The First Mage

Chapter 158: Encapsulation Tree

But this is difficult...

He can't use any magic at all right now. Could it be that he used a magic wand to break the vine? But as soon as he thought of this idea, Lynch dismissed it himself.

This method itself is very fucking. The vines are part of the magic tree's body, and the hardness is even higher than the spirit burning wand. If you want to use the spirit burning wand to rescue yourself, you should wait for death directly.

"I really want to kill it!" Palin was tossed by the vine, and his body was hit several times, and the pain was unbearable.

But this is not important, what is important is that he is very angry now!

Palin almost died the first time he encountered the Demon Sealing Tree. As for the second time in crisis, Palin might be able to accept it if he encountered something else.

However, it happened to be a magic tree...

The same situation, the same powerlessness. Last time, for some reason, Lynch helped him, but this time even Lynch himself was unable to protect himself...

"Will we die here?" Farin and Lynch passed by and shouted loudly, resisting the severe pain.

"Shut up, what's not going to die?" Lynch interrupted Farin's voice. Although Lynch himself was being thrown around now, after all, Feng Devil Tree hadn't directly killed them.

As long as you are alive, there is hope.


At this time, Lynch suddenly remembered another thing, and immediately followed, a magic scroll appeared directly in his hand, and then quickly activated. Suddenly, the magic power on the scroll surged rapidly, and a lot of flames appeared. , Entwined on the vines of the Demon Sealing Tree.

Sure enough, although they can't use magic power, the scroll doesn't seem to be affected...

At this moment, even if the Demon Sealing Tree is extremely powerful, but the body is so directly touched by the flames, the vines are quickly twisted at this moment. The huge power that originally entangled Lynch is weakened a lot. In a moment, Lynch After struggling hard, he immediately got rid of the shackles of the vines, and then fell out of the air.

Seeing that Lynch was out of control, Feng Moshu immediately manipulated other vines to re-entangle Lynch, but Lynch had already landed directly. The moment he landed, he avoided the stretched vines, and then steadily Standing on the ground.

After landing, Lynch did not have the slightest time to rest. He raised his hand, and suddenly the Aurora Flame Scroll and the Flame Hand Scroll flew towards Farin and Palin respectively. Only a "click" was heard, accompanied by the scroll. The spell broke out, and the vines that entangled the two guys broke off.

Then the two of them got out of the control of the vines and fell to the ground one after another.

"Mage Merlin, thank you for saving me!" Farin saw Lynch’s eyes full of gratitude, but he was more proud of himself. After all, he found Lynch at the time, how insightful he was. , Can you meet such a powerful mage?

I didn't say anything, but Farin was sure that even if Lynch drove him off by the time, he would definitely stay with him and go north together...

"It's useless to say these now, let's run first..."

A large number of vines stretched over, and the prey that had been in hand ran away again. It was seen that the Enchanted Demon Tree was angry. The vines hit the rock, a large number of fragments fell, and the whole cave shook.

Coupled with the crazy moving vines, Lynch and the others are in a dangerous situation at the moment.

It was precisely because he could see the situation clearly, that Lynch ran towards the exit of the cave without saying a word.

Farin and Palin saw it and quickly followed.

After they ran out, the vines of the Demon Sealing Tree were still chasing, even directly shattering the hole. A large number of vines chased out. Lynch and the others accelerated their speed and continued to move forward until the vines were in sight. They disappeared before they stopped, and then sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Then there was silence again.

For the mage, there is nothing more disgusting than blocking the magic power. Even if you get rid of it now, there are still various feelings of weakness in the body. Whether it is Lynch or Farin, he is rushing to recover.

"Okay, let's go." After an hour, seeing everyone resting almost, then Lynch stood up.

He can now be said to be the backbone of Farin. As soon as Lynch stood up, Farin also stood up.

As for Palin, even more would not refuse Lynch's words. Right now, they continued to move forward.

But this time they stopped after less than half an hour, because they found that there were a lot of holes in front. These holes were not one or two, but a dozen or so, from left to right. Lined up one by one, like a honeycomb.

Just looking at it, Lynch had a headache.

The last thing he wants to do is multiple-choice questions, especially the kind of multiple-choice questions with a small probability. Unfortunately, now they are facing multiple-choice questions...

"Master Farin, haven't you been here once? Give some advice." Lynch looked at Farin.

Old Falin blushed and said awkwardly: "This is the first time I have seen this situation..."

Lin Qi glared at Falin with a depressed look. It’s a real loss for this guy to come here once, but look at what Falin did along the way, like a rookie Xiaobai, always following behind him, and he is very useful. No, it's just that God sent him to be responsible for the funny.

Lynch took a deep breath and looked at Palin: "What about you, what do you think?"

Palin took a look at these openings, then shook his head: "Actually, I don't know how to choose."

It seems that the important task still has to be handed over to myself...

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly, and then he carefully checked the hole in front of him.

At first glance, these holes were almost exactly the same, there was no difference at all, but he also knew that these holes must represent many different results, once the wrong choice, he did not know what would happen.

If you go around and drive yourself into a dead end, it won't be great.

Generally, it is like this situation where many holes appear at the same time, and only one hole should be correct. I won't say how small this probability is.

Lin Qi really got more headaches as she watched it, and she couldn't judge.

In the end, Lynch simply walked in every hole.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you will walk to the end as soon as you enter. Lynch’s so-called walk is just a general observation of the inside of the cave entrance. Generally dangerous places will always leave some clues. If you can find these clues, It is more or less helpful to your choice.

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