The First Mage

Chapter 123: Wind rat

Just because of the cunning nature of this beast, it is one of the more difficult to catch in the first-order beast.

"Don't disturb it," Lynch reminded.

"Got it." At Lynch's motion, Palin quickly covered his mouth, not daring to speak.

When Hawking saw the wind rat appearing, he changed his expression and quietly held his wand in his hand.

This wind rat looked very humane, and he probed his head there for a while, as if to confirm that there was no one, it came out very quickly.

It soon reached the powder that Hawking had spilled, and began to lick the food while looking around vigilantly. After a while, maybe it was finally found that there was no danger, and then he ate with satisfaction...

However, just when the wind rat was about to eat and drink, Hawking suddenly moved. Following a strong wave of magic, Hawking waved his staff forward, and a rocket technique had already gone out.

The wind rat was already full, and his speed became a little slow. Even if he reacted, he couldn't avoid it at all. With the extremely high temperature of the white rocket, the "boom" hit the wind rat in the abdomen.

This monster that was difficult for ordinary wizards to capture was directly blown out and fell to the ground.

After twitching twice on the spot, the wind rat stopped moving, completely turning into a mass of scorched and scorched flesh...

"Master Hawking, it turns out that your powder is attracting wind rats..."

Palin dared to step forward at this time, and curiously twisted the powder that the wind rat hadn't finished eating and looked at it: "But this has nothing to do with the flower of dark rot..."

Hawking ignored it. Instead, he quickly picked up the dead wind rat and tore it into pieces. The blood of the wind rat suddenly spread...

Lynch watched the whole process by the side, and he also understood: "Is this wind rat as a bait for the Flower of Dark Rot?"

Hawking didn't mean to conceal it. He tidied up quickly and nodded: "Yes, that dark flower likes to eat fresh wind-rat meat, but he has to add something that the teacher personally configures."

With that said, Hawking took out a little powder and sprinkled it on the torn corpse of the wind rat. Sure enough, the **** smell on the wind rat suddenly became extremely strong, as if dozens of wind rat were killed here. .

With that said, Hawking looked like he put it away carefully, and when he saw Lynch’s curious look, he explained it a little bit: “The teacher calls it the beast powder. Sprinkling it on any monster can make it smell. Disperse ten times, usually to set up traps..."

Lynch also nodded to the magical effect of this powder. The Rudolph teacher usually does not show up and leaks, but he has extremely rich experience in the detailed application of this alchemy...

After finishing the arrangement, Hawking briefly talked about the capture experience, and the three of them hid, waiting for the appearance of the dark flower.

This time without waiting long, a black shadow burst out of the ground.

This thing is really the same as the legend, the speed is extremely fast, and people can't respond.

But among the three people who had prepared for the round up, this dark flower was a bit tragedy...

A swamp art directly rushed out of Hawking’s hands. In an instant, the speed of the flower of dark rot back to the ground slowed down a lot, and Palin used a petrification art after discussing it, making the ground quickly become Harden up.

The flower of dark rot was retracted in half, stuck directly in the middle, unable to advance or retreat...

At this time, in Lynch's hands, a rocket technique rose up, and hit the dark flower of the dilemma...


When the blazing white sparks that flew in all directions dissipated, it exposed the flower of dark corruption that had fallen into rage.

Half of the flower body swayed violently, while the center of the big and thick black petals was a mouth full of sharp teeth, roaring fiercely.

The dark flower took the next blow, but it didn't seem to have suffered much damage. It just spit out black venom more crazily and fell on the ground, making a sneer of corrosion...

Seeing that the effect of his own blow was not great, but Lynch was not surprised. Hawking had introduced the dark and corrupt flowers long ago. After absorbing the blood and flesh of the moon wolf, they got all-round improvement.

The physical body alone, compared to the ordinary Tier 1 monster, is not a little bit stronger, and it can definitely not be solved by a rocket technique.

However, he is not an ordinary mage...

The magic furnace is operating at full capacity, and the powerful magic power seems to be endless, instantly supporting the second rocket technique, and then the third and fourth...

All of a sudden, Lynch's magic power seemed to be money-free, and the rocket technique poured out almost without interruption, constantly hitting the flower of dark corruption.

Under this fierce spell bombardment, there is no need for Hawking and Palin to take action. They only need to pay attention not to be splashed by the black venom that has lost their accuracy, and then control the spells with the stitches.

Since the appearance of this dark and corrupt flower, it has no chance to breathe. It was suppressed firmly there, and the thick black petals were continuously bombarded, accompanied by sparks.

A stream of black mucus with slivers of silver light, flowing out of its fragmented wounds that had been blown up, fell on the ground, as heavy as mercury, and quickly penetrated along the seams of the ground.


Lynch's eyes suddenly lit up. The heavy, iron-like silver blood was the characteristic of the legendary moon wolf. It seemed that under the imperceptibility, this dark and corrupt flower really possessed a trace of the moon wolf's blood.

But Lynch was not in a hurry, still maintaining a constant casting speed, and the rockets smashed out one by one.

Suddenly, the violent explosions in the forest were endless, and the dazzling white brilliance would drive the dimness away. The roar of the dark and corrupt flower also lost its ferociousness, leaving only the painful and miserable, it hangs weakly on the ground. , Twitching from time to time...

But Lynch didn't mean to stop at all.

For the next ten seconds, the spells still didn't stop at all. This prestigious flower of Dark Corruption, under the impact of these spells, has now completely lost its original face, and at best can only be called the Flower of Suspected Corruption. Objects...

"I said... almost..."

Palin stayed next to him all the way. At this moment, he swallowed his mouth when he saw the state of the dark flower. When he looked at Lynch, his eyes were already very strange...

And you fighting like this?

A spell from beginning to end, like a squandering catharsis, what kind of tactic is this?

I killed you with magic power?

Not to mention the flower of dark corruption, even if an archmage stood here and was restrained and unable to move, it would not last long.

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