The First Mage

Chapter 110: Guide

"No, it's just a few mages. Hawking is the big head. He likes to be a hero so much. Then we will work together to encircle him."

Falun said lightly, as expected, now the biggest threat in Falun's eyes is Hawking.

Otherwise, you can let it go temporarily.

Carl nodded as he watched the scene where the mages were running away. In this environment, without the leadership of the mages, the survival of these mages is a problem, and the impact on the battle situation is not great, so there is no need to distract them.

After that, he squinted his eyes and focused his eyes on the two Hawkings who were left behind. Now there is an alchemy golem behind the two Hawkings blocking the way, and there is a beast awakened and rushing in front of them.

Later, I can put on a good show for them...

And at this time, the alchemy golem also took a big step, the giant body, towards the two Hawking, suddenly approached the past, the huge shadow, with a suffocating sense of oppression.

Both Hawking and both had calm faces. As the mage of the dark furnace tower, they were very familiar with this alchemy golem themselves, and they wouldn't be frightened, and they knew how to target them.

So even if the alchemy golem is Tier 3, they still have the power to fight!

Suddenly, a powerful wave of magical power erupted from both of them, only to see a magic spell flying out of them.

For a while, spells flew in the sky, almost covering their presence.


But the many spells bombarded the alchemy golem, but they all exploded like fireworks. The alchemy golem itself is a war machine, and its spell resistance is unparalleled.

Hardly resisting those many spells, towards the two of them, they approached the past with great difficulty...

At the same time, countless magic talisman seals lit up on it, and a fire burst out in its hand, and a powerful wave of magical power began to diffuse, and it actually began to brew spells.

Hawking had a calm complexion, only let Les maintain his output there, while he separated himself, distracting the alchemy golem.

At the same time, he used a series of spells to bombard the magic output components hidden in the secret place. Based on his understanding of the alchemy golem, he could accurately bombard the key points every time, and interrupted the alchemy golem several times. Like the magic output.

For a time, the two sides were in a difficult fight.

This alchemy golem, which should have been able to crush everything with a strong body, was actually restrained by the combined efforts of the two...

However, Falun didn't have any worries over there, just watching this scene condescendingly, the alchemy golem itself was specially assembled for the purpose of designing the dark blue viper and aiming at its weakness.

It doesn't have much advantage to deal with mages like Hawking. Right now, this alchemy golem doesn't have to directly defeat the two of them, as long as it can contain it, consume a lot of magic power, and cause certain injuries to it.

At that time, it should be oneself and others, and it will be harvested personally...


At the same time, Lynch had already dispersed with the wizards, and fled out of the glacier.

Only after escaping a certain distance, I went to a high place, turned around and looked into the ice valley, saw the scene of the magical surge, and couldn't help but frowned: "It's not so good..."

Now the situation is really troublesome, the two archmages are in a heavy siege, and there are many dangers.

This is said to be a breakout and rendezvous together later, but in fact, it is not easy for them to survive. If they have to continue to plan the dark blue viper, I am afraid it is a little unrealistic...

Originally for the wizards, this was nothing, it would be great to survive, and the mission of the Deep Blue Viper would fail if it failed.

But Lynch can't do that. The cheating system is very realistic. It only recognizes tasks and does not recognize people. If it fails and deducts a lot of attributes, I am afraid that I will have to vomit most of the gains during this time.

How to do?

Lin Qi looked at the violent magical fluctuations in the distance, frowned deeply, waiting for the intensity of the battle, he could not help...

The strength of this second-level mage is still too low!

However, at this moment, something suddenly moved in Lin Qi's arms. Lin Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then he took out the thing, and suddenly looked a little strange...

The thing that has changed is the extended armor.

No, to be precise, it is the gray light on the extended armor.

At this time, the gray light broke away from the extended armor again, and swayed for a while, as if trying to drag the extended armor in one direction, as if there was something there that attracted it extremely.

"What the hell?"

Lynch looked at the gray light in surprise, and felt something was wrong.

This gray light had changed once before, and this helped him find the parchment and brought him here.

After that, I still want to study the principle. What is going on with this gray light?

But afterwards, I couldn't figure it out, and this gray light didn't move anymore...

What is going on now? Why did it happen again, and the reaction this time was even more intense than the last time.

At this time, the gray light's abnormal movement became more and more intense, and even the extended armor that was dragged trembled, as if it wanted to fly forward, but it seemed to have insufficient power and could not fly a few meters. ...

"What is there to attract it?"

Lynch was also a little puzzled, frowning and looking forward, but there was nothing there, and there was nothing to see.

What does this mean?

Is there something like that parchment roll? What attracts it?

"Could it be that the role of this gray light is that the treasure hunt is not successful?"

Lynch looked at the gray light a little strangely. From the previous experience, there must be a reason for this gray light. I am afraid there should be something that is not inferior to the parchment, which is attracting it.

But it doesn't seem to be right. A true spirit construct is actually equipped with a treasure hunter, which is a bit strange...

But if it's not right, what would it be...

"do not care."

Lynch is not a hesitating temper. At this time, there is no result after thinking about it, so I don’t think about it anymore. Anyway, I can’t look back now. It’s better to follow this gray light to see what is going on. Attract it.

If you can get something that is not inferior to that parchment paper, then this trip will not be considered white!

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