uncle."

"Don't..." Palin shook his head quickly: "The fool is going back now!"

Lynch kicked him abruptly, kicking Palin directly to the side.

As for Redmelin, he hesitated at the moment: "If you don't go back with me, then I go back alone, I am afraid there will be trouble..."

"Ah? What's the trouble?" Lynch was taken aback, but immediately, he patted his forehead suddenly: "By the way... Are you worried about the Watson family?"

Accompanying him to bring Redmeling out of the Watson family, although they fled to Budapest, it is certain that now the Watson family must have known about Redmeling being rescued, and maybe they are now Look everywhere for Red Merlin...

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