The First Mage

Chapter 137: Die

Someone recognized the identity of this person, this person is a mage in the Crimson Devil Realm...

"This person died in the hands of Warcraft..." At this time, Kasman had already inspected the corpse. After all, the claws torn marks on his body were not to be faked, and it was also true. It was one of several spies he dispatched.

At this moment, Lynch suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance: "There seems to be movement there..."


Kasman was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked into the distance. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, the top of the pine trees there was shaking slightly, and there was even a faint strange sound, which seemed not calm...

"Go, go over and take a look."

Without any hesitation, Kasman was everyone, heading there.

As he went farther and farther, the roar from there became clear and extremely noisy, mixed with the sound of explosions, and it seemed to be a human roar.

When he got closer, Lynch was surprised at the sight ahead.

That is a group of monsters...

Shadow wolf, frost bear, silver-striped orangutan, three-headed lizard...

This is simply the Winter Mountain Mage area, the encyclopedia of Tier 1 monsters, these monsters are the top predators in their respective regions, but for some reason, they are all gathered here.

Looking around, there are at least nearly a hundred monsters.

On the opposite side of these monsters, they are all the wizards of the Crimson Devil Realm. These wizards are more or less injured and are trying to stop them, but from the current situation, if there is no help, it will not take long to estimate It will be wiped out.

"Go and help." Kasman's face changed, and the first time he gave an order to the mage in the Crimson Devil Realm.

However, the voice fell, and suddenly, a earth-shaking breath suddenly spread in all directions, instantly filling the entire space.


With a terrifying shock, the large forest shook.

Above the snow-covered ground, it suddenly split, and a black crack appeared, and a horrible breath filled it out.

After that, a snake head half a human tall crawled out of the gap, and the long purple-red letter sizzled, opened its mouth, and the infinite smell spread...

And it's not over yet...

When the gap was big enough, there were two slightly smaller snake heads, sticking out of them, followed by the huge body, slowly sticking out...

In a blink of an eye, a three-headed giant python, seven or eight meters long, came out of the gap, wrapped in iron cyan scales, cold pale yellow vertical pupils, and looked condescendingly at everyone...

"Three-headed python..."

Kasman suddenly changed his face.

In the past few days, they have already collected the intelligence of this monster. Strictly speaking, these three giant pythons are no longer considered as Tier 1 monsters.

It is only one step away from Tier 2, and the three heads can respectively spit out three kinds of spells, and the scales on the whole body are comparable to alchemy armor, and the sword is unharmed. .

"I said..." Seeing the power of these three giant pythons, Lynch felt a little weird: "Are you sure that the person you are trying to save was eaten by it?"

"It shouldn't..." Kasman was also not confident in his words, but he hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "Even if you have eaten it, you have to dig through its stomach to find the corpse."

Immediately, he led the other wizards to kill all the monsters present, and then gathered all his power to deal with the three-headed giant python that appeared in front of him.

The wizards of the Crimson Devil Realm had a tacit understanding, and they didn’t even discuss it, so they gathered in groups...

At this moment, the three giant pythons made a huge hissing sound, and a powerful and terrifying aura swept across the entire battlefield in an instant. Wind blades, cold air, and flames spewed from its three heads.

Although there were a large number of mages in the Crimson Devil Realm, their expressions changed drastically under such a large area, and they retreated to the back. For a while, they were forced back a lot by the three giant pythons.

"A bunch of rubbish." Kasman's face turned black. After all, there are people from Oakland College beside him. He wanted to show the strength of the Crimson Devil Realm, but he didn't expect it to start badly!

It seems that I still have to do it myself.

But at this moment, Lynch didn't know when he appeared next to Kasman.

Facing the countless attacks of the three giant pythons, the young mage in front of him seemed not to care, even his face was not too nervous. After holding up a magic shield, he assumed that those attacks did not exist, and he took care of himself. What is singing there.

Soon, the overwhelming attack blasted on the thin magic shield.

"How could this thing stop the three-headed python." Kasman couldn't help but change his face. After all, Lynch was only a second-level mage, and it was difficult for him to stop the attack of the three-headed python. Grade mage, can you do it?

However, just when Kasman was worried, the magic shield had already banged, blocking the first wave of attacks...

I have to say that those attacks were indeed terrifying, and under the bombardment, it was like a huge wave, directly submerging Lynch who was supporting an elemental shield...

However, Lynch was like a small sampan that was swaying in the stormy sea. No matter how turbulent the waves were, it could drift with the flow. It seemed that the ship would be destroyed at any time, but it could survive the crazy attack.

It gives people the feeling that Lynch is like a nail, firmly pierced there, no matter how powerful it is, it can't lift him...

For a while, Kasman couldn't believe his eyes...

There is such a mage?


At this moment, Lynch finally breathed a sigh of relief...

The spell that I have been preparing since just now is finally completed...


A giant flame hand fell from the sky...

The surface of the giant hand was dark red, flowing with a magma-like texture, and exuding a little sulfur.

Hearing the loud noise of "Boom!", the giant flame hand violently waved, waving a fiery wind, and crashing down towards the other side...

First-order spell, hand of lava...

The hand of flame, the apprentice spell, originally came out of this molten hand, just as the hand of flame is the most powerful spell at the apprentice level, this hand of molten molten is powerful enough to be included in the top three among the first-order spells.

It's just that although this spell is strong, it shouldn't be enough to severely damage the three giant pythons, so just now, Lynch was trying to stack the spell...

Some knowledgeable spells know that the more unstable the attributes and the more complex the model is, the more difficult it will be to stack up. Maybe if you are not careful, it will burst in your hands.

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