The First Mage

Chapter 127: reason

Hawking, who had not spoken next to him, suddenly changed his complexion. A blazing light appeared from the top of the staff. He pointed straight at the young mage and fixed his eyes on the young mage's eyes: "You repeat, who sent him Are you here?"

The light at the top of the staff is extremely hot, as if any wrong answer will cause a surge of magical power to smash the young wizard's head.

Under this threat, the young mage's voice was trembling and crying: "It's really Kasman, me, if I lie, I will be thundered."

At this time, Hawking stared into the eyes of the young mage for a while, as if confirming that there was no problem, and then slowly retracted the staff, but his expression had become a little dignified.

Freed from the pressure of this life and death, the young mage was like paralyzed mud at the time, all about to collapse on the ground...

Lynch looked a little inexplicable: "Who is this Kasman...?"

At this moment, both Hawking and Palin looked at Lynch with a little surprise, as if Lynch didn’t know about it, it was strange...

"By the way, it hasn't been long since you came to Auckland College. I almost forgot."

Hawking suddenly slapped his head and reacted. In fact, this fellow Mafa Merlin hadn't been in school for a long time, and he hadn't experienced many things. In fact, he didn't know that these things were normal...

Seeing it hard, Lynch also had something that he didn't know. Palling immediately became energetic and introduced with some enthusiasm: "Speaking of this Kasman, that is really a legend..."

"Don't say anything else, first of all, in the Crimson Devil Realm, Kasman's publications and citations rank first!"

"That's it."

Lynch immediately understood what Palin said.

Unlike other forces, alchemy occupies a major position in the magic road of the Crimson Devil, and magic is an auxiliary.

This special magic path makes the Crimson Devil Realm have a very high knowledge conversion rate.

To put it simply, how much knowledge they have mastered can be immediately applied to their various alchemy creations, which can be converted into their own force.

High efficiency, no compromise.

The saying that knowledge is power is vividly reflected in the Crimson Devil Realm...

This Kasman occupies the first position in the Crimson Demon Realm that advocates absolute elitism, so the status and strength should naturally not be underestimated...

"By the way, why are you different from the average Crimson Devil Realm Mage..."

Thinking of this, Lynch glanced suspiciously at the young mage in front of him. This guy was sitting on the ground with a husky face, fighting so far, he played well in magic.

But it didn't reveal the scarlet demon realm mage's alchemy attainments.

"I, mine was... an accident." The young mage's face flushed suddenly.

"Unexpected? Understood..."

Lynch looked at the other party a few times, and suddenly realized that this should be an attempt to scare the three of him at first, but he was afraid of being seen as an outsider, so he did not dare to expose his true alchemy skills. , But there is no chance to use real technology...

Before Lynch could continue to ask questions, Hawking's face was a little serious, and he continued: "In the past few years, we and the Crimson Devil Realm have always kept the water in the water. Now Kasman has suddenly sent someone to invade our side. You need to know that this neighborhood is still the site of our Oakland College after all."

"So, this guy is a spy?" Palling suddenly looked at the shivering young mage with some suspicion. This psychological quality can also be a spy?

"No, no." This word fell in the ears of the young mage, and he immediately struck a spirit, lest he could not tell, he was really killed as a spy, and quickly explained: "I just came to collect a few specific demons. Nuclear, it really has no other meaning."

Speaking of this, seeing that the gaze falling on me is still a little unkind, I quickly added: "I have evidence. I have a few magic cores on my body. They are the same as the magic cores of the Flower of Dark Rot. They are very poisonous. And it’s unique to you... how can the spies collect these things..."


Lin Qi was reminded so that he was manipulating the blood vine, groping for a while from the young mage, and he found a few magic cores.

It's almost as explained to the young mage...

Windbirds, poisonous lizards, ice snakes, plus their own dark-corrupted flowers, are the cores of poisonous beasts, and each of them is a top beast that can only be seen in their own area.

It is indeed difficult for these kinds of monsters to hunt in other places.

The young mage observed Lynch’s face and said cautiously: “Now you believe me, I’m really not a spy, at best I’m hunting across the border...”

Hearing this, Lynch had no interest in the young mage anymore, and turned to look at Hawking: "According to the rules, how to deal with cross-border hunting."

"Anything will do."


"That was the way it was originally." Hawking looked indifferent: "While hunting in Winter, it's normal to die a few wizards at random, and it's a cross-border hunt."


Hearing the other party discussing his own life and death there, the young mage was panicked and said quickly: "I, I still know a lot of things, I'm very useful! Don't, don't kill me"

Hawking glanced at him, as if asking casually: "Then first tell me, why did Kasman ask you to collect these poisonous cores? Wouldn't you want to poison anyone?"

"No, no, in fact... we also want to save people..."

"Save people?"

"Yes..." Seeing that he seemed to have finally saved his life, the young mage breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a bit of complaint: "We are unlucky this time and brought out a waste..."

Having said this, the young mage sighed and explained: "That's it... originally this hunt went well, but there is a mage among us, he... In short, he put himself in danger for some boring things. Circumstances, in order to save him, Kasman thought of a way, but a lot of poisonous demon cores are needed...this will motivate us to collect them everywhere."

"You?" Lynch glanced at him more when he heard the word, "How many people?"

"It's almost like... twenty or so people..." At this point, the young mage was still a bit aggrieved: "Because of that waste, we all have to go out and run, and this hunt is ruined by him alone. "

"Really..." Hawking's face was somewhat suspicious: "I don't remember that Kasman is the kind of nosy person, are you lying?"

You know, it's normal to kill a few wizards in Winter's hunt. How could it interfere with the hunting of so many people for the life of a certain person?

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