The First Mage

Chapter 133: failure

Kasman looked at the parchment, his brow frowned and he had to admit a fact in his heart.

I really can’t solve this problem by myself...

"Who the **** is the question!"

This alchemy array encryption lock is simply an extremely complex labyrinth. One problem covers one problem. No matter how hard you calculate, you will fall into another problem instantly when you finally solve one problem.

Endless, repeating...

Kasman knew that there could not be a result if the cycle continued. It must be that he had a wrong idea at the beginning, and then he fell into the weird cycle.

As long as you can find the right idea, you only need to solve the surface problems.

It's dying here.

That thought... the **** was torn by myself...

This is **** embarrassing.

They asked for cooperation and put up an alchemy circle to prove their strength. I was afraid that you would not be able to solve them. They even gave you reference ideas. As a result, you can’t solve them after you tear up the answers...

In fact, if another time is changed, Kamans must be very interested, and slowly answer this alchemy circle question.

Because Kamans can faintly feel that as long as he can solve this problem, his alchemy level may be upgraded to a new level.

However, now is really not the time to learn.

Stan was still waiting inside eagerly, if he couldn't unlock this alchemy circle before the day after tomorrow. Then I don't need to explain anything to Stan. When I'm at Stan's grave, I have time to apologize slowly.

"Damn! Why do I always encounter these bad things..."

Kamans had a headache and wanted to hit the wall. The son of a red-robed congressman in front was enough to make people heady. Now there is another alchemy question.

Wave after wave, it makes people want to die...

"I don't know if I can find the fragment..." Kamans looked into the wind and snow outside the cave, and knew in his heart that there was little hope, but no matter how little he was, he had to try it. It's better than just waiting...

Kamans sighed, buried his head again, and plunged into the endless calculation...

Two days passed quickly.

However, I thought I had to fight for time, two days, how can I be a little eye-catching?

The result was very unsatisfactory. After two days, Kasman still made no progress...

Although he didn't know Lynch, he still wanted to grab Lynch by the collar and curse, from which point did you pick out the strange thing? Is this really knowledge that an alchemist should come into contact with?

If you show the technique, show the technique, don’t **** play this kind of weird thing, OK...

If you are in the Crimson Devil Realm, it's easy to say, you can't solve it by yourself, can't the teachers still solve it?

I caught one casually. Everyone worked together to find a way. It really didn’t work. I just gave up some face and used the magician's means to catch you and tell everyone...

It's not a big deal anyway...

But not now...

In the cave, there is a big living person waiting for help.

Stan has been nervous and uneasy, and will catch someone when he sees it. He asks where Kasman has gone, why doesn't he come and solve this magic circle for me?

So this day and night, Kasman dared not show up again...

But this is not the way. If this continues, will it be necessary to wait until the next morning when Stan bangs and blows into the sky?

This Nima is a big game, right?

Who is to blame? Because of his arrogance, he killed his fellow students?

Do you want to mix in the Crimson Devil Realm?

The most important thing is that the red-robed congressman's son is still trapped by other monsters. He hasn't been delayed for too long, so he must quickly prepare for rescue measures.

If he delays for a while, the young master with delicate skin and tender flesh will be more life-threatening.

At that time, once the young master was killed because of his own reasons, if the red-robed congressman became angry, he would be enough to bear it...

"What evil did Lao Tzu do..."

Kasman scratched his hair painfully, and now he was like a mouse stuck in a hole. No matter which way he ran, there were people who set fire to smoke there. It made people want to die...

In any case, I don’t think about the future, the key is now...

Kasman was really anxious at the moment, he blasted everyone out, stayed alone in a cave, sat there, propped his head, looking at the manuscript paper with countless number formulas, tired eyes, full of Bloodshot.

As time went by little by little, Kasman's face became redder and he sweated more and more.

At this point, Kasman had almost given up calculations, just looking at the hourglass on the side, while countless numbers flew in his mind.

After these two days, Kasman has already made it clear that no one among the mages can solve the problem, at least not by himself...

Kasman stood at the entrance of the cave, facing the hunting wind, looking at the boundless white snow...

A little bit of time passed, and the night gradually faded, and a bit of whiteness appeared on the horizon.

It seems that Stan is really hopeless...

Kasman sighed. In any case, Stan encountered this incident because of himself. If Stan has any last wishes, he can satisfy him...

And in the cave on the other side, Stan was panicked all day...

At this time, even if he was slow, he found that something was wrong. After all, Kasman had never appeared, and there was no news about his alchemy circle.

Adding up all this, the answer seems to be a bit self-evident...

It's just that where is Kasman now?

As a result, when Stan was anxious to get angry, Kasman finally appeared in sight. Suddenly, Stan couldn’t take care of that much. He walked out of the cave excitedly and rushed to catch Kasman’s The sleeves looked anxious: "How about it, can you relieve this alchemy circle for me?"

Kasman took his hand off his sleeve, his face a little complicated: " you have anything to worry about?"

"You... why can't you worry about it?" Stan was taken aback, with a bad feeling in his heart: "What do you mean? You, you wouldn't mean..."

Kasman didn't know what to say, so he patted Stan on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, your family, I will help you take care of it. The Crimson Devil Realm will not forget your sacrifice..."

"Why don't you forget my sacrifice?" Stan exploded instantly, his face flushed, and he tightly grabbed Kasman's sleeve: "Didn't you say that you can solve it for me? What do you mean now? , People clearly give ideas..."

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