The First Mage

Chapter 151: debate

From this point alone, we can know how powerful the mother beast is...

"Damn! It's actually it?" Farin's voice suddenly came from Lynch's ear. From the sound, Farin was quite excited. Lynch looked back and found that Farin didn't know when he came to him. , At this time also looked into the cave.

"what happened?"

"When I first came to this underground world, the mother beast I encountered was this blood-red spider. At that time, it chased me so hard that it almost made me die here..."

"Oh, I have a grudge!" It's just that after Lynch finished saying this, his brows frowned slightly: "So, you know its power?"

"do not know……"

"I knew it was for nothing." Lynch was a little depressed. He originally came in looking for Dark Youcao, but now that Dark Youcao hasn't seen it, things have become more and more troublesome...

Regardless of what Lynch was thinking about, but Falin encountered the mother beast again, obviously unable to bear it, it is hard to imagine what kind of embarrassment he experienced under the pursuit of the mother beast at that time, but look at the hatred look now. , Obviously not a general embarrassment...

As an archmage, at any rate, he has his own pride. Before the mother beast, his pride was shattered to the full. Now Farin has Lynch by his side to help, so he feels that he has enough power to avenge the mother beast. .

Now as long as he rushed in, he would be able to abuse the mother beast fiercely. In his excitement, Farin didn't even care about the large number of bloodthirsty spiders in the cave. Right now, his head was hot and he was ready to go in.

But when Farin just got up, he was stopped by Lynch.

"What's the matter?" Farin wanted to go in for the first time, pushing Lynch away when speaking.

"If you want to die, go in..."

"What do you mean?" Farin was startled, what does it mean to die, so he went in? Could it be said that there are two mages present, and they are afraid that a mother beast will fail? That's right, there are indeed many bloodthirsty spiders around the mother beast, but he doesn't put the bloodthirsty spiders in his eyes at all. This kind of ordinary first-order beasts is too easy to pack.

Lin Qi shook his head. How about saying that the mage must keep a clear head at all times during the exploration process?

The current Farin was obviously dazzled by anger...

In other words, because he was there, he was too confident.

Although it was said that the cave where the mother beast was located was rather dim, after observation, Lynch still vaguely discovered some special things. It was the existence of these things that he would stop Farin.

"If you dare to use your eyes, you'd better look around the cave and the ground." Lynch pointed to the inside of the cave.

"Is there anything?" Farin looked in curiously. To be honest, he didn't notice the cave itself at first, but now that he took a closer look, Farin's face immediately changed.

what is that……

Farin put his eyes on the inside of the cave, and then found that there was a black liquid everywhere on the floor of the cave and on the surrounding walls.

The black liquid looks very inconspicuous, but in fact it is evenly distributed in every part of the cave. If you walk in carelessly, your body will be directly contaminated.

Moreover, not only in the cave, but even near the entrance of the cave, there is this black liquid. Farin retracted his gaze and fell on the black liquid under his feet: "Is this thing dangerous?"

"It's not dangerous, just try it..." Lynch tore a little cloth from Farin's robe and placed it on the black liquid under his feet, only to see a puff of white smoke rising slowly, and the soft cloth was in a few places. Within seconds, it was directly corroded by the black liquid!

Farling was taken aback at once: "What is this?"

"This should be a toxic liquid secreted from the mother animal's body. Our body is not much stronger than cloth. If we rush in, it will turn into blood in the blink of an eye..."

"Then what do we do, don't go in, wait here for it to come out?" Falin was also much more honest when he was so scared by Lynch, and he didn't say anything to rush in and kill the mother beast. Knowing that it was dangerous, To die, Falin couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Waiting here is undoubtedly a waste of time. In fact, the best way now is to wake it up and bring it out. We can deal with it outside without worrying about the black liquid..."

"Bring it out?" Farin thought for a while, this was indeed the best way, otherwise they would not be able to do anything in the cave, and they would have too much scruples.

It's just that the mother beast must be brought out, and the question is, who is going to take the risk?

Yes, it's an adventure!

The cave is full of black liquid, and the person who enters is more dangerous. The power of the black liquid, Farin has also seen. His body is not much better than the cloth. If you don’t pay attention, you will not bring it out, but can The problem of not being able to come out alive.

But I have to do it...

Because just when he looked at the cave, Farin discovered that not only was the mother beast entrenched in it, but there was also a small hole behind the mother beast, which was obviously the way to leave. Obviously, if the mother beast was not completely solved. If they do, it will be difficult for them to move on.

This must be what Marfa Merlin meant...

Otherwise, Farin would not believe that this guy would be so kind to avenge himself...

"Mage Mafa Merlin..."

"what happened?"

"Otherwise, do you work harder and bring it out?" Farin hesitated for a while, still said this shameless sentence. After all, Mafa Merlin is better than himself, and powerful people always have to shoulder more responsibility. More responsibilities, this is the philosophy that Farin has always adhered to.

"Master Farin, what you think is really thoughtful." Lynch looked at Farin mockingly: "If you let me pass, you won't be afraid of me dying inside? I'm the one who asked for help, not for you. of."

Farin was stunned for a moment.

Lynch's words are so reasonable, they actually left him speechless!

" can really be joking, why would I let you work for me?" Farin gave a haha.

Lin Qi said lightly: "First of all, I'm not kidding. I won't talk about you lied to me. If you think you are right, I have nothing to say, but now you let me deal with my mother. Beast? Haha! Master Farin, you may have forgotten that when you fell into a coma before, if it were not for me, you would not have any bones left by the bloodthirsty spiders..."

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