The First Mage

Chapter 130: Cooperation

The Crimson Devil Realm even conducted a special course training on this, but as a result of this analysis, Stan was somewhat desperate to find.

I can't resolve it myself...

It's not that you don't need to study yourself, it's really a problem.

This encryption lock looks like a formality on the surface, but in fact it is like a maze. I rushed through it, tried and made countless times, but I couldn't find a way out, and finally returned to the original point...

Let alone the result, there is no clue...

"You, you..." Stan was sweating profusely, almost crying, really wanting to say you let go of people, if you really want to kill me, I'll be happy, play so much work, what is it What's wrong...

"Okay, don't waste your time. This question was not prepared for you." Lynch took out another piece of parchment and said while writing something on it, "This is for you... …Who is it? Oh, Kasman saw it."

Speaking of which, Lynch has finished writing this piece of parchment, looked at it without making any mistakes, and then passed it up: "Here, this is a reference idea. When letting him unlock the encryption lock, refer to this thing... …"

"Well, there are still three days. If you are faster, you should be able to return to your side in half a day. In other words, you have two and a half days to solve this alchemy circle. By the way, list the magic cores you need. Make a list, and then we will provide these magic cores."

"I'm good……"

Where could Stan dare to do anything? It was too late to ask any details. As soon as Lynch finished speaking, Stan hurriedly wrote a magic core list, clutched the parchment in his hand, and left as if to escape.

Seeing Stan's back, Lin Qi clapped his hands and thought for a while. There was really nothing left, and he was completely relieved.

As a result, as soon as I turned around, I saw Hawking and Palin who were standing there, looking at themselves with weird expressions, as if hiding problems with their stomachs...

I forgot to have teammates...

Lin Qi thought for a while, how can this be a teammate?

"Let's put it this way..." Lynch said as simple as possible: "I guess that the monster they encountered is a bit unusual. As long as they can get the monster this trip, it should exceed all the benefits of the hunt, so I chose Work with Kasman..."

"But, how do you know that the person is not lying to you? Even if it is true, how can he safely agree to cooperate with us? After all, we still worked with that Stan before..." Palin asked.

"Because of the alchemy circle I just left, as long as that Kasman has no problems in his head, he will definitely agree." Lynch shrugged.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. I believe we will definitely gain something this time!" Next, Lynch continued: "Of course, the monster controls the surroundings and it is very dangerous to deal with. Life is in danger, and I hope that Archmage Hawking can help..."

"As long as your guess is true." Hawking said slowly: "Then there is no problem."

"it is good."

Palin didn't say any more nonsense, just asked: "Then what are we doing now?"

"Of course it's a rest." Lynch pointed to the dark sky. The sun had turned into a small and fuzzy spot, and it was about to set west. "It's getting dark. You don't want to hurry up at night, do you? I'll talk about it tomorrow.


According to the habit cultivated by everyone, the three selected a snow **** sheltered from the wind, where they excavated a semi-underground soil nest by magic.

A little more petrification and activating flames were used to trim it. The moisture inside the soil nest disappeared, and the stone walls became solid and dry. Because of the burning of the activated flames, there was a slight warmth.

At night, the wind was violent outside, snowflakes were flying, and a small number of monsters that were looking for food at night began to go out. The sound of the cold wind was accompanied by the roar of various monsters from far or near.

But outside the small dirt nest where the three of Lynch hid, it was disguised as the same as the ground, even if there were real monsters passing by, it would be difficult to detect.

After laying on the thick animal skins, the three of them chatted a few words one after another. They could no longer withstand the fatigue during the day and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, a few people started to drive.

When he went to bed yesterday, Lynch had studied the list of magic cores that Stan left behind. There were actually more than a dozen kinds of magic cores.

If it wasn't for Stan that was so scared that he was about to pee on his pants, Lynch would really wonder if that Stan was playing tricks on himself.

But Lynch didn't care much about it. From another aspect, the more poisonous demon cores on the list, the more it shows that the blood of that monster is stronger and it is more beneficial to him.

"Although the number is indeed a bit high, but we are not in a hurry, it should be about the same... Let's go, the habitat of the blood silk spider is in front, and then hurry up..."

Immediately, Lynch unrolled the sheepskin scroll, confirmed the direction with Hawking and Palin, and set off again.

This is a wide snowfield. I don't know how long no one has set foot on it. The snow is smooth and thick, and it doesn't reach my thigh when I step on it.

Looking from the sky above, you can see a black spot the size of an ant on this endless snowy field, trekking **** the snow, leaving behind a string of messy footprints...

That's Stan...

Unlike Lynch and the others who rested all night, Stan is tired and hungry now, and he really feels like he wants to die...

After leaving Lynch, Stan rushed non-stop, even at night without taking a break. He walked in the cold wind all night at night and almost froze to death on the road.

Fortunately, the results were quite remarkable. When the sky was light, I walked hundreds of miles away.

According to Stan’s estimation, he should be able to find the camp soon...

In fact, this is indeed the case, but unfortunately, after finding the camp, there was no one inside. Stan rummaged through the camp, only to find a note left by Kasman, saying that he took someone out to hunt. It will take three days to come back.

Stan was really going to collapse.

I finally came back, you said you were not there?

If the enemy is playing with me, it’s fine. Everyone, do you want to play me like that?

But there is no way. As soon as three days are up, he becomes a scene of broken meat in the sky. Stan broke down and continued to gritted his teeth, forced himself to calm down, and continued to rush towards the place that Kasman mentioned on the note. go with……

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