The First Mage

Chapter 160: Blood bear

Palin withdrew his hand angrily, he was indeed a little rash just now.

"Okay, let's go." Lynch just checked it out, but he didn't find anything from this skeleton that could make him care. Therefore, it didn't take long before everyone was on the road again.

The cave is very long and the light is very dark. If there is no light technique, it would be difficult to move. Lynch asked Farin to maintain the light technique, but he was always paying attention to the front. .

"Did you hear any noise?" After about half an hour, Lynch stopped suddenly, then looked at Farin and Palin. For some reason, he always felt that something was moving in front of him, but it was bright. The place outside the coverage is completely dark, and nothing can be seen.

"Voice?" As soon as Lynch reminded him, Farin also pricked his ears to listen. Not long after, Farin said vigilantly: "It seems that there is a sound!"

Lin Qi was sure that he had heard it right.

This sound was actually the sound of footsteps, but maybe it was too far away, so the footsteps were very subtle. If it weren't for the aisle to be too quiet, Lynch would be really hard to hear clearly.

"Be careful..." Lynch exhorted, and then he slowed down and walked forward. After about ten meters, Lynch discovered that there was another entrance on the left wall of the tunnel.

Looking forward, Lynch found that it was the end of the tunnel.

Lynch tipped to the side of the entrance, leaned out a little and looked inside. Following Lynch, he discovered that inside the entrance, it turned out to be a cave, but this cave is not empty, not a big cave. A few blood bears wandered inside.

The blood bear is a special kind of beast among the first-order beasts. Since its birth, the blood bear has been growing in the blood pool. After adulthood, the body has been soaked in blood to become a strange red, and due to the growth environment, The blood bear has an almost fanatical desire for blood, as long as there is blood, it will inevitably attract the blood bear.

"That's it?" Lynch also discovered that there was a depression in the cave, and two dark red plants grew in the depression.

"Dark grass?" After seeing it, Lynch moved in his heart. These two plants were really familiar to Lynch. In the library of Oakland College at that time, Lynch passed a book called "Magic Materials". Books, I have seen introductions and photos about the dark grass.

Now seeing these two plants, Lynch recognized them immediately.

But something is wrong...

If these two dark grasses were the dark grasses that Falin saw at the time, it means that Falin had been to this place before, but along the way, Falin didn’t seem to feel the slightest, as if he had never been. This cave is the same...

"Farin, come and see, are these the two dark grasses you mentioned?" Lynch called Farin over.

Farin took a sneaky look, followed by a smile on his face: "Yes, this is where I found the dark grass!"

"But there doesn't seem to be any Warcraft in this place?" Lynch looked at Farin suspiciously.

"I don't know about this..." Farin thought for a while and said, "Maybe the monsters have already gone, and when I came, I didn't see these blood bears..."

"What..." Looking at Falin's dazed expression, Lynch couldn't help rolling his eyes. Isn't this Falin a road fool?

Forget it...

Anyway, he had found Dark Youcao, and he didn't bother to talk too much nonsense with Farin.

"But there are only two dark grasses. The three of us don't seem to be divided enough?" Palin came with Farin. After seeing the dark grasses, Palin's eyes lit up, and then his brows frowned.

"What's not enough?" Lynch remembered after finishing speaking. It seemed that he hadn't explained to Palin the purpose of coming to this underground world...

However, it is not too late to explain.

"Actually, when we came here, we ran to find the Dark Youcao. This was discussed long ago by Farin and I. After we found it, there will be one plant for each person, so..."

Although Lynch did not go on, how could Palin not understand what Lynch meant? Others are telling him that we came to the underground world for the dark grass, this thing is already mine and Farin's, and you don't have your share.

"I understand, I understand, this is your thing!" Although Palin was a little sorry, he was still very sensible.

"You understand." Seeing that Palin is so sensible, Lynch patted Palin on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then said to Farin, "Then let's go in now."

"Okay!" Farin stood up excitedly.

Following Lynch and Farin entered the cave.

The few blood bears here are not difficult for the two archmages, Lynch and Farin. Don’t look at the blood bears that look terrifying, they are all blood-like colors, but in fact, just pay attention to the distance. , Don’t get too close to the blood bear, basically there won’t be any problems.

After Lynch and the others came in, the blood bear found the intruder the first time.


The blood bear let out a huge roar, and immediately rushed towards Lynch and the others.

The long-term use of blood as food gave the blood bear a **** smell in his mouth. When he opened his mouth when he pounced, the pungent smell spread over, causing Lynch to frown slightly.

He used a glare technique.

The reason for using the bright light technique is that the blood bear’s eyes have been soaked in blood for a long time, so the eyeball itself is relatively fragile, and it has lived in the underground world for a long time. Now it is stimulated with light, and it should be able to cause serious injury to the blood bear.

Sure enough, Lynch's bright light technique really came in handy.

As the entire cave suddenly became white, the dazzling bright light spread, and the blood bear's mouth immediately heard a painful roar, followed by these blood bears almost simultaneously falling to the ground, rolling back and forth. .

"The glare technique is so effective?" Farin almost didn't make a move, but these blood bears seemed to have lost the ability to fight. If Lynch was using a powerful spell, it would be okay to say, but it was a glare technique that actually suppressed a few. First-order Warcraft, this is a bit incredible.

Lynch shook his head. Sometimes magic is not necessarily those powerful spells that work. Any spell has its own meaning. You must use it according to local conditions. Sometimes, as long as you use the correct way, a first-order spell. Even compared to second-order spells, it works.

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