The First Mage

Chapter 148: hide

"Damn!" Lynch looked in his eyes, his face changed slightly. Didn't this **** say that the cave is very safe? Why did I just come in, I met the agency...

Sure enough, something is hiding from myself...

Looking at the crack that was about to close, Lynch didn't have time to think about it, and immediately jumped down.

But before jumping down, Lynch released a feather fall technique on himself.

Lynch's body floated down gently like a feather, but the speed was relatively slow, it took more than ten seconds to touch the ground.

When he looked up again, Lynch found that the crack had completely closed.

"What..." Lynch frowned and glanced at Farin at his feet, only to find that the **** had fainted. Lynch yelled a few times, but Farin did not react at all, and finally Lynch could only stand up. Ready to wait here for Farin to wake up.

But at this moment, Lynch heard a rustling sound in his ear, as if some animals were crawling.

Lynch's face changed slightly, and he quickly illuminated the tunnel with illumination.

As a result, at the moment when the lights were brightly lit, Lynch suddenly took a breath...

The originally small tunnel is now full of strange forest white spiders. These forest white spiders were originally in the depths of the tunnel, but now that they heard the movement, they all crawled over, with green eyes like It was a group of wildfires, staring at Lynch in the dark, blinking constantly.

"Bloodthirsty spider..." Lynch swallowed subconsciously.

If it is said that in the entire Winter Mountain Range, which monster is the most difficult to deal with, I am afraid that all the mages will name the bloodthirsty spider in unison.

I remember that in the beast tide that year, the monsters led by the Beastmaster showed three completely different echelons. No matter how many types of monsters the second and third echelons contain, the first echelon is definitely only bloodthirsty spiders. Warcraft.

Bloodthirsty spiders are born with poison sacs. This kind of poison sac that grows in their mouth not only contains toxins that can kill the archmage in an instant, but also when the bloodthirsty spider bites the poison sac, The poison sac exudes a smell that can make the body paralyze.

These scents can spread with the air, making ordinary wizards impossible to guard against. As long as they are inhaled into the body, they will be paralyzed and unable to move, and in severe cases they may faint.

After you lose the ability to react, these bloodthirsty spiders will crawl on you quickly, pierce the wizard's body with their fangs, and absorb all the blood in the body at the fastest speed, and wait until the bloodthirsty spider crawls over. After that, the body of the mage will completely turn into dry bark.

Just thinking about it is scary...

Now facing these bloodthirsty spiders, even Lynch felt very nervous and didn't think much about it. He immediately raised his finger to release a violent wind, using the wind to blow all the bloodthirsty spiders, so that they could not inject toxins into their bodies. among.

Although such behavior can indeed guarantee his own safety, Lynch did not feel at ease in his heart. On the contrary, he became more and more nervous, even his scalp was numb.

After all, there were too many bloodthirsty spiders present.

Even if it is only a rough count, Lynch is sure that the number of these bloodthirsty spiders definitely exceeds one hundred.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty spiders are equivalent to a small army. If they don't want to intercept them, they will have no resistance when they swarm them.

Thinking of this, Lynch didn't dare to waste time, and immediately used the magic abbreviation of the kaleidoscope, combined with the large amount of magic power brought by the magic furnace, used a large area of ​​magic bombing.

The flame spear filled with flames appeared out of thin air, and then slammed into the densest place of bloodthirsty spiders with a long tail flame, only to see a burst of sparks dispersed, followed by a huge sound, in Lin Lin Under the bombardment of the strange flame spear, a series of bloodthirsty spiders immediately flew up from the ground, and when they were still in the air, their bodies had already turned into fragments all over the ground.

Although the Spear of Flame is only a first-order spell, it is one of the most powerful spells among the first-order spells. You can see its performance at the moment.

In Lynch’s hands, flame spears flew out without money. The bloodthirsty spider was originally meant to crawl over, but under the block of the flame spear, the bloodthirsty spider was not only unable to climb, but also It also faces a huge threat.

But at this time, Lynch felt his body was slightly stiff, as if he was not under his control, and even the speed of spell release slowed down.

"I rely on..." Lynch, who knows the characteristics of bloodthirsty spiders, could not understand that even if he used the wind, the toxins of the bloodthirsty spiders still entered his body. This is a **** joke. Are these toxins better than Is it tough to pick up cockroaches?

The gestures in Lynch's hand were constantly changing, and soon a gust of wind swept over. This time the wind was different from the previous one. It was at least ten times more powerful than before. Even Lynch’s mage robes were blown. Get up, hunting.

Although it was a second cast without relying on the scroll, Lynch managed to support it, and more importantly, the paralysis was slightly relieved, and it did not continue to deteriorate.

Lynch was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to use the flame spear to deal with the bloodthirsty spider in front of him.

A large number of flame spears even entangled an astonishing sea of ​​flames in the tunnel. The bloodthirsty spiders who were too late to retreat were completely engulfed in the sea of ​​flames. There were a large number of flame spears above their heads, and the body was surrounded by crazy burning flames. These bloodthirsty spiders Spiders are taking a shocking blow.

Even, the bloodthirsty spider behind was obviously a little frightened and wanted to step back.

But at the same time, Lynch's magic ripples also spread.

Magical ripples ran across the bodies of these bloodthirsty spiders like water patterns, followed by a faint spark suddenly appeared out of the darkness, like igniting a haystack, from the spark to a boiling sea of ​​fire. .

A large amount of magic power was injected into it, and the sea of ​​fire was almost visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly.

Lynch knows that because underground creatures live in a dark and humid environment all year round, they can be said to have a natural fear of fire spells. Although this spell consumes magic power, Lynch who uses the magic furnace as the idea of ​​the meditation is the most lacking. It's magic...

In contrast, killing the bloodthirsty spiders behind them at the same time is the best choice now.

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