The First Mage

Chapter 1401: businessman

Otherwise, until the next time, Malfa Merlin may not bring him in...

Palin is quite clear about this.

Listening to Palin's shameless remarks, Lynch really didn't bother to pay attention to him. After glaring at Palin, Lynch immediately looked at Redmelin: "Uncle, are you okay?"

"Oh... I'm okay." Redmelin looked around curiously: "You tell me, since I became a mage, I have never entered the plane. This time I came to this so-called Budapest. I really feel very novel……"

"Huh? You haven't been to the plane?" Lynch asked in surprise.

Redmelin said angrily: "I am a businessman, I am a businessman who ran to the plane to do what? Besides, I'm so busy all day, where can I go to the plane to experience?"

"That's what..." Lynch was surprised. After all, Red Merlin was right. He is a pure businessman. For businessman, they don't have to risk their lives to enter the plane to experience, and they only have What is needed may be the resources mined from the plane, but these things can generally be purchased with gold coins, so they only need to work hard to earn gold coins.

Palin over there said: "Malfa Merlin, what do we have next? Are you taking us to find resources, or what? By the way, how is Chery Dean? Why didn't you hear about Chery Dean? Could it be that you have solved that big guy?"

One of Palin's memories of Budapest is the chaotic and dangerous environment here, and the other is Chery Dian.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Chery Dian is definitely the most powerful beast Palin has ever seen in his life, and also the most weird beast he has ever seen. After all, besides Chery Dian, which one can Flicked by Lynch? He even became Lynch’s thugs several times...

Lynch had been talking to Redmelin just now, but he didn't think of Chery Dean. Now that Palin mentioned it, his face changed slightly and said: "By the way, there is Chery Dean... Palin, and uncle , You two quickly hide the magic aura, don't be discovered by Chery Dian."

"Ah? Chery Dian is still in Budapest?" Palin was taken aback, but the movements on his hands were very fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, all his magical aura was hidden.

And Red Merlin, who was standing next to him, also followed Lynch's arrangement, hiding his magical aura.

Lynch concealed his magical aura while silently explaining, "What do you think Chery Dian is? That's the most terrifying beast in Budapest. Do you think that with my power, Chery Dian might be driven out? And, there is one more thing you have to know. The current Chery Dean is countless times stronger than when we first saw him. Don’t look at me now as a seventh-level archmage. Ann's words are still a dead end."

"Oh, that's not right, let alone the seventh-level archmage, even if I become a ninth-level wizard, I don't think it will be Chery Dian's opponent... as long as you meet him, you can only run away."

"So fierce?" Palin drew a cold breath: "Malfa Merlin is not that I said you. Since you know that Chery Dian is also in Budapest, you should remind me and your uncle earlier, otherwise if we attract Chery Dian Now, what shall we do?"

"Aren't you wasting time here?"

Lynch could not help but cursed, and then said to Redmelin: "Uncle, I have used the power of the Book of Time and Space before, so now I have to wait for the Book of Time and Space to regain the magic power. You can wait here for a few. When the power of the book of time and space is restored, I will send you back to the world of Anriel when the time comes."

"Since we came from the Watson family, when we go back, will we also return to the Watson family?"

"That's not..." Lynch smiled and shook his head: "The Book of Time and Space can record three coordinates, including one coordinate. I set it at the Royal Academy of Magic. Then you can go directly to the Royal Academy of Magic. It’s in my room anyway, so you don’t have to worry about any accidents."

"Oh, it's inside the Royal Academy of Magic..." Redmelin nodded, then completely relieved.

After operating the Mage’s Tower in the Royal Capital for so many years, Red Merlin and the Royal Academy of Magic have naturally maintained a cooperative relationship. After the Mage Merlin’s Tower has gradually developed, his connection with this academy has become stronger. They got closer, and even started to do business with the wizards.

Therefore, even if he accidentally appeared in the Royal Academy of Magic, there would not be any problems. On the contrary, after seeing him, the wizards would probably still be extremely enthusiastic.

Of course, the reason why he was so passionate was not all because of his business dealings with the Royal Academy of Magic.

In fact, the most important factor is Lynch.

The wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic knew very well about Lynch’s growth experience, so they naturally knew that Redmelin was Lynch’s uncle, and because of this, their attitude towards Redmelin Will be so passionate.

If there is no Lynch factor, then even if Redmelin’s mage tower is growing, it is only a magical tower in their eyes. Perhaps because of Redmelin’s status, he will be a little higher. , However, will never be too enthusiastic.

After all, the strength has reached the level of the wizard, and generally they are not regarded as pure businessmen.

"Since you don't have any problems, uncle, do as I said..." Lynch smiled.

But at this time, Palin was taken aback and said: "Damn! Marfa Merlin, you bastard... I said that every time I went to your room to look for you before, you were not there, but after a while, you must be inexplicable. Come out of the room, it turns out that you always come to Budapest! Damn, you deceived me before, saying that you were meditating in the room. However, you can't deceive me in the future, once you are not in the room , I will know for sure that you **** is here in Budapest."

"Do you know it again?" Lynch was dumbfounded, and said to Palin: "It's up to you whether I'm coming to Budapest or not... Anyway, when the Book of Time and Space is available, you immediately leave Budapest for me, don't think about it for a long time. Stay here. Otherwise, if Chery Dian is recruited, I won't help you."

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