The First Mage

Chapter 116: Body elementalization

Falun and Karl also shot, one after another spells blasted toward the sea of ​​flames!


At this moment, only to see the dark blue viper that was submerged by the spell, there was a sudden burst of white cold air, which suddenly broke through the turbulent sea of ​​fire.

As the snowflakes fell, the frost element became stronger than ever, and the momentum of the countless fire spells that was suppressed was slowed down.

The frost element blended and confronted the sea of ​​fire, and only heard a sneer, and a large amount of fog was diffused, floating in the entire ice valley...

At the same time, a stern cold wind suddenly spread, and the frost element turned into a tornado, tearing the sea of ​​fire, and then suddenly swept toward Falun's countless fire spells!


The astonishing frost tornado, and the countless fire spells, suddenly shook frontally, and suddenly seemed to be shocked by the entire ice valley.

A series of fine cracks spread rapidly in all directions of this ice valley.

The frost element and the fire element are frantically intertwined in the air...

Looking at this scene, Lin Qi was shaking in his heart, feeling the terrifying power in it, and at the same time quietly concealed his body a little deeper.

The intensity of this kind of battle is at the top among the wizards...

But at this time, the alchemy golem had already exploded fire spells while striding into the battlefield. It had undergone a special modification, and its armor had amazing frost resistance.

At this time, in an unstoppable posture, he tore open the frost tornado, slammed into the sea of ​​fire, and pushed in towards the deep blue viper.

The deep blue viper roared, and immediately, ice cones and ice spears suddenly appeared in the void, and they shot towards the alchemy golem.


Suddenly, the body of the alchemy golem trembles constantly, even if it is extremely resistant to the frost attribute, but the amazing impact force still caused considerable damage to it.

There were cracks in the armor everywhere, and the metal fragments broke out. Even some weak parts of the armor were nailed to the ice cone and the ice spear.

At this time, the magic furnace in its body burst out with a roaring sound of operation, and the terrifying magic transmission was expanded to the extreme, and the dense magic seals on its body were shining rapidly.

A flame actually rolled out from the gap in the body, and the whole structure was turned into a flame giant, burning the spears and ice cones embedded in the body.

He abruptly resisted those spells, stepped forward towards the dark blue viper, and finally slammed out a punch, which hit the dark blue viper's head directly...


Under this punch, there was a bit of sorrow and pain in the deep blue viper's roar.

Large pieces of new scales broke apart, and a piece of blood wafted out.

Then I saw that the deep blue viper seemed crazy.

It broke out a wave of violent magical power fluctuations, and a frost storm swept out, almost covering the sky and the sun.


A large frost storm swept through everything, and when the momentum was astonishing, after it took shape, it rushed towards the alchemy golem.

Facing the dark blue viper's eruption, Falun also changed his face and immediately said, "Prepare!"

Carl also nodded with a nervous expression on his face, and then took out a black scroll in his hand. The surface of this scroll revealed a strange wave of magic, faintly causing the surrounding fire elements to violently.

At this time, Carl and Hawking did not hesitate at all, but their faces were a little dignified and magical, slowly stretched out their hands, and joined forces to violently tear the scroll.


In an instant, a fiery wave of fiery magic power burst out suddenly, and a dark cloud slowly formed in the dark blue viper sky.

In the dark clouds, there are black flames gathering there...

Among the dark clouds, countless flames swept out suddenly, forming a black rain of fire that covered the sky and the sun, and it fell one after another toward the frost storm.

The scorching black flame spread rapidly, and after meeting the frost storm, there was a sneer and fierce confrontation.

In the middle of the battlefield, it turned into a **** of ice and fire.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the alchemy golem also took the opportunity to attack, and the body was carrying a huge might, and rushed towards the deep blue viper.

At this moment, the deep blue viper was also extremely frightened. These human beings have burst out with powerful power again and again, is this really challenging themselves?

With its earth-shaking roar, the frost element that wandered wildly in the air suddenly received a signal, swept away with the dark blue viper as its core.

For a while, the frost storm in the ice valley almost was not sucked up, and all gathered around the dark blue viper.

At this moment, I saw that the injured place of the deep blue viper was rapidly forming a layer of ice ballast, the blood stopped, and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Its dark eyes became deeper and deeper and more fierce, staring at the alchemy golem and Falun's group, with the killing intent as real.

Then it suddenly moved, and the huge body swept up. Its entire body actually appeared crystallized and became a little crystal clear. The entire body seemed to merge with the frost element regardless of each other.

When it soared into the sky, it naturally set off an extremely powerful frost storm, carrying all the power in its body, and it was an impact towards the Falun and the alchemy golem.

This seems to be its last blow, containing all its power.

"This is... body elementalization?!"

When Lin Qi looked at the deep blue viper that rushed out with a terrifying aura, his pupils shrank slightly.

The elementalization of the body is a special magical ability. The elementalization of the body makes it immune to almost all physical attacks. It also possesses all the characteristics of the frost element.

And this kind of magical ability is extremely rare among the mages, and it can be met but not sought. This deep blue viper actually did it...

However, before he waited for a long time to marvel, an unexpected sneer appeared on Falun's face.

"Hehe, this guy is really anxious, the last resort can be used..."

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